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Everything posted by Gingerlad

  1. Who? Where can I listen to this? Spotify. Had you really not heard this before, Jonno?
  2. And more importantly, thats what caused the problem in the first place!
  3. Eminem Ft Nate Dogg - Cinderella Man. Eminem - 25 to life.
  4. If you are staying in that part of town I'd go to the Maharaja in Hurst St. It's just round the corner from where you are staying and has been established for years. It's a traditional Tandoori style/old school Indian restaurant and you'll get better food from there than any Balti House. Hurst Street you say?
  5. Exactly what I was looking for Rev.... Cheers. Take your stab jacket.
  6. Cheers. I got it on the search after I knew what it was called!
  7. That i can't remember the name if that thread for posting pictures that resemble faces..... I expect a reply within 3 mins. Thanks
  8. What car do you drive? Theres way round this by changing the size of the blades.
  9. Gingerlad


    Born Slippy. But they wrote the above song with you in mind; "Shoutin' Lager Lager Lager". Ah wait, I get it now. Should've been "Shoutin' Scrumpy Scrumpy Scrumpy". Its probably the worst, most annoying, most shit non-Beach Boys "tune" in musical history Fixed
  10. The real reason for mjmooney's guitar playing problems become apparent...
  11. Strange thing this, I have the same opinion as you on it. I bought some from ASDA and found it was shrinking quite alot. But a pack I had bought and then frozen didnt shrink anywhere near as much when I cooked that (after defrosting of course) So now I buy bacon, stick in the freezer and take it out the night before. No shrinkage.
  12. I rang my mate in japan and asked him what he was up to...He said "my neck"
  13. You have to feel sorry for the foreign bastards. The trauma of losing everything in almost an instant.Oh well, there's always next season Arsenal.
  14. This earthquake in Japan is sad news. But why do they keep interviewing the same person?
  15. BBC NEWS: Kenya offer condolences to Japan.Trust the Africans to get friendly when water is involved.
  16. Dear Japan, please send us some water. Love Ethiopia.
  17. 75% luck. Just through his foot at it. No real skill involved.
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