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Everything posted by troon_villan

  1. Ridiculous opening post, he's not ready.................................................................whoever he is. :notsure:
  2. Isn't Keane 31? We would love him back at the club! I had a problem with a 32yr old Heskey but not if it's a decent player we're getting.
  3. It's all very meh at the moment for me. I've always gone into the weekend with football on my mind and especially looking forward to the Villa playing. The past few months I don't even know who's playing until 3pm on a Saturday and to be honest i'm bitter about how badly our club has declined over the past couple seasons. I know i'm probably being a little over dramatic but hey-ho. It's not really the fault of McLeish either, at the end of the day - he was offered a great oppurtunity to make a massive step up from a horrible little club to one with fabulous tradition, international players, a global reputation and a reasonably wealthy owner. All he did was accept and sign on the dotted line.
  4. We've got to go to 4-5-1 surely? Gabby has experience in this formation so that won't be a problem, Ireland can slot in just behind him and hopefully being dropped for no reason hasn't dented his confidence too much. I like Czechlads' team with the exception of Warnock at LB instead of Lichaj, Hutton has been getting better so I would stick with him.
  5. I always thought Bruce was impressive in the transfer market but surley not another ex-blues manager. RL must have learned his lesson?
  6. I imagine Heskey and Ireland will take the places of Bent and Keane, McLeish's petty dropping of Ireland will have **** his confidence and blunted the momentum he had going. We need to rely on Gabby finding the net again!!
  7. RL will go after Martinez again just to add further salt to the fans wounds. How embarrasing will that be?
  8. Well, yeah it's annoying when you score early and they quit but for the reason that rino8 gave it's imperative that you have time to quit.
  9. Looks like his missus has gone into labour, good luck to Mother and baby.
  10. I play with Athletico Madrid, excellent in attack with Diego, Turan, Reyes and Falcao. I play with 2 CDM'ers and Perea is a beast in defence. Would recommend giving them a try if you're looking for a change in team!
  11. Gary Gardner @Gards38 Every one follow my boy @gezabcfc best mukka! But shame he supports the blues trying to convert him into a villan!!! #utv!!!!
  12. What will this protest consist of?
  13. Mat Kendrick @MatKendrick Interestingly Lichaj has started 2nd half of reserves match at left back. Wonder if Villa have an eye on trying him there for 1st team? Couldn't possibly be any worse than the current LB! Tricky decision whether or not to experiment against Man City though.
  14. Now THAT is a talent!!! Don't normally watch these kind of programmes but i'll make an exception. Is he a Villa fan??
  15. Alan Rickman as Severus Snape Arnie as Terminator Bruce Willis in Die Hard Leslie Nielsen as Frank Drebin (Naked Gun)
  16. As a builder, I generally don't recommend cavity insulation mainly because I don't trust the people installing it to do a perfect job, if it hasn't been installed properly there is always the risk of moisture finding it's way onto the inside walls. My workmates have told me some horror stories about going to speak to people complaining about damp on their wall only to find the inner leaf of brickwork completely rotten.
  17. Just use your quick tactics to go defensive? otherwise yeah, you can go into your team setup pre game and change the players' base position so they sit deeper. Generally I try not to touch my defenders until it's absolutely necessary. Do all my defending with my midfielders, that way your defence doesn't get pulled out of shape. It's when you start charging forward with one defender that the holes open up and the through balls are lethal I don't really like the quick tactics unless i'm chasing a goal and decide to go ultra attacking, if you go defensive it affects the whole team, whereas I really just want to fiddle with the defenders. I'll try and create a team setup, changing the base positions and hopefully you can save it as a quick tactic, then activate it at the start of every game. Cheers! Yeah, you can definitely do that, that's probably your best option. Make sure you play a DM though if your defence is sitting deep or their midfield will have a lovely time in the big hole that opens up. But I used to do the same thing, so it should work for you Yeah, I always play a 4-1-2-1-2 formation in FIFA, with a strong DM, in FUT i've got Khedira and Diarra to choose from!
  18. I went through countless packs hardly getting anyone of any real worth, took me ages to get a decent team together. Eventually, I got an absolute dinger of a pack.....Drogba, Lucio and Sneijder in the same pack!! Amassed about 85, 000 coins on those three!! Got a cracking team now, made up of players from La Liga. How many coins did you get for Ozil?? Must have been 100k plus??
  19. Just use your quick tactics to go defensive? otherwise yeah, you can go into your team setup pre game and change the players' base position so they sit deeper. Generally I try not to touch my defenders until it's absolutely necessary. Do all my defending with my midfielders, that way your defence doesn't get pulled out of shape. It's when you start charging forward with one defender that the holes open up and the through balls are lethal I don't really like the quick tactics unless i'm chasing a goal and decide to go ultra attacking, if you go defensive it affects the whole team, whereas I really just want to fiddle with the defenders. I'll try and create a team setup, changing the base positions and hopefully you can save it as a quick tactic, then activate it at the start of every game. Cheers!
  20. This week I have been mostly listening to The Cooper Temple Clause! It's been a while, forgot how ****' good they were!
  21. Just our luck that Cisse and Ba are back in time for this one, thankfully Tiote and Cabaye can't play so we might keep it under a cricket score.
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