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Everything posted by wilko154

  1. Haven't been able to get into Horizon Zero Dawn at all. Just not the game for me I don't think. Started Uncharted 3 today and will then move on to Uncharted 4 when it arrives.
  2. Release date confirmed as 19th June 2020 https://blog.us.playstation.com/2020/04/27/release-date-updates-for-the-last-of-us-part-ii-ghost-of-tsushima/
  3. After Life season 2 was fantastic yet again. Hope they continue it for another season.
  4. Anyone started Gangs of London? Is it worth a watch?
  5. Watched this over the weekend off your recommendation, really enjoyed it. Joe Cole was brilliant, will give Offender a go next.
  6. My favourite film so far over the lockdown period.
  7. Full 90 Friday this week looks as though it's been filmed using a potato whilst constantly showing the loading symbol in the middle of the screen. VillaTV is utter rubbish.
  8. Still playing Horizon Zero Dawn, haven’t really picked it up much in the last few weeks so only 25% of the way through. Ive had to move the difficulty down to Easy which pained me a bit, but I’m by far a gaming expert and was getting fed up of over powered machines killing me. Not one of the favourite games but going to see it through, I can see why people enjoyed it.
  9. I hope they announce a full lockdown tonight. People in this country are absolute idiots, the fact they can't follow some simple guidelines is baffling. Stay at home, go to work if you are required to, go to the supermarket once a week (one person from each household) and exercise once a day if you want to (i.e. a walk, a bike ride, a run, and then go back home). There is absolutely no reason for people to be sunbathing in parks, eating outside of their houses, talking in the street, driving around the country. The fact this country can't stick to the guidelines is embarrassing. Previous generations went to war, fought for our nation, died for our nation, this generation can't sit on their sofa's and watch Netflix for a few weeks. Rant over.
  10. Same boat for a lot of people mate, I'm going slightly mad myself being in the house so much. Returning to work next week for 15-20 hours a week should help though as I'll see a few more people. I know what you mean about not being able to work out, I don't even have resistance bands and they seem to be sold out everywhere. Football Manager is currently my saviour but I don't know how long for.
  11. Drive last night. Wasn't the film I expected it to be, picked up in the last half hour but still slightly disappointed. Some of the scenes were brutal.
  12. So I guess the real question is how many people in the UK are currently dying? Did 1500 people die today as would be the average? Or did 1500 + 569 die, meaning a total of 2069 deaths being out of the ordinary.
  13. Christopher Robin. An easy watch but not my kind of film. Glad it's my choice of film tonight.
  14. Let's be clear he's done wrong, he know's it and will pay for it in fines, a battered reputation and a loss of an England place. However, there comes a point where the abuse towards him (however fair it may be) needs to stop. We saw earlier this year what can happen when someone is hounded in the media. Time to move on, there are bigger things in the world right now. [image removed by mods - breached site guidelines]
  15. Gone Baby Gone tonight, not sure how I've not seen it before. Great film.
  16. Two films in the last two days: Birds of Prey - Very average, I was expecting more from it. Disappointing really. Peanut Butter Falcon - Absolutely brilliant, one of my favourite films in a while. Shia LaBeouf is brilliant actor and Zack Gottsagen is hilarious.
  17. Disappointing. People out there risking their lives in the hospitals & supermarkets. People losing their jobs, struggling to pay bills whilst abiding by the lockdown rules. Our club captain with none of the above worries breaks the rules after asking the fans to abide by them. I hope the club throw the book at him. We aren't that club anymore.
  18. I remember Jonny Evans ever playing for Villa, or Gareth Barry stealing a taxi whilst Villa captain. Barry was a good captain for Villa (transfer saga aside)
  19. If he's gone to the shops and pranged his car then fair enough. However in this case I would imagine Jack or the club would have released a statement by now to clear things up, especially with the front page headline and Piers Morgan on national TV. If he's been out visiting people, partying and drinking after releasing his statement on Saturday he should be stripped of the captaincy. If he's been drink driving then he should almost certainly be stripped of the captaincy. Grealish is a hero to many fan's but it doesn't excuse acting like an idiot. The captain is a club role model, see the likes of Barry, Petrov & Chester. If Gabby had done any of the above he would have been stripped of the captaincy immediately. Tyrone Mings is a ready made captain for the club.
  20. How are the police posing a major problem? Have I missed the public announcement that we are now gradually returning to normal? We are in a three week lockdown and people are breaking the rules. I have absolutely no problem with the police writing these people up.
  21. I'm starting to wonder about the shin injury now, it was a miraculous recovery coming straight into the side and volleying the ball into the top corner with a dodgy shin... What has reading 5 pages of this thread done to me?!
  22. Well I had a Domino's tonight and didn't think about decontaminating the boxes before opening. Now going to bed sure that I've infected myself. VT never fails to depress you
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