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What's your tipple this evening then?


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Fantastic :thumb:

I had a stumpy one of those for my birthday last year, lovely beer but doesn't like a glass, poured it fine and it still gave an almost entire glass of head.

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still gave an almost entire glass of head.
It's all in the speed of the pour with that one, not the angle :thumb: Stick with me young padawan :P
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nah mate blue all the way :D it's in my top 3 of belgian beers 1. Duvel 2. Rochefort 8° 3. Chimay Blue

And i'll need a lot of those tonight!

edit: but the red one will surely be in top 10 i must say. not bad at all!

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that's probably because you used a regular glass and not one of these: chimayroodoq5.jpg

Chimay's great, especially the blue one :)

Aaaaaah... to be fair I was using a lager flute thing, tall thin glass. And I had the red.

Had one of these a week or so ago, Rochefort 8, 9.2%, brilliant stuff. Very much a beer to savour though, very heavy. Heartily recommended.


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Duvel for me is muck. Tastes like I imagine petrol would taste. Very very strong alcohol taste which isn't what those beers are about (despite all being strong). Over-hyped IMHO.

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we slept in the car

i suppose it makes a change from sleeping at airports :-)

:lol: it's far better! got seat heating and all that. Don't find that at airports (at least not the ones in bulgaria and birmingham as far as i know :lol: )

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Duvel for me is muck. Tastes like I imagine petrol would taste. Very very strong alcohol taste which isn't what those beers are about (despite all being strong). Over-hyped IMHO.

well it's just education i suppose. used to live some 10 km from the brewery, now 1.5 (i can see it out of my window and pass it every day on my way to work) so around here it's very cheap and basically we were always tought to drink it instead of regular pints. I really like it though. it's a completely different beer compared to rochefort and chimay, but it's good :)

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(All this Hemingay I've been reading seems to have affected my Testosterone levels....)

The Hemingway rum treatment

In golden days past, perhaps the last days of great American literature, Earnest Hemingway and some friends decided that ordinary drinking was not good enough for real men and sought, without realizing its importance, the fastest way that a person could become seriously drunk. A brilliant method was devised by which the alcohol rich vapor of a high-proof beverage could be drawn into the lungs and go almost instantly into the bloodstream . They called this technique carburation, with a Spanish spelling, and by all accounts they had a wonderful time.

Tuberculosis is a lung disease that his killed millions and is returning to epidemic levels in large areas of the world today. Because the TB organism takes up residence in the lungs, the difficulty of getting medication to the site of infection was a serious barrier to successful treatment. For many years now, effective treatments have included "inhalation therapy" with, you guessed it, alcohol.

The technique for quickly ridding yourself of hostile microorganisms designed to invade the lungs takes advantage of these two relatively unknown facts. You will find that it is remarkably effective.

You will need an ounce or two of a high proof liquor or whiskey at room temperature. 80 proof equals 40 percent alcohol, which seems just fine. Your best bet is a clear or "white" rum that is commonly available (use Bacardi or better quality). Because of the primary ingredient you will not want to do this and drive, or any other meaningful activity for that matter, so bedtime is an appropriate choice. Pour about an ounce of rum in a mug and find a comfortable chair.

Practice breathing in through your mouth and out through your nose for a full minute. You will do this throughout the treatment and you don't want to have to stop and think about it.

Take a sip of the rum - about a tablespoon full.

Hold the rum in your mouth, swishing it around with your tongue for at least a full twenty seconds.

1. Breathe out through your nose - all the way.

2. Swallow the rum.

3. Take a deep breath in through your mouth, pulling alcohol vapor deep into you lungs.

4. Hold for five seconds.

5. Breathe out through your nose half way.

6. Inhale through your mouth and hold.

7. If you are pretty sure you've been infected, drive the alcohol vapor deeper into the lungs by trying to push the air out with mouth and nose firmly closed (Warning - push gently for only a short time since pushing too hard could result in ear drum damage.)

8. Finally, exhale through your nose again and relax, still breathing in through your mouth, out through your nose.

9. Repeat steps 1 - 9 with more rum until the rum is gone.

You will find that Papa Hemingway and his buddies did indeed create a marvelous technique for serious drinking. If you have not been infected with the new germ you will simply have had a pleasant and harmless experience with only enough alcohol to make a single weak drink.

As you get into the process, you may become a bit more brave and wish to increase it's potency. You can do this by swallowing half the rum in the mouth in the above process. Then, tilt your head downward and allow the remaining rum to accumulate in the front of your mouth before inhaling. Then breathe in through pursed lips and teeth, allowing the air stream to run right across the top of the liquid. This will pick up a much higher amount of alcohol vapor and may produce a coughing reflex the first time, but you can do it once you know what to expect.

People vary of course, but this is what you should experience IF a bug has been in your lungs for a while. The chest pain that many have associated with pleurisy, an ache that may suddenly appear when you move around, take a deep breath, go into a cold air, etc., will disappear immediately. You will also find, the next morning, that your breathing is easier, and that fluid production in the lungs is slowing down. You will know, without any doubt, that you are feeling better.

The first proof of real effectiveness will appear 12 to 18 hours after the treatment. If you are infected, it will create a massive die-off of microorganisms, and their little dead bodies, toxins, and associated debris must be cleaned up. Much of this will go through the lymph glands under your arms and you will experience an aching sensation there and perhaps some swelling. Since you know what it is, there is no reason to be alarmed. There are products and techniques for aiding the lymphatic system. You might want to see what's available.

You will observe that fluid production will continue to slow down, perhaps getting thicker. You will continue to breathe easier and feel better, despite any soreness from the lymph gland overload. Finally, from 24 to 48 hours after treatment, you may suddenly cough up a gelatinous mass that should be expectorated. It is probably too much to expect that a single treatment will get everything. Consequently you may find that several treatments, four or five days apart are a good idea.

That is fascinating, I'm going to give that a go.

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