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Everything posted by wilko154

  1. I'm probably in the minority here but I currently trust the decisions Boris is making. So far the country isn't hit as hard as others, I haven't heard of anyone in my area who has symptoms. It's a bit like the video posted yesterday with the water spilling over the cup, until the hospitals are inundated with patients there is no reason to lockdown the country. A full lockdown of the country will be hugely detrimental to the economy, and if they time it wrong and have to extend it or repeat it it would then double the effects on the economy. The economy may not seem that important right now but it's effectively what holds the world together and prevents anarchy. The nation themselves need to take some responsibility. The elderly and the at risk need to begin self isolation immediately, they should in fact have started already. Walking around Tesco tonight there were still elderly people about, and no doubt there will be all week. The safest place people can be right now is at home, and if people don't have work that's exactly where they should be. Yet I can almost guarantee you that if walk into your local Wetherspoon's tomorrow morning there will be elderly men spread out with a pint reading the paper. The one change I would make right now is something along the lines of what Australia and New Zealand have brought in with everyone landing in the UK having to self isolate for 14 days. Why we are not doing it is baffling.
  2. Interesting twitter thread detailing the effects the virus has had on this lads wife, mid 30's and floored by it. Also the below video is from a doctor who has now recovered from the virus, in her 60's and described as a worse version of the flu. Paracetamol seem's to be the only thing that helps and it's mostly a case of riding it out if possible. Those vulnerable really need to try and isolate themselves going forwards as this could seriously affect them.
  3. That's probably the most disrespectful thing i've read on this site. There are some things that you should think but not say/type.
  4. Same policy as Emirates I believe who I have booked with. Emirates refund policy is a 25% charge of the cost, but they are offering a no charge change of flight. We are going to use this to rebook the trip.
  5. How does FM20 compare to FM19? I'm still playing FM19, with a fairly successful save, wasn't planning on getting FM20. With the current coronavirus scare and no football I may make the huge £20 investment for the next few weeks.
  6. Cancelled my trip to Australia today due to the 14 day self-isolation they imposed overnight. Rebooking for November. Kind of glad it's been taken out of my hands, I have a feeling it's going to get a lot worse over here shortly and we would have had difficulties getting back into the country. Hopefully it's all settled down by November and we can enjoy our holiday properly. This thread has been a massive help in the last few day's, thanks to all you guy's for explaining things a lot better than the people running this country.
  7. So flying to Sydney on Tuesday via Dubai. Was dead set on it all week, but starting to doubt if it's the best idea now. Spending 3 weeks over in Sydney and travelling up the coast; I'm not particularly worried about Dubai or Australia they seem to have less cases than the UK and the risk in Australia is likely to be similar to being in the UK. In fact being out of work and in rural areas in Oz will most likely be safer. The only worry I have is a) the travelling via plane on Tuesday and b) the state of the world on my return on 3rd April Emirates are currently not offering cancellations or refunds. May be taken out of my hands in the next day or two now that New Zealand have brought in self-isolation for 14 days for anyone arriving into the country, likely Australia will follow suit. Anyone in a similar situation?
  8. Yes please mate. I'm visiting Sydney as a relative is there, then travelling up the coast to Brisbane.
  9. Similar situation to you, I fly to Australia on Tuesday via Dubai, back on April 3rd. I'm going ahead with it, I would imagine the borders will remain open to UK Citizens as the USA are doing.
  10. To be fair there are a lot of players in that team I would have liked to headbutt on my journey back from Leicester on Monday. Jota was pretty low down on my list though.
  11. At Leicester last night I went for a slash and witnessed almost every single bloke wash their hands. I've never seen so many men take personal hygiene so seriously.
  12. I don’t rate Reina at all, Nyland has looked good for me in the games he’s played (aside from Man City) His distribution is either fantastic, or bordering on farcical. He plays balls to players as though they are a top 4 player who can play out from the back with ease, our players can’t do that. His decision to come out for the ball last night was one of the worst Villa goalkeeping errors I’ve seen in years. Bring Nyland back for the remainder of the season now.
  13. I don’t mean we have gone backwards since his appointment. I mean we have gone backwards in terms of the style of football we are playing, or attempting to play since the end of last season and even the start of this season.
  14. We’ve gone backwards under Smith, we’re now playing the sort of football we saw under Bruce but with less defensive stability. Every ball out from defence is hurled forward in the hope that Samatta can win it. If he does we have no one with him, if we don’t we also lose the second ball as well. The players look as though they have given up under Smith. As someone mentioned earlier, we are now into our last 10 games of the season and Smith still hasn’t settled on a first 11 with a formation. Tactically we are naive in every game. Personally I think Grealish is being wasted on the left side of the pitch, he’s our captain, talisman and best player, he should be in the centre of the pitch with everything flowing through him. First half today he had the least touches of any player on the pitch. Right now we are going down, even John McGinn can’t save us. Yes we’ve been hindered by injuries this season, but the recruitment has been poor and the coaching/management has also been poor. The question now is do we get rid of Smith for the final 10 games and give someone a chance of keeping us up? Or do we stick with Smith and if we go down, which we most likely will do, allow him to rebuild and try to take us back up to the PL?
  15. About 5 hours into Horizon Zero Dawn and I reckon it’s the best game I’ve played on the PS4 so far, narrowly beating The Last of Us: Remastered.
  16. Finished God of War over the weekend. The last few chapters were phenomenal. Going to start Horizon Zero Dawn tonight, heard good things.
  17. Last season's lucky shirt for me. Although it's going to be freezing so I'll probably have a hoody over the top anyway.
  18. Offically given up on Walking Dead and Homeland today. A season behind on both and have absolutely no motivation to catch up with either. On the flip side I can't wait to binge Sunderland Til I Die 2 all day Saturday.
  19. I'm actually looking forward to the day, the football is likely to end badly but hopefully Saturday's performance will really fire some of our players up. We all know that Grealish will produce some magic, it's just all on how many other players turn up for him to play with. Even if we lose 3-0 or 4-0 but give it a good go I'll go home pleased. All we want is for the players to give it their all. For me Smith has to change the tactics, the wingers are not effective at the moment and the gaps in the midfield create a whole world of problems. We lost the midfield to City at Villa Park, and having Grealish out wide was a complete waste of our best player, he has to be in the middle to carry the ball out wherever possible and bring Samatta into the game. Nyland Konsa Engels Mings Guilbert Nakamba Targett Luiz Grealish Hourihane Samatta Engels and Nakamba to hold the centre of the pitch, Mings and Konsa provide the pace to mop up out wide and in behind. Guilbert and Targett to provide the width. Luiz, Grealish and Hourihane combine to get back and defend and get forward to help out Samatta.
  20. Almost done with God of War, taken me a lot longer than I planned. It's an incredible game, but wasn't as enjoyable as The Last of Us for me. Maybe it's just not my type of game. I can see why the reviews were so high though, some of the scenes and battles are fantastic. Next up on my quest to play all of the PS4 exclusives I'm going with Uncharted 4.
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