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Last day at work today, wasnt expecting anything but a bit miffed that all I got was a handshake from my one gaffer and a hug and a kiss of my female boss. Got a card and some alcohol from the reception staff but still..... bloody rocket polishers.

Oh and sup jenny, you good?

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Daft question , but was our Paintshop Pro thread where we created magic moments from football , some of which were Premier League related , violating copyright ??

Probably. I know some legal type that could advise you for a couple of hundred quid an hour. As those were trying to recreate a scene rather than a direct copy in a different media there are other defences. Like I said though, even if it's technically an infringement, could the rights holder claim that they'd lost anything?

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Daft question , but was our Paintshop Pro thread where we created magic moments from football , some of which were Premier League related , violating copyright ??

Amazing topic.

Second to the slightly more awesome "Draw Your Favourite..." Topic, which I think got unfortunately "pruned" from the site :(

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The goat got torched again :D 22 of 37 have gone up in flames since 1966.

Game over for this year's Gävle Christmas goat

Published: 13 Dec 12 07:13 CET

Arsonists have managed to burn this year's edition of the iconic Gävle Christmas goat to the ground just before midnight on Wednesday.

When emergency services reached the scene the straw structure had already been completely destroyed by the fire. No one was hurt in the blaze.

The site in central Gävle has been cordoned off and police have opened an investigation into vandalism.

"We haven't arrested anyone," Gävle police duty officer Johan Fredriksson told the TT news agency.

"Personally, I think this is a shame. It's fun that the goat is so famous but it would also be nice if it could be left alone," he said.

CCTV footage shows as many as three to four potential suspects.

The police do not know how the arsonists managed to set fire to the goat, as the fire brigade had hosed it down earlier in the evening, which would have frozen almost instantly

The goat's ghostwriter on its merjuligavle.se blog wrote:

"Another one of those unpleasant visits last night. But I'm fine and am doing well."

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