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The 2015 General Election


General Election 2015  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote at the general election on May 7th?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Lib Dem
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Regionally based party (SNP, Plaid, DUP, SF etc)
    • Local Independent Candidate
    • Other
    • Spoil Paper
    • Won't bother going to the polls

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A third of you are Greens? You must be the whole party. I thought Greens only had like on seat or something. Have they grown a lot?

A lot of conservatives but not very vocal here, unless I'm missing something.

Are you Conservative, MakeMineVanilla?

(1) Theres a difference and a very big difference between being a green and voting for them at this election

(2) Most people on VT live in the Midlands or the North of the country, not exactly a hotbed of Tory support

On point 1 ) Pedant put the poll of which plastics observations have originated from states " How will you vote at the General election " :P

On point 2) looking at election maps of current MP's I'd suggest the Midlands is Tory and as places like Cheshire , Humberside and even big chunks of Yorkshire are Tory possibly labours largest number of MP's is around the London area , which although the centre of the universe is also deemed to be South for the purpose of this exercise

(1) I have no idea what point you are making

(2) Its only the rural parts of those areas that are Tory, the urban more populated ares are generally Labour. Poor old Esther McVey is going to lose her seat in Cheshire in a few weeks, she's been way down in every recent poll, which is good because it means even her constituents have realised she's a bloody horror. She's this elections Portillo moment

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A third of you are Greens? You must be the whole party. I thought Greens only had like on seat or something. Have they grown a lot?


A lot of conservatives but not very vocal here, unless I'm missing something.


Are you Conservative, MakeMineVanilla?


I don't make the distinction - one party good, other party bad.


They have created the mess between them and it is difficult to decide which is the lesser evil between Conservative and Labour.


I just see it as a continuum of the same lies and stupidity, from both the rulers and the ruled.

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A third of you are Greens? You must be the whole party. I thought Greens only had like on seat or something. Have they grown a lot?



Quite a lot I think. Potatoes, Carrots, Beans etc. You name it. It's all about self sufficiency you see, and using the planet's natural resources.

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A third of you are Greens? You must be the whole party. I thought Greens only had like on seat or something. Have they grown a lot?



Quite a lot I think. Potatoes, Carrots, Beans etc. You name it. It's all about self sufficiency you see, and using the planet's natural resources, whilst using planes to add aerial application of pesticides



fixed to reflect Green party hypocrisy :P

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The left tends to be over-represented on the internet compared as well.

Evidence please.


I'll give you a good example:




According to this 80% of Americans preferred Obama to McCain at the 2008 presidential election yet in reality Obama won with only 53% of the vote. Obviously this is just one poll but it's the best evidence I can come up with since not much has been done to study the political leanings of people on the internet as opposed to people in real life.


You could even use VT as an example in fact.

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The left tends to be over-represented on the internet compared as well.

Evidence please.


I'll give you a good example:




According to this 80% of Americans preferred Obama to McCain at the 2008 presidential election yet in reality Obama won with only 53% of the vote. Obviously this is just one poll but it's the best evidence I can come up with since not much has been done to study the political leanings of people on the internet as opposed to people in real life.


You could even use VT as an example in fact.


Pretty flimsy, given your original claim.

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fixed to reflect Green party hypocrisy :P


You really want to get started on political hypocrisy?




sure why not , it's not like I'm affiliated to any party

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The left tends to be over-represented on the internet compared as well.

Evidence please.


I'll give you a good example:




According to this 80% of Americans preferred Obama to McCain at the 2008 presidential election yet in reality Obama won with only 53% of the vote. Obviously this is just one poll but it's the best evidence I can come up with since not much has been done to study the political leanings of people on the internet as opposed to people in real life.


You could even use VT as an example in fact.


Pretty flimsy, given your original claim.


How? As I said, not much has been done to study political leanings on the internet as opposed to real life and the link I posted has a pretty big sample size (220,000).


It makes sense as well that the internet would be generally more left-leaning as the internet has always been more popular among younger people and younger people tend to be more left.

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Battle for Number 10 on Channel 4 sees Paxman at his best, Cameron getting torn a new one, no doubt Milliband will have the same later.


Neither will have answers to the questions but it is great to watch them squirm because of the smug persona they put on when in the Houses of Parliament

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Battle for Number 10 on Channel 4 sees Paxman at his best, Cameron getting torn a new one, no doubt Milliband will have the same later.


Neither will have answers to the questions but it is great to watch them squirm because of the smug persona they put on when in the Houses of Parliament


Put it on out of curiosity. Saw Kay Burley. Turned it off.

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A third of you are Greens? You must be the whole party. I thought Greens only had like on seat or something. Have they grown a lot?



Quite a lot I think. Potatoes, Carrots, Beans etc. You name it. It's all about self sufficiency you see, and using the planet's natural resources.



Is that you, Tom? How's Barbara these days?

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