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Getting older


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I've always had somewhat of a babyface and I've got permanent wrinkles and mini bags under my eyes now, it's strange!  Not done too bad though, 36 now and only really realised I'm past my best from 34. 

My Achilles tendon is always uncomfortable, I'm getting a proper gut now and because my job is very inactive I'm finding it hard to move and get the motivation to not eat shit because I get bored every couple of hours.   

I've got a gym membership I've used 3 times in about 6 months and I always feel tired from about 8pm.. which is when my kids are in bed. 

It sounds like I'm depressed, but I'm not - life is great, but noticing the small things and my energy levels aren't quite what they were 5/10 years ago.  That could be the excess weight though!  Have to get better! :) 

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I’m 41 now and it’s only really been the last few months that I’ve started to feel older. It’s not even so much in myself, it’s seeing it on other people, people i’ve known since I was 5 looking old and thinking, jeez, it’s happening isn’t it!

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56 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

I've always had somewhat of a babyface and I've got permanent wrinkles and mini bags under my eyes now, it's strange!  Not done too bad though, 36 now and only really realised I'm past my best from 34. 

My Achilles tendon is always uncomfortable, I'm getting a proper gut now and because my job is very inactive I'm finding it hard to move and get the motivation to not eat shit because I get bored every couple of hours.   

I've got a gym membership I've used 3 times in about 6 months and I always feel tired from about 8pm.. which is when my kids are in bed. 

It sounds like I'm depressed, but I'm not - life is great, but noticing the small things and my energy levels aren't quite what they were 5/10 years ago.  That could be the excess weight though!  Have to get better! :) 


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17 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:


I'd be careful what you are both doing here as you are ageing yourselves way before it is time. I used to feel a bit like this in my mid 30's/early 40's and now I look back on old photos from then and in terms of how old I looked I think christ I didn't look old so why the hell did I feel like that at the time.

I'll be 50 this year and I see life differently now to what I did even 5 years ago. Any insecurities have lessened, I don't focus on if I am looking any older as it is what it is. I keep myself reasonably fit and exercise for around an hour a day pretty much everyday which, although a pain in the rump sometimes, is hardly pushing myself in the grand scheme of things is it. I'll happily do things now that I'd have been shy in doing in my 30's. I'll happily be the first person on a dance floor, confident in speaking in mass work meetings, sing on karaoke. 

Life is for living and I think as you get older you become more aware of time and that feeling older is really just a state of mind and what you see looking backing at you in the mirror becomes less important. 

Oh I absolutely don't mind what I see :) Just part of the way it is, isn't it? 

I'm pretty confident about most things.  I'm even comfortable being uncomfortable, which I think in itself is a skill, to a degree.  

It's just something I've noticed over the last couple of years, is that everything aging wise seems to be speeding up, and the speeding up won't be slowing down, I'm sure! 😮 :D 

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15 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:


It's just something I've noticed over the last couple of years, is that everything aging wise seems to be speeding up, and the speeding up won't be slowing down, I'm sure! 😮 :D 

Oh mate be under no illusions that the older you get the quicker time seems to go. I think that is just that you become more aware of time and that none of us have an endless amount of it here. 

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6 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

Oh mate be under no illusions that the older you get the quicker time seems to go. I think that is just that you become more aware of time and that none of us have an endless amount of it here. 

Most definitely. I retired on my 60th birthday, enjoyed it immensely. It feels like it was about a year ago. It was actually nine years ago - and I find myself galloping towards 70. Blink of an eye. 

Luckily I'm fit and healthy, but that isn't going to last forever, so I make sure I enjoy life while I can. Really glad I've got grandchildren, though, they are ace. 

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For me,I find that time slips past a lot quicker but I put that down to having the time to do more things that I want to do.I dont seem to have enough hours in the day to do everything I want to.I do really important things like,reading,watching TV,playing chess online,playing table tennis,walking for an hour every morning, watching the birds,going out for lunch with the kids every fortnight and seeing new things ( with the kids again ) like the dinosaures exebition and the monsters of the deep exibition.Actually after the Monsters of the deep exibition we went for lunch ( 13 of us ) and while wandering around the shops,my daughter went into an Adult shop ( because she has never seen inside an adult shop before ) and the rest of us went in after her.It was a real eye opener,makes you wonder what people are doing out there.

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4 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

I've always had somewhat of a babyface and I've got permanent wrinkles and mini bags under my eyes now, it's strange!  Not done too bad though, 36 now and only really realised I'm past my best from 34. 

You are not old. 

I have pants older than you. 😂

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6 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

I've always had somewhat of a babyface and I've got permanent wrinkles and mini bags under my eyes now, it's strange!  Not done too bad though, 36 now and only really realised I'm past my best from 34. 

My Achilles tendon is always uncomfortable, I'm getting a proper gut now and because my job is very inactive I'm finding it hard to move and get the motivation to not eat shit because I get bored every couple of hours.   

I've got a gym membership I've used 3 times in about 6 months and I always feel tired from about 8pm.. which is when my kids are in bed. 

It sounds like I'm depressed, but I'm not - life is great, but noticing the small things and my energy levels aren't quite what they were 5/10 years ago.  That could be the excess weight though!  Have to get better! :) 

I’m 34 nearly and feel the exact same way but instead of bags my hair is going grey at the front and sides, struggling to motivate to eat better and move more! But life is good feels very strange 😂 

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1 minute ago, PussEKatt said:

If its any help,Im 81 but I still feel like im in my mid 30s

Is that 81 cat years though? ;)


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Just now, rjw63 said:

Is that 81 cat years though? ;)


No,human years,and FYI Im sure that if you asked MJ Mooney ( or any other retired person,that keeps resonably fit/active ) they would probably say the same.IMHO people that keep in shape usually feel about in their 30s as they get older and stay  feeling like that.

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On 08/06/2023 at 09:19, lapal_fan said:

I've always had somewhat of a babyface and I've got permanent wrinkles and mini bags under my eyes now, it's strange!  Not done too bad though, 36 now and only really realised I'm past my best from 34. 

My Achilles tendon is always uncomfortable, I'm getting a proper gut now and because my job is very inactive I'm finding it hard to move and get the motivation to not eat shit because I get bored every couple of hours.   

I've got a gym membership I've used 3 times in about 6 months and I always feel tired from about 8pm.. which is when my kids are in bed. 

It sounds like I'm depressed, but I'm not - life is great, but noticing the small things and my energy levels aren't quite what they were 5/10 years ago.  That could be the excess weight though!  Have to get better! :) 

Its so wierd ive just gone 40 ans ive gone the opposite way. I feel better now than i did in my thirties. Im skinnier my guts practocalky gone and my health (touch wood is generally better) im more active gone for 2 walks most days and it helps. I eat better now than i did in my 30s. Only thing is im gettkbg a few greys now on my beard but ce le vest

Im glad to hear though your not depressed!

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1 hour ago, Demitri_C said:

Your fridge looks a bit historic robert you might want to modernise it 😉 

Oh come now, that dude has a haircut like yours, you KNOW I'm rather hirsute on the noggin ;)


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