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Everything posted by jackbauer24

  1. Outstanding, easily MOTM for me. At one point he was fouled three times in a row and still stayed on his feet to create a chance. Fantastic, signing of summer so far.
  2. It there is still anyone who thinks Westwood should be automatically dropped then they just need to look at the performance of Jedinak today, he was truly awful. In fact Jedinak made me question my stance on him replacing Gardner today! Jedinak plays worse and worse each game. Westwood is what he is and may well be improved on in 2017 but at the moment, like the fact or not, he's still one of our best midfielders. Obviously our midfield is awful so it's not necessarily saying much but he currently has to start.
  3. No two ways about it, today he was outstanding when he came on. Added a drive sorely needed to our midfield and has bundles of skill. Just needs to keep fitness and consistency up.
  4. Well if that's your argument, any player who was there last year and here this year should be sold and we should cheer their departure. So I assume you'll be doing the same with Grealish, Ayew, Gestede, Cissokho? Or, do you treat each player individually and assess their merits? The really bad ones have gone (Lescott etc), the poor ones are on the bench (Hutton) and the ones fine for now are playing (Ayew and Westwood). Both can be improved on though, that's not the debate. For now, he's ok but the priority has shifted so that he is now much closer to being replaced than he was before the summer.
  5. I'm one of those people who likes to see players play in their proper positions, so why are we even debating Westwood being dropped? We need at least two, preferably three true midfielders behind our attacking threesome. So if three, there isn't a single other option but to play Westwood really, Gardner is awful. If taking a risk and going all out attack, you need two players but neither Tshibola or Jedinak have inspired much confidence that they'll be out of the treatment room long enough to threaten the first team. So, again, Westwood has to play regularly. Overall he's still not our worst player by a long shot. A few months ago I stepped in to the normal Westwood bashing and suggested, while no world beater, he was nowhere near a priority to be replaced. I guess the summer window backed up I wasn't alone in that belief. However, he's now fallen well in to that bracket as other areas have been improved first so I expect in 2017 we'll see midfield improvements. Just as any progression dictates, you fix the urgent areas first and leave the other bits alone til you're trying to improve and not just repair. Strikeforce improved, defence improved, midfield is NOW on the list. But I won't cheer when he's gone and don't think he's the worst player in the current squad or historically. I said there were at least 10 players who were worse than him last season and, even after the sales, I'd still prefer to see him in the squad than Richards, Gabby, Gardner, Kozak, Hutton, Cissokho to begin with. He's tarnished by being an almost ever present in one of the worst periods in our history. Yet if several managers have tried to firefight our inevitable decline and still chosen to leave Westwood alone while they fix other areas he must be doing enough/ have the right attitude as a professional footballer to have warranted at least a little more appreciation, even if not a fan of his. First stage was repair so he will stay in the team, next stage will be improvement so he probably won't, but I'll give him a round of applause if I see him playing for the opposition.
  6. Random tactical note but it bugs me and the people who sit round me, especially in light of the constant pressure we face in the last ten minutes of games; why are we the only team that doesn't have a man standing further up the pitch when defending a corner etc? Under at least three seperate managers when ever we are defending a corner, every single player is in or around the box which means every time it's cleared, it comes straight back in. There is no outlet, no person to hold it up, or even potentially begin a counter attack. Also means the opposition can afford to commit even more men forward. Every other team does it, Premier League or Championship. Means we have to have more players defending than attacking our corners and it is often a case that any clearances from our historically poor delivery finds an opposition player on the half way line ready to attack us.
  7. VERY initial impression, but I'm hoping we haven't been conned by another Premier League team. West Brom sold us an experienced, captain, player of the season JUST as he'd fallen off a cliff physical/legs wise... From what I've seen of Jedinak so far, I'm getting that impression again. Seems very slow and laboured in his performances so far and offered very little fight in either an attacking or defensive sense. However, he's been injured, he's settling in to a new team and he undoubtedly will have a much better attitude than Lescott anyway so I'm just hoping my initial fears are put to bed in the next five or six games. With such a weak midfield it is vital he performs to a high standard as there is absolutely no one to replace him.
  8. Simple, you can't. Well, not if you want to have any balance in the first eleven. Kodjia and McCormack are first choice upfront (whoever is the out and out front man is up for debate) and then one of Grealish or Ayew plays behind them in the creative/ attacking role. Then a solid three man central midfield of Tishbola, Jedinak & Westwood with the width provided by Bacuna/Amavi when attacking. Midfield providing the required cover when Bacuna or Amavi are attacking. A starting 4-3-1-2 basically. Unfortunately for Jack he's not showing enough to warrant a starting place in that line-up. Ayew has offered more, although both are guilty of having no end product, trying to take on five players at once, getting easily pushed off the ball and throwing a sulky tantrum on the floor aimed at anyone who pays them attention. It's arguably the most important role in the team at the moment, linking up the marginally improved defence with the much more potent attack. Unfortunately, largely due to tactics and the performances of Grealish and Ayew we've not managed to get that part working.
  9. In my opinion he's playing far too deep. Now I haven't seen much of him before Villa but he gives the impression of a one/two touch player, get it to him and he'll have a crack at it from anywhere or he'll, like today, be a clinical poacher like finisher. He's not going to hold up play well and he's not going to go past players with skill, strength or speed. So he needs to be much further upfront, ahead of flick ons from Kodija/ Gestede. Ayew needs to be playing in the role McCormack currently plays, so he can take players on, he can use his pace and he can float from one side to the other from a more central position. He often gets the ball on the right wing but naturally moves to the middle; put him there from the start. Personally speaking, I'd be dropping Grealish at the moment as he doesn't warrant building a team around. He has basically zero end product and his flair can't be carried for the other 80 mins of the game. Play McCormack, Kodija upfront, Ayew as playmaker then add some strength to the midfield with Tshibola, Westwood and Jedinak in there. Use De Laet and, eventually, Amavi as further attacking threats from the RB/LB positions. So a 4-3-1-2 effectively that almost turns into a 2-3-3-2 when attacking. Grealish unbalances the side, weakening the midfield and not offering as much threat as Ayew. Our biggest problem is the weak midfield who neither defend well or create much. All the new signings in that position have serious questions over their long term fitness and any team that relies on Gardner isn't going to be challenging for the playoffs! There's so much attacking threat in this team but we're not seeing it because the midfield is so poor and Ayew, and Grealish, are being misused.
  10. This thread is laughable...but still a lot more realistic than the Promotion thead. We are bang on average; great for 15mins, awful for the rest.
  11. It's a good point and certainly an area that needs addressing. I needed to pop in to the Villa Park store during the week - I was the only person in there. Financially speaking I doubt there is little point keeping either the shop or the ticket office open on non-match days at Villa Park. If people need either service in person, they can easily get it in Birmingham City Centre. No-one is in Aston on non-match days! Personally I'd close the New Street store and make the Villa Park store only open match days. Reinvest the cash on a prime spot in the Bullring/Grand Central that caters for both services. More footfall, advertising the club and more sales (merchandise AND tickets) from people who are just passing and get enticed in! If desperate maybe make Villa Park a pick up point (counter rather than shop), but still doubt it'd be used. I wouldn't bother with Resort World yet, I don't know many people who have even visited yet.
  12. Reasons this ITK turned out to be wrong; 1. Poster mixed up Morrison with Kodjia 2. Accidentally started thread it in their pocket 3. Account got hacked and poster didn't write this. 4. Things changed at the last minute, it was going to happen, honest. 5. Dr Xia is lying 6. All people who claim to be ITK are full of cr*p with nothing better to do with their time! Which is your money on? But please don't actually bet on it because that'd be ridiculous...
  13. It is just a coincidence that VillaSouthener works for Betfair...
  14. Whilst I think the idea of us being relegated is ridiculous, promotion is almost as fanciful. There are a couple of days left of the window and we are woefully short of even a Play-Off team at the moment. Much like last summer, everyone is raving about the new signings and how good they'll be but I'm yet to see any proof of that. Gollini isn't even looking as good as Guzan. Everyone raves about leader Elphick but his actual play has been slow and I've seen a number of sliced clearances. Tshibola hasn't done anything great and is seemingly injured a bit. McCormack has looked very rusty with a poor touch. In fact most point to the best players so far this season being Gestede, Cissokho and Bacuna! Yes we're only 5 (6 with cup) games in but we've not seen a good 90 minute performance yet. Chester has looked solid. Not seen De Laet or Jedinak in person yet. Naturally not all these players are going to make the grade, no team gets 100% success rate on transfers. So that leaves us with squad depth; Baker at CB, Hutton at RB, who in midfield?, Kozak upfront. What about injuries or suspensions? I can see us gelling, I can see performances and results improving. But I can not see how every signing is going to be a success and how we are going to avoid any injuries or suspensions and therefore we will not threaten the playoff places in my opinion. We've got two days to do some serious work with buys or loans, even if just for squad depth. RDM said he wanted two players for every position, currently you'd struggle to name half the team where there is competition for places. I'm not expecting promotion as it stands.
  15. For years, even pre-Lerner, MBNA have had some sort of relationship with Villa. They have supplied the official credit card for a long time and often do that free shirt if you sign up deal. However, I have no idea if that relationship has been strengthened in recent times.
  16. He's 35. Still playing internationals and captain for LA Galaxy. Not that ridiculous. At least he's still doing it even if he is in the twilight of his career. Drogba and Klose are beyond even that now but what I actually meant was people like Bamford and Hernandez.
  17. I'd like to throw Robbie Keane's name in to the mix. No reasons other than he's played here before, he'd be closer to world class than other names mentioned but he's also on the older side. Would still cause major havoc in the Championship and, who knows, might want a UK return?! Clutching at straws...
  18. I'm not overly fussed on Morrison BUT we need a player that is going to excite people, or make people talk and, ultimately, add a spark to quite a subdued team and fan base. We're solid but have no excitement. So if Morrison isn't on that list and there's only a week and a bit left of the transfer window, I'm worried there no other links at this stage.
  19. Half time report bulletin; Villa dominating possession, Villa hit post multiple times, Villa offer very little in creativity and attack other than pot shots. Opposition offering nothing whatsoever. Copy and paste this to all games this season. I wonder what will happen in the second half...
  20. Fair comments, like I said it's a 'working model'! However I would judge Boxing as an 'Art' in my system as it is scored by judges. And I don't like Boxing anyway! Yes, there is some blur because a KO is a definitive action which would class it as a sport. As for many 'Arts' there is stil plenty of athleticism required and does not diminish the skill required. I couldn't do a back flip on a beam... The argument for muscle control is weaker though. Snooker could be considered even greater skill in that area as there is much greater variation between power screw back and touching ball accuracy. Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a great skill - if I hit any of 5, 20 or 1 I'm doing well! It doesn't diminish the merit in it exactly (snooker is one of my favourite pasttimes) but I've seen a mate hit 180 occasionally with moderate ability. Never seen an amateur throw a javelin 80/90meters as a 'fluke'!
  21. The Olympics always kicks off an argument in my head as to what quantifies as sport. I've come up with a shaky definition that I use that doesn't dismiss activities, simply relabels them. As it happens, I'm not a fan of one category but I still recognise its merit. So, in my opinion, There's SPORT - events that have a score created by player action, either distance, height, speed or getting an object in a target zone. To be a sport you MUST need to be PHYSICALLY tired/strained to complete it. Examples being football, cycling, running, field events. Outside Olympics, I'd include motorsport in this category. Then there's GAMES - as above but without any need for great physical prowess. It may help but it isn't essential. Examples are snooker, golf, darts and shooting. Finally, there's ART - this is any event that is judged. Prime examples are gymnastics and diving. It doesn't diminish the skills required but results are open to interpretation by different people. So that's my opinion. I'm sure people could think of some sports that don't fit in to any category well; it's a working theory! I personally have no interest in ARTS at all, like GAMES but don't think they belong at the Olympics and think it should be reserved for pure SPORTS. Now I await the first person to highlight the fact it's called the Olympic GAMES...
  22. According to Wiki he's part-time coach at Derby...
  23. Is this the greatest ever match Villa played? Bar finals for the ultimate prize perhaps, but this match was amazing. I've watched it hundreds of times and I'll watch it another hundred times no doubt. Atkinson with the leveller was great, but that mazy, Wimbledonesque, attempt right at the end would have been the best goal ever scored by a Villa player. A true Villa legend.
  24. I often read about people worrying about height of players but I never understand it. One of the people I remember winning more headers than most was Alan Wright! Then I think of Gestede and realise that he fails to win about 50% of the headers he goes for - has this great knack of mistiming every jump. So ability is far more useful than just height. I'd prefer any defender who could actually defend, whether they're 6ft 5 or 2ft 5!
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