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Everything posted by Gingerlad

  1. My wife asked me yesterday if I could buy her some 'bathroom scales'. I said "you aint gonna get any scales that can weigh that!" She said - " no there for me, you daft sod " I said - " I know. "
  2. Ahh I see. Well ive not connected my phone to another pc so I dont know, but would assume you can just sync with iTunes elsewhere?
  3. But how does the music get on the iPhone in the first place then? Thats what I dont understand?
  4. Errm.... ive never bought a song through itunes and my wife has her iPod full of music. Not been taken from CD's either.
  5. Ok, but what does it allow that iTunes doesnt?
  6. I've been looking at that picture ages and still can't see what he's done to it?!
  7. Why is iTunes restrictive? I only ask as Ive never had a problem? I've only had an iPHone sinve NOV but my wife has had an iPod forover a year and we use it for kdis mp3 players too. albeit with some additional software, but for apple products I have no problem?
  8. How did you put the music on in the first place?
  9. Someone watched Woners of The Universe last night..... ^^^^
  10. Shouldn't Queen and the Beach Boys be on there too?
  11. Do you have the latest version of iTunes? maybe thats why if not?
  12. I used green poisi0n. I dont know if that makes a difference?
  13. My itunes picks it up as normal and I just select which play lists I want to snyc as I did before the jail break. Not sure why itunes doesnt pick yours up, which JB did you use?
  14. Rooney banned from elderly care home!!
  15. Villa fans wishing death upon our manager. Some people are sick.
  16. Gay people. Not in a homophobic way though, not at all. More in a, dude, look at all the tits and fanny you're missing out on! But I suppose they dont like that. Either way, tits rule!
  17. Till it says full I presume.
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