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The Chairman Mao resembling, Monarchy hating, threat to Britain, Labour Party thread


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1 hour ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

it's really very shocking how that party has degenerated since Corbyn became leader

Not to me. It's the same with May and the tories - I mean everyone not invested in either of them could see, pretty much that they never had the capabilities or characteristics to be a leader. Aside from their political aspects, they've never ever been leadership material. That was as obvious before either became leader as it is now.

May, narrow minded, anti-immigrant, introverted, home counties Tory with no people skills, no imagination, no real principles beyond that mean sprited core toryism. Corbyn, an indecisive, self-righteous, plodding, incompetent 1973 throwback, with terrible judgement and a litany of highly dodgy "friends"who has utterly failed to adjust to the 21st century. Both of them have strengths, true, but nowhere near to the degree to overcome their massive flaws.

Both parties deserve to be floundering, because they're both dreadful and led by utterly unsuitable clowns.

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How Peterborough voted in the EU elections:

Brexit Party 38.1%

Labour 17.1%

Liberal Democrats 15.3%

Conservatives 10.8%

Greens 10.7%

Ukip 3.6%

Change UK 3%


In the 2017 General election:

Labour 48%

Tory 47%

LibDem 3%

Green 2%


This could potentially be another 'no dealer' getting in to parliament.

Change UK not standing a candidate, but also not rallying under a single remain candidate. They've not had the best start of any party ever.

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George Galloway's been fired for his usual dance with anti-semetism then. I wonder if Corbyn will come out in full support of him.

Well done George. You brought Liverpool's win down into the gutter that you frequent.

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16 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

George Galloway's been fired for his usual dance with anti-semetism then. I wonder if Corbyn will come out in full support of him.

Well done George. You brought Liverpool's win down into the gutter that you frequent.

Bell-end though he is, and incompetent though Labour's leadership currently is, I fail to see what he has to do with Labour to warrant his inclusion in this thread.

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5 hours ago, ml1dch said:

Bell-end though he is, and incompetent though Labour's leadership currently is, I fail to see what he has to do with Labour to warrant his inclusion in this thread.

Might it be because the guy is a former Labour MP and in Corbyn's close circle? Amongst other things both Jezza and Georgie have had their own stints on Iranian State TV. Though I'm sure Iran treats all its citizens with respect which is why they did it.

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1 hour ago, magnkarl said:

Might it be because the guy is a former Labour MP and in Corbyn's close circle? Amongst other things both Jezza and Georgie have had their own stints on Iranian State TV. Though I'm sure Iran treats all its citizens with respect which is why they did it.

He's not even been a member of the Labour party for nearly two decades. 

You'll have to cite your "Corbyn's close circle" evidence because if it's as weak as "they both appeared on the same TV channel", then it's seemingly pretty hopeless stuff.

Galloway is a nasty prick. That's got nothing to do with the Labour party. He was last heard pledging his allegiance to Nigel Farage. If you really have to attach Galloway's unpleasantness to a political party, send it Farage's way.

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38 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

You'll have to cite your "Corbyn's close circle" evidence

He's one of Catweazle's mates, admirers and fellow numpties.

june 2017 on the radio.


George said: "He ...has emerged out of this chrysalis as a simply wonderful leader who captured the imagination of the country and young people.

"I don’t know what the odds are, but it must be overwhelmingly likely Jeremy Corbyn, my friend, is soon going to be the Prime Minister of Britain.

"All I can say to that is: hallelujah!"

Another Corbyn numpty-chum wanted him back in Labour relatively recently

5th December 2017

A key ally of Jeremy Corbyn has called for George Galloway to be re-admitted to the Labour party.

Andrew Murray - who helped to run Labour's general election campaign - said it is "long past time" for the left-wing former MP to be brought back into the fold....

Mr Murray's comments are significant as he is so influential on Jeremy Corbyn's thinking.

The pair are long-standing allies, with Mr Murray succeeding Mr Corbyn as chair of the Stop The War Coalition.

Mr Murray was a member of the Communist Party of Britain until last December, and told The Guardian in 2015: "Communism still represents, in my view, a society worth working towards – albeit not by the methods of the 20th century, which failed."

According to the New Statesman, he now splits his time between Unite's HQ and Mr Corbyn's office.

Galloway didn't get back in, but as a member for nearly 4 decades before being hoofed out for more idiotic comments, he's another unsuitable hanging around the edges of Labour.

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I like Corbyn. I like his policies. He brought me back to Labour and indeed back to party politics.

He's done a terrible job of managing his own party and it'll cost him in the end. It's not an easy job in fairness after twenty five years of being pushed further and further right after the lurch of the nineties - but he's still done a dreadful job of it.

I think the Tories wanted out of Europe because they felt that it was stopping their race to Liberalism, to deconstruction of the state, sale of state assets, deregulation and the race to the absolute bottom for anyone that gets their money through a wage - they wanted out because Europe wasn't quite economically right wing enough. I think Corbyn wanted out because he felt that the socialism he wanted would be a hard fight to get and simpler if he were fighting on a smaller field.

Neither have got what they wanted - the Tories have been overtaken by corporate forces more rapacious than even they had the appetite for and they're now in a position where they need to reach even further to economic extremism in the hope of regaining their balance.

Corbyn took on too big a fight - I think he didn't believe he could change Europe and that Europe would prevent him trying to change the UK, but without control of the UK that didn't matter anyway and I think once it became clear how much there was to lose in pursuing that, he should have backed out and become the party of Remain - the risk is too great and the fight is too far away. He needed to fight one fight at a time.

So now, I guess at some point someone on the right of Labour, or the media, or the Tories will find a way to get rid of Corbyn - the odious Tom Watson will step up into the space vacated by the traditional Tories - Blair II but with a bit more Cameron thrown in - and the Tory party will mutate into their Farage-esque destiny to compete to strangle the nation.

I'll go back to voting Green, the country will disappear down a sh*t pipe and we'll tell our grandkids that once there might have been another way, but Brexit put an end to it.


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9 hours ago, ml1dch said:

He's not even been a member of the Labour party for nearly two decades. 

You'll have to cite your "Corbyn's close circle" evidence because if it's as weak as "they both appeared on the same TV channel", then it's seemingly pretty hopeless stuff.

Galloway is a nasty prick. That's got nothing to do with the Labour party. He was last heard pledging his allegiance to Nigel Farage. If you really have to attach Galloway's unpleasantness to a political party, send it Farage's way.

Let's be honest here. The only reason Galloway isn't sitting right next to Corbyn right now is that he's been exposed for three decades for a terribly one sided, blind and dangerous affiliation to anything that hates Israel. If he started his campaign of hate in 2015 he would very likely be in Diane Abbott's position right now.

As for his ties to Corbyn it doesn't take more than a cursory googling (as Blandy's done above) to see that the guy idolises Corbyn. He also publicly defended both Ken Livingstone and Naz Shah for their latent antisemitic comments. The guy's a bigot hiding in socialist clothes.

Corbyn also repays the favour in kind. JC just kicked out Campbell for supporting another party. Look at what Corbyn said about another party's MP in 2012.

I guess if you call the man out on his hypocrisy you'll get booted out quicker than someone who dares question the Messiah at bible school.

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23 hours ago, magnkarl said:

George Galloway's been fired for his usual dance with anti-semetism then.

So he's made the point that some Tottenham fans fly Israeli flags.  Alan Sugar angrily disagreed with him, claiming it doesn't happen, but even a quick search will show that it does happen.

Yet again, another attempt to conflate criticism of Israel with antisemitism.  The same tired old game.

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31 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

a win's a win and better the old guard than the Farage bandwagon

this'll bugger up all the BBC scripts for today's news bulletins

It hasn't stopped them. Farridge had top billing on R4 this morning

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