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Why Paul Lambert should get the sack


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Were all assuming that Lerner won't sack Lambert - I just wonder though - with Malky Mackay freely available - the whole thing could be done and dusted in a week - but is Mackay any better ?

I was reading an article somewhere about Malky and, lost in the midst of all the Vincent Tan malarky lied the fact that they'd only won 3 games and overspent on the likes of Cornelius (I believe around £8m).  I think Cardiff we're 5th highest spenders in the summer or something.

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Why do we keep having discussions about wages, better paid does not equate to better player, it normally means an older player who moves from club to club increasing his value and wages every transfer. players do not move for less money. what we needed to do was get rid of the journeymen and the players on the top dollar contributing little, if anything PL went too fast but whether it was his choice is another debate. if we get any players in then they will be 23 - 26 years old to improve us with the extra experience and know how. it will not be because they earn more and therefore are better players. it will be down to if they can improve us and are better than what we have..

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To have 27% possession and 56% pass accuracy against an out of form mid table team at home is absolutely shocking.


Nobody thinks that this is acceptable and no Villa fan would ever want it. The question is the response to the poor performances of recent.


Personally I think Lambert has earned the right to be given more time, another transfer window and the opportunity to turn things around. Changing managers now might have a short term impact (there is a good chance it won't either), but ultimately it will put us back another year in a half into building something sustainable for the future.


I like what Lambert has done in his first year and a half as a whole. He has made some bold decisions in dropping Bent and Given and these gambles have pulled off spectacularly well. He has reduced the wage bill and got players into Villa who actually want to prove a point rather than see out their humongous contract before retiring. Along the way there are going to be rocky patches as we have a young and inexperienced team. Last season we had a rocky patch and we saw it through. This season we are going through a rocky patch and we will see it through.


The players and the manager will be better after this experience. I am willing to give Lambert the chance to see out what he started and reserve judgment on him until at least the end of the season.


Lerner has a vision, Lambert has a vision and I see what they are trying to do. The fans who think everything should be replaced after a couple of bad months have no solutions to the problems they just want to make someone a fall guy without knowing what is good for the long term future of the club.

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This shows how bad we were under McL. 


This season I would guess we are top half, maybe top quartile


Let's see what happens when we (hopefully) start spending some money again


We all know how bad we were under McLeish, so your post does nothing but add grist to the "at least he's not McLeish" argument. 

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Stoke are also a prime example of why changing manager can bring about a reverse in fortunes.

Palace get rid of their clueless twunt and replace him for Pullis. Now look at them - they're winning games and could quite easily have gotten a draw at the Etihad.

Same group of players; what's changed?

So you want to get rid of a mid table manager and replace him with another mid table manager? Seriously, what is the point?

You are too short sighted. In a couple of weeks if Stoke lose, Palace lose, and Villa win then all of a sudden Lambert will be a much better manager than the other two.

I wish the majority football fans would think longer term than 2 weeks ahead.[/

No! I was pointing out that quite often a different manager can get better results with the same set of players. I don't want Pullis. I want a manager who can get us winning at home; who can get us playing good football and not the dour shite were used to under Lambert.

I think I understand what you want. You want the manager who has always had the best results over the last month to be Villa manager for the next month?Good luck with that.

Where did I say that then? I want a manager who can win at home, who can win more than, what was it? 15 in 57. I want a manager who plays good, possession football. I thought I made that clear in my other post.

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So the basis of most people who are stubbornly supporting Lambert is that if he was given loads of money then things would be different. Surely then all that is proving is that Lambert is a pretty shit coach and relies on buying success? I thought he was supposed to be a leading manager? If that is the case then why is the dross football of the past 18months now becoming the norm and to be accepted?

You see it does not make sense when the reality is there for all to see. Lambert is a poor manager, the coaching staff he brought in you could argue have had a negative effect. The time is here and now for villa to admit that lambert is a mistake and to rid ourselves of him and the clueless entourage he has around him.

That's not my point at all.  Yes, I believe he needs better players of course he does, but I think the difference is I believe Lambert has much more to offer, whereas one could assume that your belief is that he's peaked?

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It seems clear to me that despite the plight that we are in, an air of arrogance has engulfed villa park.... A "don't question us " culture exists. That is the only conclusion that I can come to from a crowd that exceeds 74,000 in 2 days. To support turgid football....I think we deserve better than this.

If the football can't be improved right now, attitudes to us can. We deserve a balanced explanation for the failure to resemble anything deserving of Aston Villa Football Club.We may not have any right to success, but we have a right to know why such a futile attempt has been made to try and achieve it.

If anyone at Villa is serious about moving the club forward they should be confident enough of declaring their plans. Alternatively they are all looking for a way out. We need to know which way is it.

.....because we ain't going anywhere and we want to know what's going on.

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£42m on a squad of players that, if sold, would be worth more than that, costing 'peanuts' in premier league terms.  Those that don't work out can be shipeed out quite easily IMO.



Unfortunately if you take Benteke out of the equation then I think we may struggle to make a profit on what we paid for the rest of them.

Vlaar has done OK but cost 3.5 mill and will be 29 in February. Perhaps we could make a mill or so on him.

Half of the rest have shown themselves to be in the main out of their depth and part of a side that has struggled in the Premier League for 18 months. The others signed in the summer have in the main looked way out of their depth especially Luna and Tonev.

I think some will head back abroad for nominal fees, some will go back to plying their trade in the lower leagues and hopefully a few will kick on and prove themselves to be Prem quality with us.

This whole buy cheap, young and hungry has been a massive failure for me. Some do have potential but the whole thing lacked one key crucial ingredient. The bringing in of two or three players proven at this level with a bit of experience, nous and leadership qualities to play alongside these young lads ,nurture them, guide them through games, offer an arm round the shoulder or a kick up the back side when required. Many fans were calling for this way back in August 2012.

I doubt very much Lambert is responsible for our transfer policy. He was given a budget in fees and wages that it seems wouldn't stretch to proven quality. Or it could perhaps be argued he needed to spend it a little more wisely.


Edited by markavfc40
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So the basis of most people who are stubbornly supporting Lambert is that if he was given loads of money then things would be different. Surely then all that is proving is that Lambert is a pretty shit coach and relies on buying success? I thought he was supposed to be a leading manager? If that is the case then why is the dross football of the past 18months now becoming the norm and to be accepted?

You see it does not make sense when the reality is there for all to see. Lambert is a poor manager, the coaching staff he brought in you could argue have had a negative effect. The time is here and now for villa to admit that lambert is a mistake and to rid ourselves of him and the clueless entourage he has around him.

That's not my point at all. Yes, I believe he needs better players of course he does, but I think the difference is I believe Lambert has much more to offer, whereas one could assume that your belief is that he's peaked?
a genuine question here what makes you think he has much more to offer? It cant be based on what little he has achieved here surely? All that has proven is that he incapable of working under the circumstances we find ourselves in and is unable to develop players etc.

I have asked this a few times for genuine proof that lambert is up for the job but as yet all we ever here is that he would be great if he could buy loads more players etc.

There must be something away from the dross football, the poor squad, the god awful records we seem to break, the defeats etc . As said genuine question what are those who are questioning him missing because surely its something easy and fundamental to explain

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Other managers have shown what their footballing philosophy is without any money.  Look at Martinez, kept Wigan up for years with not much money and crowds of 18,000, but always tried to play good football in doing so.  Has now moved on to Everton where he is replicating that playing style with better players and Everton are doing well as a result.


Whether you think £43m is enough on new players or not, the fact is that Lambert's footballing style is atrocious, and his footballing philosophy non-existent.  There's no discernible shape, tactics or plan to what we're trying to do, and even if he was given more money to spend in January, I think he'd be just as shambolic but with better players.  Give me a manager who wants his team to play football any day of the week.

great post roberto martinez would make us play on a small budget hes proven lambert is not



Every manager has his shortcomings - Martinez's wigan only use to play 3 months of a season ....for example

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Bacunas quick Kev, he dropped him, Bennetts quick enough hes dropped.

Hes cut off his nose too often .You could argue Ireland, Sidwell, Dunne, Collins, Bent, would walk into our team atm, and Cuellar Warnock and Hutton would'nt make us much worse either.

PL has been here 18 months, hes bought how many players, if theres a problem, its a problem he has created.

Bacuna you may of notice wasnt dropped he played yesterday. Bennett's been injured all season and is still injured

Bent can't walk into Fulhams shite side nor can Cuellar get into Sunderland's shite side

Ireland had numerous chances and wasted them all, Sidwell went under Houillier??

Warnock and Hutton were utter utter crap. Warnock can't get into a Championship side and no-one in their right mind will take Hutton, even on loan

Dunne and Collins cost £100k+ a week in wages. Dunne was even more injury prone than Vlaar. Collins attitude was rightly questioned and I for one am delighted he has left my club

None of the players you mention have gone on to be successful elsewhere


Yep, these rubbish players who were part if the rot are suddenly world beaters.


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Hopefully those that wont make it will be replaced with some that will. the difference is it will be done in a manner that spending is controlled. To quote figures from the past is meaningless and does not prove anything. we started last year with a new young team so the figures will represent this. what I will do is compare the 2 seasons in the summer and look then for improvement.

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£42m on a squad of players that, if sold, would be worth more than that, costing 'peanuts' in premier league terms.  Those that don't work out can be shipeed out quite easily IMO.



Unfortunately if you take Benteke out of the equation then I think we may struggle to make a profit on what we paid for the rest of them.

Vlaar has done OK but cost 3.5 mill and will be 29 in February. Perhaps we could make a mill or so on him.

Half of the rest have shown themselves to be in the main out of their depth and part of a side that has struggled in the Premier League for 18 months. The others signed in the summer have in the main looked way out of their depth especially Luna and Tonev.

I think some will head back abroad for nominal fees, some will go back to plying there trade in the lower leagues and hopefully a few will kick on and prove themselves to be Prem quality with us.

This whole buy cheap, young and hungry has been a massive failure for me. Some do have potential but the whole thing lacked one key crucial ingredient. The bringing in of two or three players proven at this level with a bit of experience, nous and leadership qualities to play alongside these young lads ,nurture them, guide them through games, offer an arm round the shoulder or a kick up the back side when required. Many fans were calling for this way back in August 2012.

I doubt very much Lambert is responsible for our transfer policy. He was given a budget in fees and wages that it seems wouldn't stretch to proven quality. Or it could perhaps be argued he needed to spend it a little more wisely.



I hear what you're saying Mark and I'm hoping the buy young and cheap stuff is simply in order to have a squad whilst we rid ourselves of the higher earners.


We bought these players for a nominal fee and I'm sure they'll move on for a nominal fee too.  Some may see a small profit - Lowton, Westwood, Bacuna, even Bowery lol, and some may not - Bennett, Luna, Helenius, Tonev.  What I do hope is that the pan is to move some of them on because we'll be adding better players over the next few windows.


One thing's for sure, we're unlikely to get lumbered with any players making us unable to purchase more. If Sylla can't find a new home for instance then it's not the end of the world.


If Randy's plan is not to allow funds for better players then it matters not who the manager is - they will all fail in my opinion.  One thing that Lambert has shown is an ability - either by luck or judgement - to extract vital points from situations where we had no business in getting them.  If you can't be good, be lucky!


He has also shown with both us, and Norwich, that his teams can play better football.  I think this is Lambert with in the darkest hours of his tenure.  Personally I think, given a bit of backing from Randy, that a dawn is in the offing, but I fully understand why others would disagree.

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I think the manager will now try his best to finally get some experience into the team in January.......players who will not buckle under the pressure and make the younger players better. Badly needed.



I really hope this is the case. It is something that has been desperately required for the last 18 months.

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I think the manager will now try his best to finally get some experience into the team in January.......players who will not buckle under the pressure and make the younger players better. Badly needed.


HH some murmurings in the press that his winter transfer budget has been increased ? - any news ? 

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I think the manager will now try his best to finally get some experience into the team in January.......players who will not buckle under the pressure and make the younger players better. Badly needed.

My thinking entirely and glad you have backed this up, we have started from scratch and tried to survive. now we should see the steps put in place to move us on. PL could be hailed as the best thing that ever happened to AV if it works out, bit like Ron S was. we just need to hold our nerve and trust him. I think the trouble we now have was expected and he hopeded to survive until Jan window without getting spanked  when he could change things.

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Other managers have shown what their footballing philosophy is without any money.  Look at Martinez, kept Wigan up for years with not much money and crowds of 18,000, but always tried to play good football in doing so.  Has now moved on to Everton where he is replicating that playing style with better players and Everton are doing well as a result.


Whether you think £43m is enough on new players or not, the fact is that Lambert's footballing style is atrocious, and his footballing philosophy non-existent.  There's no discernible shape, tactics or plan to what we're trying to do, and even if he was given more money to spend in January, I think he'd be just as shambolic but with better players.  Give me a manager who wants his team to play football any day of the week.


This. The problem is finding a manager that plays that way. Poyet seems to be keen to do that at Sunderland but I wouldn't want him as our manager.


What annoys me more than anything is how the current manager made all the right noises about attacking passing football when he joined, with glimpses of it last season, yet we resort to the dross we now see every week. 



The thing is, Lambert was that manager before he came here. His Norwich side played some excellent attacking football at times. No idea what happened to him here.

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Other managers have shown what their footballing philosophy is without any money.  Look at Martinez, kept Wigan up for years with not much money and crowds of 18,000, but always tried to play good football in doing so.  Has now moved on to Everton where he is replicating that playing style with better players and Everton are doing well as a result.


Whether you think £43m is enough on new players or not, the fact is that Lambert's footballing style is atrocious, and his footballing philosophy non-existent.  There's no discernible shape, tactics or plan to what we're trying to do, and even if he was given more money to spend in January, I think he'd be just as shambolic but with better players.  Give me a manager who wants his team to play football any day of the week.


This. The problem is finding a manager that plays that way. Poyet seems to be keen to do that at Sunderland but I wouldn't want him as our manager.


What annoys me more than anything is how the current manager made all the right noises about attacking passing football when he joined, with glimpses of it last season, yet we resort to the dross we now see every week. 



The thing is, Lambert was that manager before he came here. His Norwich side played some excellent attacking football at times. No idea what happened to him here.



Lambert seems to thrive on momentum - he hasn't managed to get the ball rolling ....yet

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