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Everything posted by wazzap24

  1. I'm all for that and have done it myself with those private company parking fines, but not replying this carries a penalty of 6 points and a £2k fine!
  2. There's a number we are going to call as the office dealing with it is leamington, which is a trek. I've read in a couple of motoring forums that they won't discuss it with you unless you return the forms, then you might be invited for an interview. I'm not massively worries as the RTC office only deal with 'minor' incidents, but I've heard enough about 'cash for claim' scams and I don't really trust the old bill either, so I'm just trying to find out as much as I can before we do anything else!
  3. Bit of a weird one, wondering if this has happened to anyone else? My son has received a letter from Warwickshire police regarding an alleged Road Traffic Collision. It's not a notice of intended prosecution, that has been crossed out. It simply says 'the above vehicle is alleged to have been involved in a RTC at the time and date stated. It then goes in to say 'as the person registered as the keeper of the vehicle specified...blah blah....consideration is being taken to taking proceedings against the driver in charge of the vehicle. The alleged offence is careless or inconsiderate driving. My son has no knowledge of any incident and although as a typical teenage lad, he struggles to lie straight in bed, he seems genuinely baffled by it. I've checked his car over and there are no signs of anything (it's a 12 year old banger, so there are dinks and dents all over the show, but nothing new) He thinks he may have been driving at the time as the location is local, but that's it. At this stage they just want driver details, but it does say you can attach a letter if you feel it's incorrect. I'm a bit worried that it's some kind of scam claim. He's only just come out of 'black box' insurance and doesn't have a dash cam. Anyone else ever received one of these without having been in an incident they were aware of?
  4. He's gash and shouldn't be in the team.
  5. After a week in heavy rotation, this could be one of my favourite albums ever. A stunning record that's getting better every time I listen to it.
  6. Personally, I wouldn't bother with Wayward Pines. As TBA says above, the first series is only semi-decent and the second is an absolute shower. Like a really bad B movie, without any funny bits (intentional or otherwise) Billions on the other hand, is wicked so far. It's a much higher standard of programme.
  7. You are absolutely spot on, but whoever leads the opposition has got to undo 6 years+ of indoctrination. Labour were spineless on the issue in the run up to the last GM and simply let the Tories (and sections of the media) walk all over them on it. I'd bet if you went and asked the 'average man on the street' who caused the last recession - they'd say labour. Massive task to convince Joe Public.
  8. Having finished Banshee, I'm making a case for it to be up there with the GOATS. 4 tight seasons, all killer no filler - brilliant conclusion. Great characters Great acting Brilliant concept and overall story The best violence and fight scenes I've ever seen on TV Deserves much wider acclaim IMO.
  9. Or just "mostly over 50, disproportionately male and overwhelmingly middle class" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36737426 Given the demographic, I can see her winning.
  10. How good is that opening track on Wildflower!?! Man this album is like being on the best trip ever, without taking any drugs! They need to change the definition of joy in the dictionary and just put a picture of the cover I loved 'Since I left you' like a third child, but I never thought they could pull off the follow up after all this time. After about half a dozen plays, this actually sounds better! I feel like a kid!
  11. I'm regretting giving the 2nd season a go. The first one was decent at best, but this is some right shite so far.
  12. The Avalanches - Wildflower it's making me cry sugar sweet, rainbow coloured, tears of joy. Worth the 16 year wait.
  13. The video is harrowing. Properly, properly harrowing. The guy is in the deck with two officers on him, there is no way on earth he could have got to a gun (if he indeed had one on him) it's murder. Nothing else, but straight up murder. I thought the Eric Garner video was bad, but this is another level of awful. Jeez that country has got problems.
  14. It's basically a video version of what they do with music. Go right to the end and you can see complete list of all the films and TV shows that feature. It's absolute genius.
  15. Wasn't really sure where to put this or how to describe it. All I can say is it's mental, in an epically good way. If you don't like the Avalanches (who doesn't though, they are ace), just concentrate on the visuals Awesome
  16. That excerpt was hilarious I've just wiped the tears away - that last paragraph, I struggled to get passed 'Woodland Troll' brilliant!
  17. I dunno, while those shows you mention were the OG's and will always be regarded as such, there's some absolutely cracking TV about at the moment, some of which may be held in similar regard in time. The problem for me is, there is so much quality TV across all the different platforms, it's difficult to choose what to watch half the time. For me those shows have paved the way, but the golden age is only just getting started.
  18. One of his videos came up on Twitter t'other day. With his David Brent-esque 80's pop star profile pic, Gold standard Trump triple-quiff-comb-over and funny voice, I thought it was a parody account. It's just shock jocking for the Internet age, he's a complete twunt who's making a few £££ from advertising on YouTube. He was re-tweeting people like that Tommy Tanker from the EDL, but if people want to think he sums things up for them - hey ho. Not him, but I saw a similar one going on about how today's march in London was the 'elite' raging against the will of the working classes. Those working classes that 'protested' the Elitist Government by voting with Bullingdon Boris, Gove the toad, an ex London stockbroker and a bloke who wanted to make disabled people poor, until he realised it would affect his career. Woking class heroes.
  19. Credit where it's due - George has abandoned the idealistic nonsense that was 'budget surplus' by 2020. Stupid in the first place, but I worried they were going to try and stick with it and just blame the vote for further cuts. They still won't invest anywhere near what will be required, but it's a start.
  20. You sure about May? She's got bigger balls than Boris. If the Tory leadership was decided by Royal Rumble, she'd be King of the Thunder-words removed in no time.
  21. Another omnishambles of a day in the land of the Thunder-words removed
  22. Agreed. The rules around turnout and win % should have been agreed beforehand. They weren't and we have to live with it, as painful as that may be.
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