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Everything posted by juanpabloangel18

  1. This worth picking up for 25 quid? I'm thinking this or Witcher 3 (which is a lot more expensive, obv). Loved Skyrim, loved Mass Effect trilogy, never played the previous 2 installments of DA though edit: should clarify, the only reason I'm hesitant is because of pretty poor user reviews: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/dragon-age-inquisition/user-reviews
  2. Indiscriminately chucking a sharp, heavy broken seat down onto the tier below is extremely dangerous, as this lad found out http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2984695/Aston-Villa-fan-needed-bloody-wound-GLUED-West-Brom-supporters-hurl-seats-rivals.html
  3. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/liverpool-man-united-transfer-target-5685342 Could stomach United or Chelsea, not Liverpool or Spurs.
  4. +1 on Europa League next year... Shaktar away anyone?
  5. I've already gotten mine but trying for a friend, I've just been bloody booted to the back of the queue! *Online queue
  6. Had to go upper tier, but sorted
  7. http://news.sky.com/story/1479493/ex-arsenal-captain-adams-eyes-villa-takeover
  8. Just saw this myself. How bizarre
  9. Haven't had a decent player (80+) for ages... but quite enjoying thrashing teams inc Bale, Ronaldo, Ribery with my team of misfits (& my crap manager)
  10. Getting really into My Club. Have had rotten luck with all my spins though - my best player is Saviola on 78, whereas all the teams I play seem to have Bale, Cron, Ibra, etc... How?! Recommend trying out this mode if you haven't yet - the ball spinning method of signing a new player is great (if usually heart-breaking)
  11. My half time sustenance consisted of 3 mouth-fulls of pizza and 2 sips of budweiser. best £10 I can remember spending
  12. Richardson was not good yesterday. I just watched the full 90 mins again and was there, he was very sloppy
  13. I think I could die a happy man if Gabby scores at Wembley
  14. I think it would probably be a mistake to let go of Westwood. He obviously isn't particularly creative, but then if he was he'd be an excellent CM. If he's happy to be a squaddie here I'd prefer to have him around
  15. Has anyone's ticket arrived yet? Ordered on Thursday and not come yet, can't get through to ticket office. Cheers *last thursday
  16. You qualify for the CL opening round if you win the Europa League
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