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Everything posted by troon_villan

  1. Can't wait for this thread to be locked!
  2. :shock: **** YES. Can't stop listening to it at the mo ****, that's brilliant, good shout!
  3. I have a suggestion. It might be outrageous, but stay with me.. ..don't watch them? :eek:
  4. Chooooooooooooon. It actually came on the radio to my delight, but the DJ did that annoying radio thing where they have to fade it out in time for the news so they only played about 3 mins of it....I immediately went on youtube for the full 7 min album version to ease my rage!
  5. Just watched the new(ist) Sherlock Holmes, thought it was brilliant. Actually gutted when it finished, quickest 2hr movie i've watched in ages!
  6. How are these awards decided? Was there a vote on the official site that I missed??
  7. True or false - Bear Grylls?
  8. Just finished watching this, pretty good movie anbd I agree with what you said about Mara - there was definitely a bit or trouser movement when she got her kit off! I would!
  9. MW3 is the first COD game I only got a couple of months out of before getting bored, i'm hoping for a vast improvement but i'm not really holding my breath, they know it'll sell and I think that's the main problem.
  10. Pleasantly surprised by this, didn't find it cheesy at all, actually quite funny and Kunis looks darn tootin' all the way through!
  11. I don't think Coyle's a bad manager to be honest. K Mac would have him though. No questions.
  12. I think if we need to beat Norwich on the last day then we will, i'm just hoping it won't come to that. I think we'll get a point on Saturday and then get walloped by Spurs, so it really depends on how the other teams do imo.
  13. Eh? Surely you must love it when Villa come to town, it's a guaranteed 3 points in the bag!
  14. How do you know? He always reacts to things said on here via his twitter account, especially when they're about him. He never actually quotes anyone, but it's fairly obvious.
  15. Well, Stan Collymore definitely looks at the site.
  16. What's the point in that statement though, I mean, what's it actually saying?
  17. Hell YEAH !! Hahaha!! That's class!
  18. I think he's laughing at the fact that you stated that something was official and your opinion in the same sentence. Correct, no offence intended btw, it just made me chuckle! Oh, and it's villan.
  19. The question is.....how did you see him before??
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