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Everything posted by villa89

  1. People were saying the same things when randy sold out to Dr X.
  2. The difference is that this guy can afford to lose millions, it's a drop in the ocean to him.
  3. Let's hope our new overlords realise he's shite and sack him.
  4. Spend all the money now! We want Neymar or GTFO!
  5. Let's hope there's an immediate Twitter ban for him to go along with his new position.
  6. 8% of the company he part owns is worth was worth £600m in 2009. Looks like he actually has money that's his own unlike Dr. Con-artist.
  7. This is one of the two things I wanted to know about him. The second is how much of that money is he going to invest into the club. Money buys success, and we need both.
  8. Like everything on twitter I assume it has been rigorously researched and triple sourced before publication.
  9. Haven't we already borrowed against the value of said catering ovens to cover half of Ross McCormack's weekly Tennent's bill?
  10. Hosting the Olympics in the first place is a crazy waste of tax payers money and the west ham farce is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the disastrous legacy of hosting an Olympics. People should have been protesting on the streets that so much money was being hemorrhaged on a vanity project.
  11. So he wants to keep a share of the club and then hope the new investors can invest enough money to get us promoted. Then when we are in the premier league Tony can sell his share for a profit to pay back the loan that he has? If that's the case he's an even worse business man that I thought and the people who gave him money are thicker than the donald.
  12. To be honest at this stage I couldn't give a monkey's who takes over the club or what they do with it as long as they us back into the top 8 in the premier league where we belong. Shithousing around with the dregs in the chumpionship, never able to compete to win anything proper or yoyoing up and down from the top division like the tesco bags doesn't interest me at all.
  13. I think it's nice. A change from their usual plain kits. Although the red does look a bit on the pink side in that photo.
  14. Shows how far gone we are that when we finally bring through a really brilliant, exciting, classy player we can't keep him. 'The future's bleak' should be our new tag line.
  15. It might not be the worst thing if we did go into administration. We could sort out the debt and get the Dr. Fraud out of the club.
  16. I would. If was going to make it he would have done it by now. He's destined to play well below championship level.
  17. He didn't though, he always looked lazy and disinterested. There might be some talent buried in there somewhere but he's not arsed doing any work to show it.
  18. I'm not an accountant but I assume we would be. Going into Administration would mean that whoever owns the debt would have to take a write down on it to keep the club solvent.
  19. No chance it's £5.4m, more like 5.4m lira.
  20. Dele alli with another dreadful display. Been anonymous throughout this entire competition.
  21. The club will be a complete shambles when he's done with it. No assets, no decent players, no hope.
  22. It's a weird looking lion with a crown on it's head, a massive tongue sticking out of it's mouth and it's looking back over it's shoulder (presumably at a cauliflower or some other extremely interesting vegetable).
  23. Which lion? The club crest is rubber, like you see on rugby jerseys. I assume the Luke logo is woven.
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