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1 hour ago, Rugeley Villa said:

Right then gentlemen, this bad boy is starting running again. To say I was a good runner is an understatement but that was years ago. I haven't properly ran for 16 years so I want to know what's not overdoing it and basically a few tips. How many times a week? How many miles? And any other stuff basically. got some decent running spots locally.

Good man. If you can be arsed, read through this thread - most questions answered. I'd say forget distance, just go out and run for a period of time - say twenty minutes or so. Don't worry about speed - walk/run alternation is perfectly OK. Do this 2-3 times a week. You'll soon notice your fitness improving. Report back here next week. 

Oh, and make sure you've got proper running shoes. 

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Back up to 13.1, bit of DOMS but knee is feeling good, the two months of gym work and bike seems to have helped, lacking in inspiration as I aim for 15 mile this sunday :(

Hitting the point of a supplement on the runs as well after talking to the running shop and a few coaches im going to use these bad boys 



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On 12/09/2016 at 21:18, Meath_Villan said:

Back up to 13.1, bit of DOMS but knee is feeling good, the two months of gym work and bike seems to have helped, lacking in inspiration as I aim for 15 mile this sunday :(

Hitting the point of a supplement on the runs as well after talking to the running shop and a few coaches im going to use these bad boys 




Ahh sh*t blocks, nothing like a couple of these bad boys to fire up your guts during a half marathon :-) :-)

Not that I can say much about nutrition as had another disaster race at the weekend as got it badly wrong again.

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14 hours ago, andyjsg said:


Ahh sh*t blocks, nothing like a couple of these bad boys to fire up your guts during a half marathon :-) :-)

Not that I can say much about nutrition as had another disaster race at the weekend as got it badly wrong again.

I was told these are the better alternative to gels that *could leave you sharting 

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17 hours ago, Meath_Villan said:

I was told these are the better alternative to gels that *could leave you sharting 

sharting... you mean extra-kinetic propulsion!

Edited by villakram
edit: all the silly whitespace
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  • 2 weeks later...

Running ...its a funny old game .....I never had any intention of running until my old lad had a heart attack be 2 years ago now (hes ok now), Just something clicked put my shoes on one night to do the darkness to light run at the last min and I was in a hoop after 2 km. You would think that was that, but it just made me more determined I wanted to run a full 5k (i did) then a timed 5k (done) onto a 10k , from there I went straight in to a half marathon ...the hardest thing I ever done ..hit the wall 16k in legs went to jelly had to shuffle to the finish, but it was the best feeling ever I did it what was next ? training for the Dublin city marathon ....The highs are high from running & the time away from everyone for 30-50 mins is needed sometimes, but then I stepped off a ladder at work, literally the last step foot twisted and a pop,struggled through a duathlon and a 10k before the pain got too much, 3 months of bike bike and more bike (check strava its true) stretching and gym work to try and make it for the Dublin marathon not to mention the cost of the physio followed turns out hamstring problems, Now to the present day 4 weeks out from the big day training wise only 2 more big long slow runs to get in before the taper having managed a 18.1 mile run on my last LSR my knee is starting at me again, im so close my next LSR 20 miles would have been enough to mentally say to me yes this motha **** is possible if you can do the 20 the last six will be shuffleable in case of leg failure, I have the fitness, at no point on the long slow runs am I under pressure breathing etc, Have the diet worked out have the plan for the race worked out can imagine the finish line in my head .....The low over the last few days and the missed LSR the missed endorphin rush the dull pain in my knee my physio away on holidays until later in the week, Im just at a complete **** loss .....Sorry for the rant but im at a loss :(

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Signed up for that Parkrun.  What's annoying is they start at 9am.  That doesn't give me time to really eat anything to energise me for the run without getting up at 5.  Would people recommend running it on an empty stomach?

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16 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

Signed up for that Parkrun.  What's annoying is they start at 9am.  That doesn't give me time to really eat anything to energise me for the run without getting up at 5.  Would people recommend running it on an empty stomach?

Bowl of cereal or a couple of slices of toast an hour before is what I do. Then again, I've never had a problem with eating and running. I always have my evening meal (sometimes with a bottle beer) before my Tuesday evening club run. Some people prefer to run on an empty stomach, but I can't hack that at all. Although Parkrun is only a 5k, so it's probably just psychological. 

Edited by mjmooney
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10 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

Bowl of cereal or a couple of slices of toast an hour before is what I do. Then again, I've never had a problem with eating and running. I always have my evening meal (sometimes with a bottle beer) before my Tuesday evening club run. Some people prefer to run on an empty stomach, but I can't hack that at all. Although Parkrun is only a 5k, so it's probably just psychological. 

Cheers.  I could never run straight after dinner and certainly not a beer!  My usual running time is straight after work then come home and have dinner post run.  

I recently did a 10k and had weetabix and a banana about 2 hours before and found it repeating on me quite badly.  Maybe I have a slow digestive system.  

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5 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

Signed up for that Parkrun.  What's annoying is they start at 9am.  That doesn't give me time to really eat anything to energise me for the run without getting up at 5.  Would people recommend running it on an empty stomach?

You do not in any way need to eat to have energy for a 5k. Even a poorly trained joe slob will have ~1500 calories onboard. Have a snack if you need by all means and make sure to be hydrated, but don't worry about it.... and good luck!

I do all my runs on an empty stomach in the mornings btw.

Edited by villakram
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On 25/09/2016 at 21:43, Meath_Villan said:

Running ...its a funny old game .....I never had any intention of running until my old lad had a heart attack be 2 years ago now (hes ok now), Just something clicked put my shoes on one night to do the darkness to light run at the last min and I was in a hoop after 2 km. You would think that was that, but it just made me more determined I wanted to run a full 5k (i did) then a timed 5k (done) onto a 10k , from there I went straight in to a half marathon ...the hardest thing I ever done ..hit the wall 16k in legs went to jelly had to shuffle to the finish, but it was the best feeling ever I did it what was next ? training for the Dublin city marathon ....The highs are high from running & the time away from everyone for 30-50 mins is needed sometimes, but then I stepped off a ladder at work, literally the last step foot twisted and a pop,struggled through a duathlon and a 10k before the pain got too much, 3 months of bike bike and more bike (check strava its true) stretching and gym work to try and make it for the Dublin marathon not to mention the cost of the physio followed turns out hamstring problems, Now to the present day 4 weeks out from the big day training wise only 2 more big long slow runs to get in before the taper having managed a 18.1 mile run on my last LSR my knee is starting at me again, im so close my next LSR 20 miles would have been enough to mentally say to me yes this motha **** is possible if you can do the 20 the last six will be shuffleable in case of leg failure, I have the fitness, at no point on the long slow runs am I under pressure breathing etc, Have the diet worked out have the plan for the race worked out can imagine the finish line in my head .....The low over the last few days and the missed LSR the missed endorphin rush the dull pain in my knee my physio away on holidays until later in the week, Im just at a complete **** loss .....Sorry for the rant but im at a loss :(

I am far from an expert on this as I have only run one marathon and there are far more experienced runners on here who can advise you but I think having doubts before a marathon is natural.

Missing your last LSR is not ideal but if you have comfortably knocked out 18 miles last week then you are fit enough even if you have to drag yourself over the line. Running a marathon I found was as much a mental battle as a physical one and it seems like you have already overcome a few obstacles in getting this far so have belief in yourself that you can overcome this one and any that come during the marathon. You will do it and I look forward to reading all about it on here.

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I never ran over 18 miles before my first marathon, and I was OK. Not saying it was easy - I ran the last few miles on pure emotional overload - but I got there (in 3:39). JFDI. 

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Parkrun -  you can easily do this on a empty stomach. I'll do all my training runs before breakfast, but I'm used to it now, but I know it doesn't work for everyone.

Marathon - Missing the last LSR is not ideal, but if it means you make it to the start line fit and healthy then it doesn't matter too much. So long as you are prepared for the mental battle you'll finish.

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I ran Berlin marathon the weekend, it's a great event, very well organised and has a great atmosphere.

After GNR I decided to target a 3:10-3:15 time (rather than the 3:20 I was hoping for at the start of the year). Went through half way in 1:36 and maintained pretty even 5k splits until 20 miles which I passed in 2:27 (I knew 2:25 was good for 3:10, so was happy). However then the wheels fell off badly and I ran the worst 10k I've ever run in a race, took 58 minutes and finished in 3:25, 2 minutes slower than my PB. I was gutted on the day, but realise it happens to us all at some point. After all they do say the marathon starts at 20 miles!

I'll be back to race another marathon next year as still confident I can get a sub 3:15.

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