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Carlos Sanchez


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Haha near had you though didn't I? It's that easy to get everyone wobbling it's untrue.



Still not done perhaps I wasn't lying.?

Interesting to see people talking about when he'll play as though it's a done deal



That's some U-Turn.

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With Luna gone, are there any Spanish speakers at the club to help him settle in?


Cissokho and Senderos perhaps?


played in France for nearly 5 years so I assume he can speak the language so should be ok.


if not maybe Hutton picked up some on his loan spell

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With two strokes of my finger and a tap it's done. I couldn't get used to a touch pad at first but once I got used to it I haven't looked back.


I use a mac so it's Command + R to refresh in safari/chrome, but I think you can use F5 if you really want to.


Do we ever announce signings in a press conference rather than online, I think the club has recently put it on twitter/official site first, then we get a press conference. Or am i wrong?

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With two strokes of my finger and a tap it's done. I couldn't get used to a touch pad at first but once I got used to it I haven't looked back.


I use a mac so it's Command + R to refresh in safari/chrome, but I think you can use F5 if you really want to.


Years of using a Mac have drummed this into me. I'm a Windows user currently but I still use Ctrl + R to refresh despite F5 being a far easier process. 

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Because we've had how one refreshs the page the next step is Hitler and handicap jokes?


Er, I'm not suggesting it as a pass time, just as someone who has been online for 20 years they are classic thread endings. 


We have gone from exciting news about a potential new player to discussing which shortcut you prefer to reload a web page. The end is nigh.

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Well let's hope we'll refresh the page and see Sanchez smiling at us in his new Villa top. Apparently Colley has said that he's going to ask Lambert at the Press conference this afternoon what's going on. Although I imagine not a lot will be given away.

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