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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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Let's assume we manage to roll over all existing trade deals (we won't).

Let's also assume we manage to successfully negotiate new deals with the US, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Brunei, China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain (we won't).


Those tiny bits of shading above the line? The benefit of all that to the economy compared to our current arrangements. 

The big chunks below the line? The detriment to the economy. What a sensible path we're on. 


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I'm not following today's activities closely. But I'm just scrolling through twitter and see a BBC story

"Government warns that Brexit will make Britain Poorer"

Then literally a few tweets up, a video from PMQs of Theresa May saying that the "analysis" shows Brexit WON'T make Britain poorer.


Edited by Stevo985
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I guess they're coming from different stand points.

Hammond: UK will be poorer (versus if we had stay'd in EU)

May: We will not be poorer (than today)

So we'll be richer than today when we leave in either scenario, but not as rich as we'd be if we remained I guess is the message. But as usual its a confusing message.

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21 minutes ago, Genie said:

I guess they're coming from different stand points.

Hammond: UK will be poorer (versus if we had stay'd in EU)

May: We will not be poorer (than today)

So we'll be richer than today when we leave in either scenario, but not as rich as we'd be if we remained I guess is the message. But as usual its a confusing message.


Hammond is saying we'll be poorer than now. May is saying we'll be better off than now. Both have now as their starting point, they can't both be right.

One of them is lying, my money is on the Prime Minister

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6 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

McDonnell saying that it's "inevitable" that Labour will back a second referendum if the vote fails.

It's a terrible idea and completely impractical logistically, but it's still good to hear him say it.

It has been noticeable that the tone has changed amongst many Labour MPs in recent days, mine has started re-tweeting James O'Brien, it's less than two weeks ago I was having a pop at him on twitter for a claim that most of his constituents just wanted us to "get on with it". Re-tweeting JO'B would have been anathema two weeks ago

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2 hours ago, bickster said:


Hammond is saying we'll be poorer than now. May is saying we'll be better off than now. Both have now as their starting point, they can't both be right.

One of them is lying, my money is on the Prime Minister

It's very unworthy of you to suggest that either could be lying.

We will be worse off in a narrow materialistic sense, but better off in a metaphysical sense.  So both are correct.  Wash your mouth out.

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2 hours ago, bickster said:

It has been noticeable that the tone has changed amongst many Labour MPs in recent days, mine has started re-tweeting James O'Brien, it's less than two weeks ago I was having a pop at him on twitter for a claim that most of his constituents just wanted us to "get on with it". Re-tweeting JO'B would have been anathema two weeks ago

Mine is much the same, and if anything I find it more infuriating. I'd rather a Brexiter that stood by their beliefs than the wind cocks we have. With emphasis on the cock.

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Interesting.  Looks like the civil servants may have shafted the politicians with forecasts which are quite unrealistic, but which the pols don't have the technical background to challenge.  So they will face many interviews where they look like total muppets, even more than usual.

Just one more way in which it's all going to get a bit bloody.

Wish I had a popcorn stall.


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26 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

The Bank of England's projections for 'no deal' are in, and they're, umm . . . horrifying. 

For some reason, Jacob Rees-Mogg wants this?

Project Fear, they got it wrong last time, they told us all this before, it won't be that bad, etc etc.

As for Mogg, he'll be profiting somewhere from it. He's already shifted cash to Ireland.

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Just now, Chindie said:

Project Fear, they got it wrong last time, they told us all this before, it won't be that bad, etc etc.

As for Mogg, he'll be profiting somewhere from it. He's already shifted cash to Ireland.

As if on cue, he's already making a fool of himself:


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11 hours ago, bickster said:

Me too

Totally disagree. If people he/she represent get through to them, then they should listen and adapt. Where I agree, I suspect, with you is in your unspoken appraisal that your MP is careering ( in both senses) not because of that, but because cushy life in their party. So twunt 

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2 hours ago, WhatAboutTheFinish said:

MP for Wikipedia North makes reference to story that doesn’t appear on Wikipedia. Great analysis 😂

It's entirely possible he got it from some other website, or that he's just flat-out lying, but whatever the case 'a second tier Canadian politician who failed to get on in Canadian politics' is just factually incorrect. 

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2 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

It's entirely possible he got it from some other website, or that he's just flat-out lying, but whatever the case 'a second tier Canadian politician who failed to get on in Canadian politics' is just factually incorrect. 

The Wikipedia reference is


Department of Finance

From November 2004 to October 2007, Carney was Senior Associate Deputy Minister and G7 Deputy at the Canadian Department of Finance. He served under Liberal Finance Minister Ralph Goodale and Conservative Finance Minister Jim Flaherty.


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