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The Spanish Football/la Liga Thread


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I guess having no world cup to go to means that Bale has spent the summer in the gym. 

Excellent work by Dr Fuentes


I really hope Fuentes has no involvement, unfortunately that would be extremely naive of me. Bale is a special case, very much like Ronaldo in being the perfect committed athlete with world class footballing ability, I wouldnt want that tainted. 

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Haha, I don't think so, he was in good shape at spurs by the end. I actually think him improving his athleticism was what took him from being a fullback having difficulty putting his mark on a game to what he is now. We could do with a few athletes at our club.

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We've got a few excellent athletes at Villa to be fair. Some skill wouldn't go amiss. :lol:


Fwiw, I don't think Bale has put on much (if any) weight, it's just a bit of lighting / angles. Here's another pic from the same session:




He looks lean as shit though.

Edited by ArteSuave
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Fat burning drugs such as Methylhhexanamine are all the rage at the moment.


Using Ronaldo as an example of a clean athlete?  C'mon son!


saying Ronaldo is dirty?



Safe enough to assume pretty much all players in Spain & Italy have taken or are taking some form of performance enhancing drugs/blood doping. How many drug tests are done in football? How many footballers fail tests?



The latest Wada Testing Figures revealed that only 2.38 per cent of doping controls in 2013 came in the form of blood testing and Wada has set a minimum of 10%.

Governing bodies are responsible for testing in their own jurisdictions, and while a total of 28,002 dope tests were administered in 2013, only 667 blood tests are counted among that number. Wada does not conduct tests and football has only been a signatory of the Wada code since 2006 - the last Olympic sport to sign up.

The Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) did more blood tests on footballers than any organisation in 2013 with 232 in-competition blood tests out of a total of 2896 doping tests conducted in total - just over 8%. Organisations in top football countries like Spain, the Netherlands and Brazil, meanwhile, failed to conduct any.



Hear no evil, see no evil.

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suarez has his appeal rejected, the 4 month match ban is upheld but the football activity ban is dropped


i personally think thats pretty much what barca were angling for, the ban wasn't going to be dropped, maybe reduced but at least they can have him in training and peddling the merchandise

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suarez has his appeal rejected, the 4 month match ban is upheld but the football activity ban is dropped

i personally think thats pretty much what barca were angling for, the ban wasn't going to be dropped, maybe reduced but at least they can have him in training and peddling the merchandise

Yeah, I saw that. Apparently the reason for the decision will be explained later. I think we all know that the reason is that he plays for Barcelona.

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So FIFA have rejected Barcelona's appeal against their transfer ban and they are banned from signing players during the next two transfer windows.   Of course that doesn't really matter because they have been allowed to sign players this window (and still can until 31st August) to prepare for the ban... 

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