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Everything posted by juanpabloangel18

  1. You qualify for the CL opening round if you win the Europa League
  2. Since when did a Pot Noodle and a Twix cost almost £21,000 per week (pre-tax)? bravo, sir, bravo.
  3. Ehhh. Maybe if we had the season of our lives. Top 7 is pretty strong imo. They're all competing for the top 4 and assuming Everton sort themselves out with the squad they have for next season that'll be a strong top 8. I think we'll be competing with Everton and Southampton of the best of the rest initially if we do really well next season. Christ lads let's stay up first
  4. interesting quote from Benteke Yeah, that's great and all, but It's going to take more goals against difficult opponents before Tekkers has real cred with me. United? Chelsea? Arsenal? Liverpool? etc etc
  5. Born, conceived and partly raised on the pitch
  6. I got duped into getting 'Villa Cash' earlier this season for priority on away games - anyone else have this, or aware if Villa Cash will aid the chances getting in there early doors for Wembley?
  7. Still don't want him here permanently, assuming he'd occupy a large chunk of our wage bill and I don't think he's good enough to warrant it. I do worry that Sherwood will try very hard to make it happen though.
  8. Arguably the moment when Ashley Young turned shit
  9. Jesus, biggest win in years and people complaining about subs? Only on VT
  10. Thus completing the quickest change of opinion in the history of VT
  11. Just heard him speak for the first time. Think he might be a goon
  12. Somewhat farcically, we could actually win this.
  13. Tim Sherwood likes banta https://vine.co/v/M3VWU1MVijr
  14. I find this instant defeatist and negative attitude the majority seem to be taking towards Sherwood confusing and frankly a bit embarrassing. There are no stand-out candidates for the job! We are in a bad state and some of the suggestions I've seen (Big Sam?!) are simply out of the question or don't represent any less of a risk. Tim Sherwood is unproven but I'd at least be willing to give him a bloody chance. Whoever we get in is going to require the full and immediate support of the fans if we've any hope of getting out of this hole. Football managers are a strange breed (Brendan Rodgers, anyone?) and whilst Sherwood has raised a few eyebrows I think we're going to have to give our next hire the benefit of the doubt, at least until the end of the season.
  15. I've seen it all now. Ok so you'd rather have a player in the team doing less and playing worse just because they're thought of as "world class" than a player in the team playing better and contributing more because they're not a big name? Sadly that doesn't even surprise me. How good a team looks on paper is worthless, it's what they do on the pitch that counts. If we stepped out on the pitch with a world class player in every position worth £50 million and were finishing 10th, would you not rather having a team of grafters worth 20p each finishing 1st? Judging by how you responded to my previous post I guess not, it's all about the names I literally have no idea what you're talking about
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