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WAHEY! It's a JOKE thread : Enter at your own risk.


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I still remember play time at school, a bit of footy, sneaking a quick cigarette and trying to finger girls behind the bike sheds... I **** loved that caretaker's job.

Great joke Rob!

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I was watching the news earlier and the lady from Derrick Birds cab office said, "He seemed a nice chap, quiet but popular. He didn't show any indication he was capable of something like this."

I thought to myself, typical **** taxi driver, not indicating.

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I've got 2 days left of a 6 month tour in Afghanistan, I've been constantly dodging bullets, bombs and mortars.

I can't wait to be back home in Cumbria.

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What was the point in Microsoft going to the trouble of creating in private browsing if they then go and blab to all the women in the country about its existence on **** tv adverts?

They may as well have got me to star in the ad, caked in sweat with my pants around my ankles grunting "my wife will never know" as I give my cock the beating of its **** life.

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After a night on the piss in Whitehaven I threw up in a taxi this morning.

I was worried about the cost of valeting the car but the driver generously said "somebody is going to pay for this" before speeding off.

What a nice guy.

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If you hit me at 40mph there's around an 80% chance I'll die. Hit me at 30mph and there's around an 80% chance I'll live.

But if you fire your shotgun at me from your taxi I'm completely ****.

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After hearing about the shootings yesterday I was devastated.. With tears in my eyes I rushed onto google and started to type in Cumbria.. I got half way before the suggestions kicked in.. Next thing I know I'm sat watching Cum In My Arse 4 with my pants round my ankles..

God Bless You Internet.

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Well, as someone who has no relatives involved in this, or anywhere near, can I say I don't find the "jokes" amusing.

The rush to publish seems to have overwhelmed the wit factor, so that something rushed on to on the net tonight is valued over something which shows a trace of humour.

And I speak as someone who has no problem at all with tasteless jokes.

If they are funny, fine. If they are tedious but posted early, well thanks, but really, why bother?

It's like being asked to value an early edition of the Sun on the basis that it's the 2 o'clock edition, not the one the hits the streets, when actually both are total arsewipe.

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Rio Ferdinand: So Doctor is the knee looking any better after the second scan?

Doctor: Go Back to Africa.

Rio Ferdinand: Fantastic! The knee is going to be okay then?

Doctor: No.

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Well, as someone who has no relatives involved in this, or anywhere near, can I say I don't find the "jokes" amusing.

The rush to publish seems to have overwhelmed the wit factor, so that something rushed on to on the net tonight is valued over something which shows a trace of humour.

And I speak as someone who has no problem at all with tasteless jokes.

If they are funny, fine. If they are tedious but posted early, well thanks, but really, why bother?

It's like being asked to value an early edition of the Sun on the basis that it's the 2 o'clock edition, not the one the hits the streets, when actually both are total arsewipe.

I just don't get it, that is too subtle and intelligent a joke for me. I must have missed the start, middle and punchline.

Oh no, wait, I get it now! :clap::clap::clap::crylaugh::crylaugh:

**** classic, nice one mate!

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