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Everything posted by Nicho

  1. Super scared and excited for tonight. This will either be heart breaking or hope inducing. Its win or bust for me, a draw wouldnt be a disaster for the league but for us fans it will feel like a loss. Hoping the performance is there to go with a win but I dont care how the ball goes in the net tonight. Would like a super dodgy goal tonight that visibly lifts the players when they see the world isnt against them.
  2. Yea it was something like he has had less than half the amount of touches this season than he did the previous one. Needs the ball to score goals. We keep using him just to flick headers to the opponent's defense and it doesn't work. Thats only been in two games to be fair and hes played better in those two than he has all season barring the Spurs game. Maybe thats just because the ball is going somewhere near him now rather than just keeping it in the mid field until we lose it. Get it to his feet quickly and watch him go.
  3. I'd watched the last 10 games of Lambert and honestly saw no positives other than Gill, an individual. The positives of the last 2 games has been the whole team shape, intent and a bit more passion. Whether that is because of Sherwood or just because of no Lambert I don't know.
  4. Thats what I wanted to read
  5. As others have said £30k-£35k in mid twenties is an absolute dream for most. Ive been above £25k for the last two years and dont plan on ever going back down. With 2 months of unemployment it made me realise just how much of that I pissed up the wall and wasted though, Id say a £5k increase every 5 years is a good return on career growth. Im motivated, experienced and clever (If I do say so myself) but If I was on £35k basic I think id be delighted with my lot but I wouldnt be that bothered if I didnt get there for another 10 years, think ill be there by the time Im 30 though.
  6. What does this even mean? "Rotten to the core." It almost sounds like you're alleging a kind of corruption, or are you merely talking about incompetence? I think "rotten" in terms of mentality, until February we have been sleep walking into relegation and the action we have taken may be too late. The mentality of this club is rotten, content from top to bottom until now, even the fans have only truly woken up to our plight IMO.
  7. Ultimate responsibility lies with the top manager as it always does with any business so should be looking at Lerner. In the short term it has been Lamberts fault, the tactics, performances, desire, coaching, subs ect have been terrible this season, he should have walked if he wasn't being pushed. what has been served up is worthy of relegation and I imagine our last 38 games in this division have us relegated. However he should have been sacked at the end of last season meaning his performance want good enough for nearly 2 years. So you have to look at the higher ups, they set the modus operandi and Lerner was happy with scrapping safety and that has set us up to fail. Ultimately Lambert did what he was told from a budgeting point of view and any ounce of fire and inspiration that we felt he had when he came was either extinguished or was never there in the first place. And regardless of potential he became another poor selection. Only one man has been at the helm for the last 5 year of soul destroying football and terrible operations management. We the fans are not to blame but we put enough pressure on to get Mcleish out it took us far longer to do it to Lambert. Our passion for this club as a group was on the wain and I think only now that we are on the brink have some we woken up.
  8. Our performances have improved in the last two games and even with losses we are still not cut a drift. Every game we lose becomes closer to being the one that puts us down, but until we are mathematically down I will cling onto hope. However I think if we lose to West Brom it will be completely unrecoverable, the last few games have been cant lose but we have, Tuesday is a must win and anything but and we are down.
  9. Best performance if seen from us for a long time
  10. We've been the better team and we havnt often been able to say that.
  11. Ball played into gabby a get and his touch takes the ball above head height. shocking!
  12. I second this it seem sherwood is going for tried and tested in premiership, I hope im wrong but we wont win this game no chance you have 2 sideways and backwards passes in Cleverley and westwood, Gabby is a waste of space so we will not win this game. What happens if we win? Is it then luck? Or will you give him credit? Your being negative about a performance that hasnt even happened yet. Its hard to forget the season and performances gone by, but your going to have to let it go. Please get behind the team.
  13. Thats not the way it works, those negative people who judged him before he played go into hiding until his next poor performance and say "I told you he was rubbish". Im the opposite, I liked him and was pleased we signed him and if he starts playing badly I will not come back until he plays well with a "I told you he was good" Welcome to Villa Talk.
  14. I just wrote in the Weimann thread about him having good movement but no technical ability. Gabby is different he is just an athlete and always had been, yes he made improvements to his game over the years and brought us some fantastic moments but there is a reason none of the big boys took him when we were being dismantled. Our good players around him made him the player he was, now he has to stand tall he has shown just how poor he is. I appreciate his service but it is time for him to drop from the first team and has been for a while, why the hell has he been captaining the team? Such a poor choice.
  15. Weimann should be played no where else but up front, he is a technically poor player but his movement and work rate is a problem for other teams. That makes him dangerous in the box but completely useless anywhere else.
  16. Its pretty cold at the moment, getting hit in the balls by the ball on a cold morning is always a sure fire way to find the weak. The psychologist can shout slogans while Tim hoofs footballs at our players.
  17. Are you living pay cheque to pay cheque? Or do you have savings or are able to live with family? The reason I ask is because if it's the latter then you really should just consider quitting the job you're in and having the freedom to commit 100% of your time to finding something else. I guarantee that with your experience you would most likely find something more than £20k even if you were unemployed. If you can't afford to just quit then I really think you should go all out to find something else. Be very proactive - update your linkedin if you haven't already, spend time both in your work time (in quiet moments) and after working relentlessly applying for jobs, also get in touch with recruiters. Then be utterly ruthless when you do get call backs for interviews, go off sick or take last minute time off in order to attend. As others have pointed out, life really is too short to be feeling the way you feel in your job. I imagine you don't know what you want do? I still don't and I quit my job and found a decent one within a month. It's good money but I know it dosnt utilise my major skills and traits. My advice is quit if it's driving you that mad, put your effort into finding something that utilises a skill that you are proud of and then Remain sane and employed until you can make the most of an opportunity. Might have to work out what your proud of or what gets you motivated? At all points put your full effort in as you never know what it will achieve, who is glancing from afar or when something will open up.
  18. Get relegated -> Lerner cuts his losses and sells -> Sell all lazy non passionate players -> Villa blood youth players -> Win Championship -> Stay in Premiership -> New team of Villa Wonderkids emerge -> Villa win FA Cup and finish top 4 -> Win League
  19. It makes me sad that our Jimmy starts all the big games for Manc City. Even in center mid tonight where if hed stayed at Villa would have cemented him as one of the best central midfielders in league.
  20. The whole situation regarding the bid is ridiculous, The voting and scheduling are only minor when it comes to the human rights and healthy environment breaches which are both part of the criteria for even being able to enter into the bidding process in the first place. Fans will even struggle to get there, along with no beer and ridiculous humidity it will ruin the whole atmosphere.
  21. Is that just skys fault? In the 90s they had the best product so why did the TV money not go to them.
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