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Everything posted by villa89

  1. They should just be using it to assist with offside calls. They can use the technology to show clearly if something, e.g. a goal, was offside or not. For subjective things like fouls it's a farce.
  2. So first it was only for clear and obvious errors. Then when people see penalties that were clear and obvious they ask why VAR wasn't used. Now they have changed their minds and everything is fair game for VAR and it's used to balance out decisions in a game, so if you get one bad VAR decision against you don't worry you'll get a one in your favour later on. What a farce, but sadly a completely predictable one.
  3. I have the same problem. I can't get any of my money out of China either, because I don't have any, just like Dr. Fraud.
  4. What's even more bizarre is that some people continue to defend him despite the fact that he's clearly a complete fraud.
  5. I think it's reiterating just how spineless refs are. Now alot of that is the lack of support they get but refs are petrified to make any decision. They dont punish divers, they don't punish players shouting in their face, they see obvious fouls in the box that would be freekicks anywhere else on the pitch and don't give penalties, they don't punish time wasting, the list goes on.
  6. That's what happens with every recent Nintendo console. You should have known that when you bought it. They haven't had any proper 3rd party support for their consoles for years.
  7. meh, i don't see that as an issue at all to be honest.
  8. The faster Iran get knocked out the better. I don't like watching games on mute.
  9. Oh great more horns. They aren't annoying at all.
  10. villa89


    Fingers crossed they get top four. Only then will the football powers do something about the cancer that is football agents.
  11. Well given the current situation and desperation of our owner it could be the case that you get good chunk of the club for not a lot of money. Then in the (unlikely) event we get promoted at some time in the future suddenly your investment would be worth 3 or 4 times what you paid for it. I wouldn't put in a penny while Dr. Dodgy is involved if it was my money.
  12. I'd prefer to see "Dr." X turfed out of the club permanently. I don't want to see a situation where he sells a percentage of the club but keeps majority control. It's not clear from that tweet if it's a full sale or just new investment.
  13. Will there be a minutes silence before every game from now on given that poor Mohammad salah is going out of the tournament? Christ the bbc coverage is abysmal.
  14. God those stupid horns are unbearable. You'd think after the south africa world cup fiasco they would be confiscated from fans.
  15. Well that'll paper over the cracks. If they play like that against a half decent side in the last 16 they'll be out.
  16. by who England or Tunisia? Or both. Neither look capable of scoring.
  17. Dele alli's match rating in L'equipe tomorrow could be a negative number. Completely anonymous and offered absolutely nothing.
  18. It definitely wouldn't be for me either. Let's hope the actual kit is much better.
  19. Jesus those Southampton kits are an abomination.
  20. Did you not seen them when dunga was their manager? He had them playing turgid stuff.
  21. I would highly doubt that given how little academy players cost in the grand scheme of things. I'm sure the decision was that he wasn't just good enough and never would be.
  22. The lion logo was waaayyyy too big on that T-Shirt.
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