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Everything posted by Gingerlad

  1. I found the first one a bit underwhelming after being recommended it on here. Half Life 2 I loved though. Portal 2 does look better than the first one though going off that video.
  2. Is that when yu were born and they try to 'deal' with you?
  3. If it were me, I'd have used this pic
  4. But ones in 2008 are ok? Did you wear a mask for the whole of 2008?
  5. Im thinking that way too... more pics needed for proof I think.
  6. General, just so you know, we're not all against the manager, some of us see that he has had alot to deal with in his very short time here. I and many others fully support him and the board and believe that next season we will once again be back to our best and surpass recent achievments. Up the Villa!
  7. Is that you in your avatar? You're definitely a ginger. Thats a good thing.
  8. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! :firefox: :nod:
  9. If we didnt insist on everything being built around Ashley Young then I think we'd be ok.
  10. We only bite if provoked.
  11. Latest reports from Japan indicate that a staggering 5,400 people have died.To put that in to some kind of perspective, if you laid their bodies end to end it would almost be half the length of a football pitch.
  12. Beggers cant be choosers..
  13. Clear case of Mong Ankle?
  14. He plays for Stoke City, and has a rather amazing throw-in technique. Or am I thinking of some other bloke...? He used to play for us didn't he? Na that was his brother, Duke.
  15. Perhaps thats because no one wants to admit knowing you?
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