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Please tell me when to stop laughing at SHA


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I really hope blues go and do a Leicester City.

OH and how could i forget




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Hold on I hate Blues as much as the next Villa fan but they gave us Intertoto today. Not us. Blues got it for us. They have some real scummy fans and board etc etc but you have to give them credit for that. We sent them down by beating them a few weeks ago, they gave us Intertoto today.

I actually think our 4-1 demolition of blackburn in there back garden had more to do with it than blues today.

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So Blackburn were guaranteed to win had hey played against anyone else?

Over 38 games we finished above Blackburn.

Aye. And one of those 38 reasons is we dont lose 4-1 to shit like Small Heath Alliance! :flag:

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So Blackburn were guaranteed to win had hey played against anyone else?

Over 38 games we finished above Blackburn.

Aye. And one of those 38 reasons is we dont lose 4-1 to shit like Small Heath Alliance! :flag:

Excellent point tbh REV

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thats exactly what i mean by fans taking it too far.

To be honest Fulham deserved to go down, they are such a small grubby little club, who just manage to survive every season, with their shit ground and small amount of fans who can't even fill craven cottage.I guess you could say the same about Birmingham City.

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You support who? Oh Birmingham City, yeah, I remember when you guys were briefly in the Premiership back when the likes of Swindon and Oldham could get up. That must have been fun while it lasted. So... Where are your team now? I don't pay much attention to the lower leagues but I do imagine the conference games can be fun with the novelty of terraces and plumbers playing milkmen. Oh you are still in the football league? That's cute well done! Maybe some day your team could be lucky enough to get drawn against us in the Carling Cup or something that could be fun and I'm sure your fans and players would enjoy the day out at a big team and stadium. Oops I got to go, Villa are playing Real Madrid. You should try and catch the game, might be a bit of an eye opener with all the world class players on show.

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oh dear werewolf gold in tears. wont get any sympathy from me after all that rant againt the general, slagging us off at any given opportunity. i wont miss them at all. it was great humilating them but for me i hope they rot there and never return :wave: cheerio oily blosers

and they should be given points deduction for that hooligan vandalism

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Some of the stuff the pair of them came out with was comedy, pure comedy. They are such idiots that they stood their on national/global TV talking about how desperate they were to sell and get out of Blues like rats on a sinking ship. Now surely as business people they should be smart enough to know this is a very bad idea as anyone interested in buying now knows how desperate they are to sell and that they could make a far lower bid than they may have done.

Not only this but what if they can't sell it, what are they going to do then? They are a comedy act running a joke of a club and they will be down for a very long time this time I think, no bouncing back this time.

I'm going to sit back and enjoy every minute of watching them fall apart.

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Only the Dogshit could vandalise their own ground! And they think that they love their club more than we do, amazing considering that when we were on our arse in the 60s our fans rallied round whereas they left Tom Ross with the stadium manager waiting for the liqidators in the early 90s when the Pornodwarf turned up.

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"Distressing,hugely distresing". Damn right, Werepig. I laughed so hard it was distressing

The most amusing aspect will be watching your "better" players leave the sinking Shit over the next few months.

They were quite happy to take the piss and big themselves up as the biggest club in the Midlands, so how can they sit back and claim this is all wrong? If you give you have to take. rocket polishers. (oh and give / take, pun intended obviously!!!)

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The other thing that struck me about the interviews by Gold and Sullivan is that they were only interested in themselves and the reaction of the fans to them. No sympathy for the fans only themselves and that says everything that needs to be said about a board that made public its support for the 39th game.

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