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Was that the wanking hand

Nope, but wanking requires redundant systems. Always do leftie workouts. A RAID1 controller if you will

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I've just done my back in at work, was carrying tiles up onto the roof and it gave way. I've informed by boss and I've filled an accident form in on site, I'm self employed so I won't get any sick pay. The thing is the scaffold is not the legal requirement and I've told my boss this but he don't seem that interested. I've got to sit in the van all day now because I can't work and even if I could the site won't allow me to do anymore work until they know I'm fully recovered. If I have more than three days off an investigation will start by the HSE. The site we are working on are being clearings in the woods, they can't see how I've done it. First time ever my back has gone, my back is pretty broad and strong but somethings happend. Just can't afford time off work that's what's worrying me.

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I've just done my back in at work, was carrying tiles up onto the roof and it gave way.

Your back gave way, or the roof?


scenario a: Your back gave way whilst you were carrying tiles up onto the roof.

scenario b: your back gave way after you fell through the roof, which had given way.


I'm guessing a?


:detect:  :P

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Yeah A ha. Don't think I'd be on here if the roof gave way. What's pissed me off though is the attitude of one of the major home builders in the uk. They don't give a shit and are trying to cover their arse.

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RV, have you got private insurance cover for that? A bit late to mention it now, I know, but a few of my mates are self employed and play football at a fairly serious level. So they have income protection / injury insurance for when a tackle a goes wrong and they can't work / walk for a week. Feels expensive right up to the point where you need it. Anyway, one to think of later maybe. 

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Not now, but one for the future when you're up and running again, might also be worth asking around about any decent sports physio's in your area. Somebody that can diagnose a pull or a sprain and maybe suggest a way of speeding up recovery.

Might be handy having someone's number in your phone that come can around and suggest it needs a decent deep massage or you need to get yourself a doctor appointment. The alternative of going to the GP or A&E is free, but costs time and effort and can be a ball ache. 


None of this from direct experience, but like I say, having mates that work the sites and play footy they do use insurance and physio's to keep themselves playing and getting paid.


I also work on sites, but tend to just stare at upside down drawings and point at stuff. You know the sort.

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RV have a look at this website. http://www.athletestreatingathletes.com/


Shows you how to sort out issues yourself.


Doctor wont do anything unless it is a private one. Chiropractor maybe part of the answer but it wont solve all your issues and once you're in their web it is a long time and a lot of money before you get out. Trust me I know this whole industry very well through personal experience and lots of friends who work in it.


I would say Chiros are the biggest scam artists of the lot. From what you have said it sounds like you sprained your back through overloading the weight and not carrying with great form. A chiro will probably tell you it is because your legs aren't the same length or something like that.


The website above will give you the tools to treat the symptoms without spending loads of money.

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Yeah I agree with you mate, docs will just throw some tablets at me, and after reading about chiro's I thought straight away that it would mean keep revisting and handing money over. Cheers mate for that. Its got a lot worse since I last posted about it.

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