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The Game's Gone


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There's also lots of comments saying she's not serving that, she's using the glasses to empty the drip tray.

The full pints are coming from the bloke on the left of the shot who is pouring them from a tap

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5 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Even when they don't do that I've definitely been to the bar at half time and they've got 50+ pre poured pints going flat ready to serve, the beer in there is horrific


I bet they were gone in minutes. They fly out of there, and it's a good way to get the wave of people served quickly so you can actually drink your pint at half time.

It's overpriced and you're never going to get a particularly great pint at a stadium, but they won't have been sitting there for ages, it seems reasonable to me. I'm sure they'll pour a fresh one if you asked 

I don't know off the top of my head how long it takes a pint to go flat sitting in a glass, but I'd be very surprised if it happens in the time from them starting to pour shortly before half time to the time you've got to finish drinking it

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2010 was the last time I went to Wembley.

It was five quid back then for shite lukewarm lager or bitter.

The only other options were small bottles of wine. Horrendous.

Haven't been since and won't.


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You'd miss seeing Villa in a cup final because the beer options are shit?

I went to both playoff finals, I really dislike the Wembley amenities - once you're actually out there it's great, but inside it's like a shit shopping centre. Mediocre overpriced food, mediocre crap overpriced drinks, a ballache to get to, and I never need to see candyfloss or pick and mix in a football stadium. I'll be back in a heartbeat if Villa are lucky enough to get there, though.


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2 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

You'd miss seeing Villa in a cup final because the beer options are shit?

I went to both playoff finals, I really dislike the Wembley amenities - once you're actually out there it's great, but inside it's like a shit shopping centre. Mediocre overpriced food, mediocre crap overpriced drinks, a ballache to get to, and I never need to see candyfloss or pick and mix in a football stadium. I'll be back in a heartbeat if Villa are lucky enough to get there, though.

the only game there I've missed was of course the playoff win

and yeah id go back, id happily moan like **** about the place rain or shine because I genuinely don't like it there but of course id still keep going

my problems with Wembley are 10+ bullet points, everything that it is and what it represents epitomises the game having gone

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3 hours ago, villa4europe said:

Even when they don't do that I've definitely been to the bar at half time and they've got 50+ pre poured pints going flat ready to serve, the beer in there is horrific

Unless of course you're club Wembley which is lovely 


3 hours ago, Davkaus said:

I bet they were gone in minutes. They fly out of there, and it's a good way to get the wave of people served quickly so you can actually drink your pint at half time.

It's overpriced and you're never going to get a particularly great pint at a stadium, but they won't have been sitting there for ages, it seems reasonable to me. I'm sure they'll pour a fresh one if you asked 

I don't know off the top of my head how long it takes a pint to go flat sitting in a glass, but I'd be very surprised if it happens in the time from them starting to pour shortly before half time to the time you've got to finish drinking it

Yep I wish they did this more at Villa. They might actually manage to serve more than a dozen people each if they did

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The worst bit about Wembley is the deafening music blasting out constantly except for the 90 minutes the game is actually on.

Ruined the playoff celebrations for me

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1 hour ago, Davkaus said:

You'd miss seeing Villa in a cup final because the beer options are shit?


No, I'd miss them because I've seen them win two Cup finals already, and my match - attending days are over anyway. 

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Utter bollox. Football is for the clubs and fans. The government has no business interfering with our sport or how much business can invest. The government needs to get the hell out. The last thing we need is yet more regulation. We need less politicians involved in football not more.

Edited by ciggiesnbeer
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Wonder how many corporate days out we're racked up to come to that

The is a one size fits all solution that they'll bring up Bury or Derby as the reason for it but it won't apply to those at the very very top who benefit from the huge disparity - the "tax" element for example should come from prize money including CL money 

Fans at the front of football - nothing on ticket prices and nothing on TV companies making more games more available, nothing on safe standing, nothing on kick off times 

The integrity test is a load of bollocks, talk about after the horse has bolted, absolutely not a **** chance they ever take a club off an owner for human rights issues in their country 

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2 hours ago, May-Z said:

Social media accounts seem to want to find any stat to make it appear that a player is ground breaking. 

"Saka is the youngest player to score penalities in two consecutive matches"

"Modric signs for Spurs on this day in 2008, he remains the only Croat to win their player of the season"

These are just proper WTF things, for me. Spurs have only had four Croatians, none since Modric, and I doubt many players have scored penalties in two consecutive games...not sure what being the youngest to do that even means either.


George Weah is the only serving world leader to have scored in three competitive fixtures against Gillingham

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