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Everything posted by Gingerlad

  1. My thoughts also. Meh.
  2. Maybe Hong Kong Fuey will cough up this money he keeps promising........... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No.
  3. I've had same problem. After some googling it seems the app store has been hacked.
  4. Foster will be off as soon as any other club shows interest. He knows he's too good for the inbreds and will jump asap. Arsenal? Villa? Fulham? Blackburn? All teams that could with keeper improvments.
  5. I wonder how many Villa fans wanted Bent When Spurs bought him and sold him. Seems we were right! He's the exact player we need, and whether or not he has great build up play etc I couldnt give a toss. We needed a poacher for about 10 seasons. Now we have one and he's scored 6 goals in 11 games. Who cares if he cant hold the ball up or misses 3 sitters. If he carries on scoring 1 in 2 then we'll make top 4.
  6. But I would still have him in ahead of Bannan at this stage of the season. For me Makoun has only looked poor yesterday. a few mispaced passes. But before that he's looked decent.
  7. he's a clearing in the woods. Basically.
  8. without looking, Bannan to Albrighton? Fulham away? I agree Bannan is the closest we have to a 'playmaker' but at the moment I think its sensible to keept the kids who have a massive future away from the squad in games like yesterday. Experience counts for alot.
  9. General, are the P.A speakers ever going to be fixed in the North Stand? We cannot hear a single thing, pre match announcments, team line up, music, including the Theme which the club put so much effort into just cannot be heard. Its like theyve been switched ofgf the last few games. I was mosst disappointed not to be able to hear the Movie Voice Over guy do the teams a few weeks back. Needs sorting, was never great but now theres nothing.
  10. Oh, and the ball he put throught o Bent for the goal that never was... Do we have another player with that vision?
  11. Makoun has the making of being a very very good player for us. He just needs to settle in and adapt, lets not forget he came from a foriegn league halfway through the season. He's shown signs of real class and as pointed out further up its as if he's just not quite on the same level as our players. I expect he'll be like downing was, poor first season, then once he's settled and had a pre season witht he squad he'll be one of our best players.
  12. Im amazed really, I used to watch it, then I turned 9.
  13. Thee WWE thread. Do adults really watch that shit?
  14. The Mario franchise. Without doubt.
  15. How gutted woud you be if she went....oh..... thats what its called, we do that all the time.....
  16. When I was 14 and had my first proper girlfriend, we had been going out for a few months when her mom and dad decided they wanted to get a dog, my girlfriend said..." oooh can we get one of those durex dogs...." Now obviously she meant Dulux...... but it didnt make the moment any less awkward i can assure you..
  17. Brum to inverness and back in a day. Brum to Aberdeen and back in a day. Brum to Plymouth and back in a day then Inverness and back the next day. No stopping on journeys, just at destination (other than fuel to Inverness) And even those arent exactly bad. Done them loads over the last 4 years or so.
  18. 420 miles? thats nothing.
  19. The other half hour is his lunch break. When he knocks one off.
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