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It is, and that's also irrelevant. A "megabyte" isn't defined as 2^20 bytes, it's defined as "a mega bytes" where mega = 1 million. That technological limitations mean computers work as base 2 doesn't mean that definitions of standard units should change.

I disagree because megabyte (all one word, non-hyphenated) is solely a computer term. Where byte is a computer specific term and a megabyte is an amount of those (necessarily to base 2 in computer world) then a megabyte is 1024kb. A metric megabyte can do what it wants by rounding it to some easy-to-digest number like 1000kb.

And megawatt is solely an electrical term, megahertz solely a physics one. However they're all scientific ones.

Computing is a science, as such it subscribes to the rules of science, and one of those rules is that prefixes are standardised.

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I'm in Tenerife, and what I saw the other day, well, I'm utterly shocked and disgusted. €7 for a **** pint!

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Tenerife is releasing its own range of shampoo.


I believe her last words were "I said decaffeinated!".
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Adele called her first albums 19 & 21 because they are numbers that have special importance to her life

Her follow up 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 is due out in the summer.


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