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The Film Thread


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So, last night when I came home from work I was going to watch a movie and searched through my DVD-collection and looking for a movie I had never seen. There are too many of those in my collection, for some reason. Anyway, chose to watch this:


What a great film. One of the absolute best I've seen in a long, long time. Eastwood is quite a good director. At least he's made some really good films in the last years. The only thing I missed in this one was to see that the idiot Billy Blue got punished. Apart from that small detail that didn't take anything from the film I'd say it was 4/5 for me.

Edit: Picture broken again, hopefully it works now.

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Saw Just go with it.. was a good movie.

*shakes head sadly*

Recipe for an Adam Sandler movie

1/2 cup of shit acting

2lbs forced laughs

2 Tbs of humiliation

1 tsp of toilet humour

A liberal sprinkling of unmeditated violence, if kicks in the balls are in season use freely

Apart from Punch Drunk Love, which is a fine fine film.

And I know it's a favourite VT past-time to point out the one or two exceptions to what is a pretty accurate generalisation, but I also thought Spanglish was a pleasant enough little film.
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Bah, nuts to you lot 'cos I loved Billy Madison. Predominantly because I can strongly identity with the titular character in so much as:

1) I'm a gibbering idiot and...

2) I suffer from the very real fear that my life is being usurped by a man-sized penguin.

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Apart from Punch Drunk Love, which is a fine fine film.

Thought he was good in Reign over me too.

The annoying thing with him is that he CAN act, but chooses to churn out these awful 'comedies' instead. I'm sure he could pick a few more challenging roles amongst the dross but I suppose the almighty dollar dominates.

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The Eagle..saw it last night and it was better than i thought...a quick question..is hadrians wall still standing today ??
Bits of it, yeah. Google for details.
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Apart from Punch Drunk Love, which is a fine fine film.

Thought he was good in Reign over me too.

The annoying thing with him is that he CAN act, but chooses to churn out these awful 'comedies' instead. I'm sure he could pick a few more challenging roles amongst the dross but I suppose the almighty dollar dominates.

I agree with your comments but what exactly defines success?

Excellent character acting with academy award nominations or worldwide fame and mutli million pound actor.

Success can be measured in many ways and i don't think Sandler could have achieved much more than he has done really.

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Thought he was good in Reign over me too.

Reign over me is a fine, fine film. Not at all like a typical Sandler film.

He also has a remarkable likeness to Bob Dylan aswell.

Google shows ya!

Agreed, 'Reign Over Me' is very good. Don Cheadle is good in it too if I remember right. I think I'll need to dig it out and have another watch as it has been a while.

Back on Sandler, I actually thought he was good in 'Funny People'. The film wasn't brilliant but certainly worth a watch.

I'm sure I read somewhere a while ago that Sandler has the best initial cost to profit ratio. Most of his films are made cheap and end up netting millions more. I'm not his biggest fan but whatever he does seems to be working.

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