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Could you change that team for the next game?


Could you change that team for the next game?  

117 members have voted

  1. 1. Could you change that team for the next game?

    • Changes for the Burnley game?
    • Keep the same team?

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I thought we were good today.

Bolton aren't great but they are no worse than Wet Spam, Wolves and Blackburn?

Great to see two proper full backs. Carlos slotted in really well and looked a better CB playing alongside an experienced partner.

Jimmy and Ash both had as good a game as I've seen them play this season. The CM pair worked excellently - NRC was very efficient and gave little away and Sidders ran his nuts off and they interchanged well when NRC did drive forward.

Strikers worked well and as a pair.

I want to see the same team go to Burnley and will be very disappointed if MON makes any changes. Players in keep their shirt until they have an off day??

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only person id change would be sidwell, bring in stan and let NRC partner him. sidwell was good for the first 20 today, got stuck in and made some good runs forward. but then he did his disappearing act again, he started to get muscled off the ball easily and gave it away a few times with some awful passes. he also somehow missed that header and then the rebound on the penalty

i dont know whether its a confidence thing but he just isnt really getting hold of the ball enough and doing something with it, particulaly in the final third where he is meant to be good. he also seems to stand next to opposition players, doesnt make himself available for the pass. cant fault his workrate off the ball, he puts players under pressure (though he cant tackle very well so doesnt actually win it much), but i think he needs to start doing more things on the ball.

id like to see how NRC and petrov do together

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O, I reckon changing the team would probably send out the wrong message. I mean FFS, We've just won a game 5-1. "These are crap, we only played Bolton."

Well we haven't scored 5 since we beat Blues in 07-08 season, so something must of been right, balance was right, two hard working midfielders who kept the ball and gave it simple as soon as they won it. Milner and Young terrorising defenders, both attackers playing brilliantly. Why change, what does Petrov honestly offer I mean seriously? How many times has he done out on the pitch and dominated a game? How many times has he created opportunities for us, how many times has he really domianted a game with his passing from deep. The answer is really not many. So he's offering us the fact he can play sideways and backward passes and lack of energy, great.

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I'd keep NRC in for Petrov if only to give him a rest. It must be noted that Bolton were pitiful today and I mean shite. Nigel played well though and deserves a run of games in the middle. I'd keep Luke in at right back and bring back Collins when fit. Cueller did well today at CB but is no right back.

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Why change, what does Petrov honestly offer I mean seriously? How many times has he done out on the pitch and dominated a game? How many times has he created opportunities for us, how many times has he really domianted a game with his passing from deep. The answer is really not many. So he's offering us the fact he can play sideways and backward passes and lack of energy, great.

Do you actually mean anything seriously? Or were you painting him (Petrov) as the modern Ray Wilkins from the get go? :?

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Collins should be left out, no point in rushing him back and him picking up another injury (remember Laursen?). It also helps build another central defensive partnership, which is useful to cover for injuries and suspensions. The Sidwell /Petrov thing is a little harder to judge, I would like Petrov back in the team, but would also like to keep NRC as captain, which wont happen if Petrov is back in the team.

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Reo Coker deserves to be captain in my opinion. He's waited quite some time for another game and when it comes around he is given the armband. He was very good today, I'd keep him in the side. He's always been one of my favourite players. He's far better than Sidwell.

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5-1 today because the team had no golden boy passengers - Heskey, Petrov - 11 players, all in there correct positions , - however pretty sure MON will restore petrov at the expense of NRC - and as the very least Heskey will come off the bench.

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I thought we were good today.

Bolton aren't great but they are no worse than Wet Spam, Wolves and Blackburn?

Great to see two proper full backs. Carlos slotted in really well and looked a better CB playing alongside an experienced partner.

Jimmy and Ash both had as good a game as I've seen them play this season. The CM pair worked excellently - NRC was very efficient and gave little away and Sidders ran his nuts off and they interchanged well when NRC did drive forward.

Strikers worked well and as a pair.

I want to see the same team go to Burnley and will be very disappointed if MON makes any changes. Players in keep their shirt until they have an off day??

Great points made

Cuellar IS a centre back, judge him there after a few games, he'll be fine.

Ash has been off it all season, today he's back and destroyed them!

When he plays well even Carew shows interest strangely enough.

Playing players in their positions is a novel idea, wonder if Fergie et al have considered this radical approach?

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Playing players in their positions is a novel idea, wonder if Fergie et al have considered this radical approach?

Judging how often Fergie does play players out of position, no I don't think he has considered this radical approach. You really haven't followed his team selections at all have you?

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