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Have also just decided to have a bash at Kafka - the shorts + Metamorphosis collection. Only looked at a couple of the short pieces so far, nice and odd.

The Metamorphosis is brilliant. On the back of this, I asked for his short stories collection for Christmas last year, but found the translations didn't capture his style as well as the edition of The Metamorphosis that I read online. I'm hoping to find a better version at some point.

And thanks for the glowing feedback on Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, will be purchasing it shortly :thumb:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Finally got my hands on Wind Up Bird Chronicle, but first i'm reading As I Lay Dying at the minute. I'm enjoying it so far far far.
Keep me posted. Never read any Faulkner and I'm currently considering it.
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Keep me posted. Never read any Faulkner and I'm currently considering it.

I just done finished it and I have to say it is quite brilliant. Faulkner has that style of writing that just makes you read passages again and again simply because they are so beautifully constructed.

McCarthy owes a lot to him.

Get on it, sir.

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Keep me posted. Never read any Faulkner and I'm currently considering it.

I just done finished it and I have to say it is quite brilliant. Faulkner has that style of writing that just makes you read passages again and again simply because they are so beautifully constructed.

McCarthy owes a lot to him.

Get on it, sir.

Roger wilco. :thumb:
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  • 4 weeks later...

Currently reading this!

really decent and a totally different approach to a zombie story as it's a series of interviews with survivors about their roles during the Zombie war!

Worth checking out.

ive just mentioned that in the zombie appocalypse thread lol ive got loads of these types of books i'll find the titles of them when I get home and post them up for anyone who's interested, some of them are shockingly shite and others are actually pretty decent

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Anybody read the new Murakami yet?

I saw the Culture Show segment on it (which was actually more like a rebuttal to people saying 'Cor, Britain 2011 is just like 1984!', to be honest) and found myself slightly interested to see what someone can do in the modern day to the 1984 template and plot.

Is Murakami worth delving into incidentally?

Currently reading PRatchetts latest. Really struggling with it, 150 odd pages in and I'm really not taken with it much at all :(. I think his difficulties are catching up with him.

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Is Murakami worth delving into incidentally?
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle.

Was a "can't-put-it-downer" for me.

not even whilst you were reading the other 3 books simultaneously :-)

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Is Murakami worth delving into incidentally?
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle.

Was a "can't-put-it-downer" for me.

not even whilst you were reading the other 3 books simultaneously :-)

Three? Ha!
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