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Everything posted by wazzap24

  1. Running through this for the first time now. Not as immediately catchy as some of Channel Orange, but I think this is going to be a grower 'Solo' and 'Self Control' are pretty epic on first listen,
  2. wazzap24


    About **** time, but needs to be official. The sooner a government grows a pair and legalises it, the better. The fact it's a class B drug is ludicrous in the extreme.
  3. 'We' as in the board in general, not 'you' as an individual. People with alleged ITK have been given a rough time on here before. Just saying. Carry on arguing with him though, I'm out.
  4. I'm not saying he's right or wrong, to be fair I should just let him defend himself! I was just pointing out he is saying he has it from a source within the club and believes that source to be 100% reliable. I've no idea if it's genuine ITK or not, but we do tend to jump on people who claim they have info, especially when it's not what we want to hear! personally, I'd quite like him here, but the deal would need to come with conditions.
  5. To be fair, he didn't say that. He said he'd been given info to suggest we are not in for him due to previous problems and he believes that info to be very reliable, hence the 100% certainty.
  6. He's two different players for me, it's like he has a split personality on the pitch. Picking up the ball in the middle of the park or out wide, he's excellent. Much like Grealish he's a good out ball, as most of the time it sticks and he has a great knack of holding the ball under pressure and wriggling away from challenges. Get him anywhere near the opposition penalty area though and he short circuits. Nearly always picks the wrong option and his final ball is nonexistent. I like him, but if we could get another striker in and a wide man, I'd let him go if we got a decent offer.
  7. He's got no legs and is about as mobile as a traffic cone. Consdering his physical stature, he's not even a solid presence in there. Always wanted him to get his chance after such awful luck with injuries and who knows, maybe he could have been a player if he hadn't been robbed of that development. No doubt he cares and is trying. Much like his brother, he has decent technique and can strike a ball, but lacks any kind of pace and mobility. He makes Westwood look like Pirlo mixed with Xavi.
  8. wazzap24


    Mmmmmmm I think we should wait for the 'independent' (is it really?) report. Because you say by 'all accounts' which isn't true. One account said he was tasered several times, kicked whilst on the ground and tasered again. And not one account suggests he was armed with anything. If that's the case, it's manslaughter (or at least it would be for Joe public) I don't think they intended to kill him, but I think there's at least a chance they used far more force than was required and if so, the investigation will need to ascertain if race was a factor. My own view (and I fully admit this is pure speculation and based on my general distrust of police in this country) is that they went to town in a random black guy, didn't realise he was semi famous and shit just got real for them. The answer to all of this is mandatory body cams for ALL field based officers. Protect the genuinely good cops who act correctly and give the corrupt nowhere to hide.
  9. Very late to the Stranger Things circle jerk - but yeah, amazing!
  10. Yep. It simply proves that those who say he only passes backwards and sideways are talking out ther backsides
  11. I think it depends on the personnel making up the 4 & 2. We need a better right back IMO, one who likes to defend first and play second. If we get that, we've got a pretty rock solid back four. Stick Westwood and Jedinak in front of that and that is a great base for us to let the front four run ragged. Depending on circumstances, you could play Tshibola in a more advanced role as part of the 4, but with a bit more responsibility, but I'd rather see four out and out attackers in most games. I like the idea of a solid back four, made up of proper defenders, with a couple of quality water carriers in the middle of the park and 4 forwards causing mayhem. Title winning with the right players.
  12. I wouldn't disagree with that. His passing wasn't as on point as Saturday, but what impressed me tonight was his pressing and tackling. He was the one for me that kept his legs in the second half. A couple of times late on, when we were really entrenched, he was furthest up the pitch chasing the ball down. He under hit one or two passes in the second half, but he used the ball pretty well overall. I don't think there were any standout performances tonight, everyone was 'OK/decent' for me, but he edges it for pure effort.
  13. I thought RDM was tactically spot on tonight. Controlled the first half comfortably, but with a discipline that neutralised their counter attack game completely. Despite not playing with the same zip or sparkle that we saw at times on Saturday, we still created enough chances to win two games, in the space of one half. I thought the decision to sit a bit deeper in the second half was a good idea. They were well organised defensively, but they had to come out a bit and I thought it would give our front 4 more space to exploit. Sadly, I think a combination of Huddersfield picking their game up a bit and us tiring badly as the game went on, meant we ended up completely in our shell, with no option on the bench to offer a fresh outlet. We did put have the pace or the energy to play effectively on the break from the hour mark onwards IMO. Don't know what's gone on with Adama again, but he'd have been a superb option for this game in the second half. We remained solid and organised throughout though, which is a plus. Still need a couple more at least (after Jedinak), with at least one pacy winger/forward.
  14. Two exceptional saves IMO tonight that a lot of other keepers might not have made. He's going to be a great keeper. Couple of freak incidents, that's all.
  15. One run today and it was enough to see what he could be capable of. Unstoppable once he starts running. Could be genuinely amazing
  16. Me likey, likey! Quality performance, nice and confident, with more than a touch of skill. Great home debut.
  17. Looks like the player I hoped he would become today. Passing was crisp, he moved it quickly, but with purpose and there were some nice little 10-15 yard forward balls into feet throughout the game. It helps when you have a mobile, aggressive midfield partner, two wide players wanting the ball and a forward who knows how to link the play. With good options around him, his passing could be crucial to our season.
  18. Not phoned 'em yet Hogso. Got 28 days to sort, gonna give em a call Monday and see what they say, then send he form back. Hopefully, it's as Tony describes above. As I said, if they had hard evidence of anything I am fairly certain it would have been straight to NIP (mmmmmmm nips), so I suspect it's bollocks or someone trying it on for a claim.
  19. Totally agree with that. He proper struggles to run more than 15-20 yards at pace. If he had a positional brain, he could still be useful (look at Leicester for example, Huth and Morgan are about as fast as my dead nan, but they know where to stand and sniff the danger out), but he hasn't. He's hopeless.
  20. We could do with Dr Steve Peters cloning himself 25 times and moving in with all the players.
  21. Totally agree with the time and soft underbelly comment, but after a pretty much full preseason, I would expect to be seeing signs of good organisation in the defence. Back to basics was his comment, that for me was the first thing we should have been concentrating on in the summer. Drilling the defenders in groups of four, old school George Graham-esque ropes round the waist - up and down, side to side as unit. Never more than 5-10 yards apart, defend your 18 yard box (full backs no wider than penalty area, centre halfs within the width of the 6 yard box) Defend deep, close the space. Let teams play in front of you, with no space in behind. Don't commit to a tackle unless it's absolutely necessary (Hutton should have this in a hypno tape every night when he goes to bed). We see teams defend like this week in week out. Organised, disciplined and together. He should be well versed in this from his time at Chelsea, they won a champions league defending like that. I don't care if the players are shit, you can teach kids to defend like this. You don't need to be a great footballer to play in a well organised team. Lit shouldn't take more than a preseason to see improvement. You can't legislate for epic douchebaggery like Okore's blunder, but some of the other stuff should have been cut out by now. If we hadn't brought Tommy in, I'd be massively worried.
  22. I wasn't sold on the appointment of RDM, I didn't even see him as a viable option. Since his appointment, I've read a couple of interviews and other bits, which made me think he might be better than I expected. last night raised a couple of concerns for me. One being his team selection following the loss to Wednesday (that selection had me a bit 'WTF' too), the other being some of his post match comments. Specifically when he said 'we need to get back to basics'. The reporter pressed him on what this actually meant (good question, cut through the soundbite) and the response was something along the lines of 'defend better and take our chances'. Now I know these post match interviews are a pain for managers and I don't expect a full tactical analysis of what he's going to do to turn it around, but there was more than a touch of the Sherwood in that answer for me. Like he was saying words with no real conviction of intent. Add that to the bewildered look on his face during the game (and Clarke/Bond) and I'm slightly concerned they are already a bit lost for ideas. Early days and I'm well aware of the need for patience, but I need to see a bit more of a plan. I've not seen any change defensively or going forward that suggests the players have clear instruction on their roles. We don't defend as a team, we don't attack with any kind of consistent intent and it all appears to get more aimless as the game goes on. Players are the key I get that, but they also need clear defined instruction and they are either not getting that or don't have the capability of acting on instruction.
  23. Thanks to everyone who's replied ( serious or otherwise!) I'm gonna get my lad to call the old bill tomorrow and see if they will tell him anything over the phone regarding the allegation. I'm assuming, as this is not a notice of intended prosecution, they can't have any evidence of anything other than someone making something up, otherwise they would have proceeded straight to prosecution surely? As Darren M said, why can't they just tell you straight in the first place, it only deepens my mistrust in coppers. If he's being accused of something then tell us what it is!
  24. This is something worth considering though!
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