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The New Condem Government


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Yeah, on other issues she spoke a littany of terrific rubbish, but on this issue at least it's good to see there are voices still prepared to oppose needless violence, ala clare short and robin cook

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It always seemed like a betrayal that Warsi, whose family belong to what the Indian government call a backward caste ("socially and educationally disadvantaged"), should belong to a party which seems intent on creating a caste system in this country.


Obviously, with the deafening silence of the government over Gaza, her position just became untenable.

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It always seemed like a betrayal that Warsi, whose family belong to what the Indian government call a backward caste ("socially and educationally disadvantaged"), should belong to a party which seems intent on creating a caste system in this country.


Obviously, with the deafening silence of the government over Gaza, her position just became untenable.


Why are they silent on this issue though ? What have the got to lose if they actually state what they think ?

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It always seemed like a betrayal that Warsi, whose family belong to what the Indian government call a backward caste ("socially and educationally disadvantaged"), should belong to a party which seems intent on creating a caste system in this country.


Obviously, with the deafening silence of the government over Gaza, her position just became untenable.


Why are they silent on this issue though ? What have the got to lose if they actually state what they think ?



My guess would be that they are aligned with American thinking, which presumably is based on the belief that peace cannot be sustained until there is a clear and definite winner, which can only be allowed to be Israel.


Cameron is saying as little as possible and obviously instructing his MPs to do the same because he obviously wishes to avoid controversy; Warsi's resignation has scuppered that plan, somewhat.


It seems likely that Cameron was hoping that once parliament opens on Sept 1st, the media and public will lose interest in Gaza, as we enter a 12 month period which will contain the Scottish referendum and a General Election, and during the interim he could avoid controversy or upsetting the Americans.

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It always seemed like a betrayal that Warsi, whose family belong to what the Indian government call a backward caste ("socially and educationally disadvantaged"), should belong to a party which seems intent on creating a caste system in this country.


Obviously, with the deafening silence of the government over Gaza, her position just became untenable.


Why are they silent on this issue though ? What have the got to lose if they actually state what they think ?



Because politicians in Britain are tragically obsessed with the 'special relationship', to the extent that they would rather squander potential votes than do anything to cause Foggy Bottom to look askance at them. 

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It's very strange to be in a position where I'm in support of the awful warsi. She's finally done something right. It makes me feel weird. Tory in doing the right thing shocker.

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It's very strange to be in a position where I'm in support of the awful warsi. She's finally done something right. It makes me feel weird. Tory in doing the right thing shocker.


She was interviewed tonight and it turned out to be yet another example of how, once a politician is released from the necessity of repeating the insufferable cant of the party mantras, they become properly human and start making sense.

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It always seemed like a betrayal that Warsi, whose family belong to what the Indian government call a backward caste ("socially and educationally disadvantaged"), should belong to a party which seems intent on creating a caste system in this country.


Obviously, with the deafening silence of the government over Gaza, her position just became untenable.


Why are they silent on this issue though ? What have the got to lose if they actually state what they think ?



My guess would be that they are aligned with American thinking, which presumably is based on the belief that peace cannot be sustained until there is a clear and definite winner, which can only be allowed to be Israel.


Cameron is saying as little as possible and obviously instructing his MPs to do the same because he obviously wishes to avoid controversy; Warsi's resignation has scuppered that plan, somewhat.


It seems likely that Cameron was hoping that once parliament opens on Sept 1st, the media and public will lose interest in Gaza, as we enter a 12 month period which will contain the Scottish referendum and a General Election, and during the interim he could avoid controversy or upsetting the Americans.



OK,  thanks.  It's all a bit pathetic from Cameron.  He likes to make himself out as some kind of family man etc while backing Israel,  the 2 don't go togehter.  Either denounce Israel for war crimes ór we should just assume he and his supporters are into children being blown to bits.  SImple as that I think.  

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I think attitudes about the rights and wrongs of Israel and the Palestinians roughly follow a left-right split and there is definitely a left-right split between the attitudes towards children and family.


Lefties usually have values about the responsibility of everyone to look after all children and the Right tend to demand the right to protect their own children at the cost of others', with guns, or by transporting them in four-by-fours armed with bull-bars, which offer more protection for the kinds who ride in them but are far more dangerous to children who might be hit by them.


If there is one defining characteristic possessed by Tories it is that they care substantially more about their own children than for other people's, when it comes to health, education and life-chances.


That attitude reveals itself in just about every aspect of their philosophy, attitudes towards Gaza seem to follow that pattern.

Edited by blandy
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I think attitudes about the rights and wrongs of Israel and the Palestinians roughly follow a left-right split and there is definitely a left-right split between the attitudes towards children and family.




Lefties usually have values about the responsibility of everyone to look after all children and the Right tend to demand the right to protect their own children at the cost of others', with guns, or by transporting them in four-by-fours armed with bull-bars, which offer more protection for the kinds who ride in them but are far more dangerous to children who might be hit by them.


If there is one defining characteristic possessed by Tories it is that they care substantially more about their own children than for other people's, when it comes to health, education and life-chances.


That attitude reveals itself in just about every aspect of their philosophy, attitudes towards Gaza seem to follow that pattern.


Thanks.  It really is unbelievable that people vote for them but on the other hand they probably do it blind without thinking about the consequences for others which is the main problem here.


It's always the same with UK politics,  no one can ever ask a straight question to Cameron.  "Do you agree with the killing of civilians in Gaza ?" Yes or NO and so on.  Frustrating.

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The millionaire fare-dodger that was discussed on here lost his job. Heh.


What he did was wrong, no doubt, but if the train company accepted his pay-off then why did the BTP launch a criminal investigation?

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If there is one defining characteristic possessed by Tories it is that they care substantially more about their own children than for other people's, when it comes to health, education and life-chances.




If you think that that's a 'Tory' characteristic only, you are so far off the scale wrong as to be in a different timezone. 

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The millionaire fare-dodger that was discussed on here lost his job. Heh.


What he did was wrong, no doubt, but if the train company accepted his pay-off then why did the BTP launch a criminal investigation?



I don't know what they cover exactly. Maybe because of the scale of his fraud. He was screwed anyway with the FCA looking into it.

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Carswell defects to UKIP and resigns from seat (intends to stand in by-election).

Presumably thinks he has more chance of winning his seat again as a kipper than a Tory? If he forces by election now, does that mean he doesn't have to stand again in 8 months time? I thought every single seat is up for grabs come GE time?


If so, slightly odd move at this point?

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