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Everything posted by villa89

  1. Nothing suits him IMO, he's not very good in any situation as a manager.
  2. That's code for 'bigger profit margin for us'
  3. It's miles better than this seasons purple effort anyway.
  4. The first decent team England have played in the whole competition, not counting England reserves vs Belgium reserves in the race to lose match. It will be interesting to see how they cope. I cant see England beating both Croatia and France/Belgium but it's definitely possible.
  5. These Russian players have the energy levels of someone who has been on a systematic doping programme for 24 months. Good job there's no drugs in football.
  6. That and the intimidation of referees.
  7. Exactly what I expected to happen. Bought the club, gambled on getting promoted quickly and cashing in, failed, now wants to get his money back despite his own mis-management.
  8. yep, he's 31 next January so it seems like it's a short term gamble to try to get promotion. That strategy worked out great for us.
  9. There's going to be a lot of complaints in this thread come Monday morning. The logo is shit lads. We know it's shit and we know it's going to be on the jersey. It's time to accept it. One thing that is odd is the pink on the training kit. The last thing we need is yet another home kit that's not actually claret.
  10. They had to sign players that counted as 'homegrown' for European squads. Too bad they bought shite.
  11. cos he's shite.
  12. You can be sure his failure won't be his fault anyway.
  13. Yeah I saw that, easy to enforce it in a kids game. I can guarantee that same ref wouldn't do it in a full international game.
  14. It's one of those rules no ref has the bottle to actually enforce.
  15. Used to play it religiously years ago but packed it in. It was good fun back in the day though and the whole concept is a very clever idea.
  16. It's not though and that's my whole point. If you look at the examples you listed you'll find plenty of people/pundits/refs who will disagree with your judgement.
  17. How do you determine if a player has deliberately handled a ball? Unless you are a mind reader you'll never know. So it's a subjective decision and the rule isn't clear because you can't actually determine what's deliberate and what's not. And that's just one example, there are lots of other rules/fouls in the game that aren't clear and are totally subjective.
  18. That would mean relegation or very close to it IMO.
  19. 1. Yes they are and it's nonsense to claim otherwise. That's why referees/fans/pundits disagree over whether something was a foul or not. 2. The rules of the game aren't clear For example handball situations.
  20. Indeed but I would argue that given the wage bill and the support in the transfer market he's failed to improve us enough in both his seasons here. It just depends what your point of view is.
  21. Some of us really, really can't look forward to this. Especially when you look at his underage record for his country.
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