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Why Paul Lambert should get the sack


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No one wants to see managers Sacked and if we all knew the facts maybe we would have a different view.


The way I see it Randy Lerner,Paul Faulkner and Paul Lambert are the key people at Villa Park, they have to share the responsibility, its synergy they all feed off each other and rely on the success of each other.


You just can't single one out, without knowing all the full facts, unless someone at B6 wishes to be candid.


I am not going to even attempt to "water down" the enormity of our plight, but if Sacking the manager is just a short term attempt to suppress the symptoms, when the disease still exists, we are just kidding ourselves.


Problems exist in all walks of life, we want fixes right now and we want HONOURABLE people to deliver them.


sound bites and buzzwords you can keep...but honest, feasible, realistic rallying call is what we need.... with substance to back it up.


These 3 key people at the football club need to find a way of trying to get the fans back on side, because right now they feel cheated....it may require rhetoric, I don't know, but we are a divided force and we need someone to galvanise us together.....Hope I am not searching for "pie in the sky"


ps  we need a modern day william wallace ( sorry,been watching too many movies)

Edited by TRO
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No one wants to see managers Sacked and if we all knew the facts maybe we would have a different view.


The way I see it Randy Lerner,Paul Faulkner and Paul Lambert are the key people at Villa Park, they have to share the responsibility, its synergy they all feed off each other and rely on the success of each other.


You just can't single one out, without knowing all the full facts, unless someone at B6 wishes to be candid.


I am not going to even attempt to "water down" the enormity of our plight, but if Sacking the manager is just a short term attempt to suppress the symptoms, when the disease still exists, we are just kidding ourselves.


Problems exist in all walks of life, we want fixes right now and we want HONOURABLE people to deliver them.


sound bites and buzzwords you can keep...but honest, feasible, realistic rallying call is what we need.... with substance to back it up.


These 3 key people at the football need to find a way of trying to get the fans back on side, because right now they feel cheated....it may require rhetoric, I don't know, but we are a divide force and we need someone to galvanise us together.....Hope I am not searching for "pie in the sky"


ps  we need a modern day william wallace ( sorry,been watching too many movies)

Don't agree with all of that.


As with anything that is made up of various parts each having an influence on the overall running, you do not continue hoping that they all work together. If one part is easily changed then you do that. That is not excusing the others and their replacement remain on the agenda.


How I read your post TRO is that you say keep Lambert because he is not the sole reason for the problems? (apologies if that is not the case). Lambert's replacement would have the most immediate effect on the club and as said we have a window (excuse that pun) of opportunity to change things further with the Jan transfer coming up. The Randy and PF way of running the club certainly does look like a failed policy and as such really does need to be sorted out, but the reality is we have a quite severe set of issues surrounding the players and most importantly the style of play and it's ability to win points etc. That is certainly something that Lambert needs to be examined about and possibly replacing because of

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WHAT'S THE PLAN PAUL?  I see no signs of any plan, transition, improvement, direction or clue just a load of absolute shit served up week after week. Yesterday drew the line under your tenure at Villa - my patience is over now. People might point to wins against arsenal, southampton, city etc - we were BATTERED in those games - we were lucky - could have lost 5/6-0 in any of them - the performances were dire and yes its points that matter but those points were flukes, anomalies - our style of football is dire, our ability to compete in games is dire, could see us losing every game.

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John he is deffo not so happy to be working under them pal. anything but. If you read what he said himself then he said the team is miles away from where he wants to take it. When he took over he said he expected the first year to be the toughest - which it was proved - the second year to be another tough one and then try and add that little bit of quality and experience to help take it forward.


I don't know what expectation levels were this season (and I know the football has been terrible) but as long as the club avoid that stress of a relegation battle in the final weeks of the season then I'd argue it is a small step forward.

As you mention yourself our football terrible, truly hand on heart do you think we will avoid a relegation battle? With games coming up I can see us in freefall and the bottom three sometime in January,


You also mentioned in another thread Lerner is looking to sell. How can Lambert buy in to a plan when he doesn't know if the same owner will be around? A new owner is most likely going to come in and sack him for the dross he is turning out.

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I just want a clear football philosophy in the club, whether its an a counter attacking or an possession based tactic. I'm tired of the change in formations, it just confuses the players.

Edited by villalad21
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It's not that we are loosing its the lack of any conviction or drive in our play. 


Yesterday 80 mins of the game we were just shuffling around side to side passing at walking pace. 



At one point we won a corner Gabby raced to get the ball looking fired up, he then turns around and all our players look like they are taking a Sunday morning stroll in the park.

Is Lambert being to soft on them or something? He need to go Fergie on their asses

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No one wants to see managers Sacked and if we all knew the facts maybe we would have a different view.


The way I see it Randy Lerner,Paul Faulkner and Paul Lambert are the key people at Villa Park, they have to share the responsibility, its synergy they all feed off each other and rely on the success of each other.


You just can't single one out, without knowing all the full facts, unless someone at B6 wishes to be candid.


I am not going to even attempt to "water down" the enormity of our plight, but if Sacking the manager is just a short term attempt to suppress the symptoms, when the disease still exists, we are just kidding ourselves.


Problems exist in all walks of life, we want fixes right now and we want HONOURABLE people to deliver them.


sound bites and buzzwords you can keep...but honest, feasible, realistic rallying call is what we need.... with substance to back it up.


These 3 key people at the football need to find a way of trying to get the fans back on side, because right now they feel cheated....it may require rhetoric, I don't know, but we are a divide force and we need someone to galvanise us together.....Hope I am not searching for "pie in the sky"


ps  we need a modern day william wallace ( sorry,been watching too many movies)

Don't agree with all of that.


As with anything that is made up of various parts each having an influence on the overall running, you do not continue hoping that they all work together. If one part is easily changed then you do that. That is not excusing the others and their replacement remain on the agenda.


How I read your post TRO is that you say keep Lambert because he is not the sole reason for the problems? (apologies if that is not the case). Lambert's replacement would have the most immediate effect on the club and as said we have a window (excuse that pun) of opportunity to change things further with the Jan transfer coming up. The Randy and PF way of running the club certainly does look like a failed policy and as such really does need to be sorted out, but the reality is we have a quite severe set of issues surrounding the players and most importantly the style of play and it's ability to win points etc. That is certainly something that Lambert needs to be examined about and possibly replacing because of




I agree with what you are saying, but we are either very poor at appointing managers or there is a deeper lying problem...with the exception of Ron Saunders we change every 2-3 years with a fanfare of jubilation and the customary blue print that know one ever get to see....that has roughly been the case since the war.


If the manager has his hands tied for any reason and cannot implement things within reason, of how he wants to work, then others have to share the problem when it goes wrong, other wise he is just a "stool Pidgeon"

I am really not sure what Paul Lambert is...Having worked in a large organzation myself, I am only too aware that others can have a negative effect on your overall plans....some folk are better a dealing with politics than others.


Problem is there is rarely a platform to air an honest assesment... without the help of a whistleblower and then it takes on the mantle of being clandestine....why is there not platform to say it as it is, because it could incriminate others who do not share the same interest in being honest and open.

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I am sick of reading about the majority of our victories were lucky.

People stop engaging their brains and just keyboard mash their emotions into the message board when we lose 4 in a row.

There is little point getting upset about it. It won't stop until the results start improving again.

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