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Summer Speculation 2014


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The Dutch system could be the way forward also we have players that can play all those roles


That team looks vaguely okay. We might even come about 13th with that so that is progress.
We would get absolutely raped down the right hand side, unless when in defence the left back falls back into defence and Okore across to form a back 4. But the modern premier league is so quick that it would have to be an instant change over time after time. Our lot simply aren't good enough to handle that.
Would be Bacuna or lowton there not nzgobia but our midfield would get overrun. We don't have the players to make it work. Edited by KSV
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I'm not too convinced but I wouldn't say its because the situation the clubs in. I can't say I'm convinced senderos or Richardson are that much better than what we have or if Cole is capable of performing enough at premier league level still.

I'm concerned we're just creating more squad issues for whoever eventually buys the club to sort out.

It is quite possible but it's either this or nothing as it stands, so at least something is being done.

Oh I agree something needs to be done. Just concerned really. We're just a bit of a mess.

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There will be an actual proper signing from another club after 2 weeks if anything merson says is to go by (check my post in the club sale thread to see how i know these things), they're just snatching up some frees that are floating around before anyone else gets them in and another free will  be in within two weeks aswell after Richardson, again, like ive said before its come from his mouth via a friend, not mine, so if you dont believe me then im not bothered, just dont go shouting your mouth off saying im chatting balls.

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We really, really need an experienced & strong defensive midfielder. We are so easy to overrun in midfield.

This for me is absolutely paramount. Lambert has a propensity for attacking full backs, what he doesn't have is a propensity for a stopper at centre mid to drop back when those full backs are attacking. Frankly, it's a bit mental. It's such a basic necessity.

It means not only are our centre back 2 over exposed and vilified for it, but our full backs are given shit as well because they're too often caught in no man's land, unable to play their natural game.

I got told off in another thread for suggesting that there is much more to a full backs game these days than defending. Id go as far as to say that in a team like ours, so lacking in creativity from other areas, that attack is their most important role. They can't do that if they're in a constant state of limbo.

The answer may be to persist with the back 3. As of today, that's what I'd do. Our manager has some great ideas, he's simply unable to implement them. Partly because he can't/won't find the right personnel to do so.

So yeah, a DM please.

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We really, really need an experienced & strong defensive midfielder. We are so easy to overrun in midfield.

Esteban Cambiasso

Yes please. Would have to break the bank wages wise though.

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We really, really need an experienced & strong defensive midfielder. We are so easy to overrun in midfield.

Esteban Cambiasso
Isn't he getting a bit old now? Correct me if I'm wrong. But still, what a signing he would be.
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We really, really need an experienced & strong defensive midfielder. We are so easy to overrun in midfield.

Esteban Cambiasso
Isn't he getting a bit old now? Correct me if I'm wrong. But still, what a signing he would be.



Nearly 34. It'd be... interesting. He's always made up for his lack of pace with positioning and game reading, but England is a LOT faster than Spain and Italy.

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The sun reporting lambert letting 8 players leave to finance new signings we really are a sack of shit

In what way does that make us a sack of shit? Who are the 8 players?

Selling to buy again that is shite penny pinching all the time we are a total car crash

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The sun reporting lambert letting 8 players leave to finance new signings we really are a sack of shit

In what way does that make us a sack of shit? Who are the 8 players?
Selling to buy again that is shite penny pinching all the time we are a total car crash

Isn't that just common sense after what we've been through the last few years? Somebody complained yesterday about us signing more dud players for the new owners to have to move on.

Dammed if they do, etc etc.

Disclaimer - generally I am not pleased with where we are as a club.

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The sun reporting lambert letting 8 players leave to finance new signings we really are a sack of shit

In what way does that make us a sack of shit? Who are the 8 players?
Selling to buy again that is shite penny pinching all the time we are a total car crash
Isn't that just common sense after what we've been through the last few years? Somebody complained yesterday about us signing more dud players for the new owners to have to move on.

Dammed if they do, etc etc.

Disclaimer - generally I am not pleased with where we are as a club.

I think that was me and it wasn't a complaint. I acknowledged that we needed to bring players in but expressed a concern that we were just creating problems for whoever comes in next.

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