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Everything posted by troon_villan

  1. Maybe he's bringing the whole team with him when he comes! They were saying goodbye too!
  2. I didn't watch it. Now I'm confused. :? Me too.......two contrasting posts there.
  3. Has he lifted up his jacket to reveal a 'pray for petrov' shirt yet?
  4. Does anyone play the Pro Ranked games?
  5. Not sure what to think of this tbh, don't know anything about him as a manager apart from what's being discussed on here a la Molde. Young, hungry manager though, RL has went the way of the old fashioned managers up until now and it hasn't really worked so he maybe he's changing his policy. I certainly won't be dissapointed if he comes but i'll wait 'till I see him in front of the cameras with a Villa scarf before I get too excited.
  6. *Stereotypical Irish joke alert* Paddy wanted to sell his car, so his mate told him to wind back the mileage and he'd get a better price. When he saw him a few days later he asked how he got on and Paddy said when he finished winding it back it only had 7000 on the clock, so he'd decided to keep it!!!
  7. How much?? Crikey, I have no interest in seeing it anyway and I can't see it recouping that amount of money.
  8. It's essentially egg pie....but cold. Not for me.
  9. I like Rodgers but I doubt he would leave Swansea for us.
  10. Lol, think I only had 2 of those players in my team. What a joke of a poll.
  11. dark blue button to back him, dark pink button to bet against it happening Number on top are the odds, number on the bpotom is the amount of money available for that bet (you have to have people willing to take your bet on betfair) Cheers mate, simple enough!
  12. I like a gamble but i've never used Betfair and I don't have a clue what's going on on that Betfair page, all the names have 6 different buttons next to them with 2 different numbers on the buttons????? WTF? Anyone?
  13. Now that he has nothing to do with the club, I can go back to not having an opinion on the man, I certainly don't hate him and I do feel a bit sorry for him because he probably feels about 2 inches tall at the moment and he will forever and unjustifiably be a hate figure in Birmingham. I don't have a clue why he was brought here in the first place and i'm really glad he's gone and just want to focus on the future and hopefully next season is nothing like this one. Off topic but i'm well glad wee Andy Weimann came good with a couple of goals in the run in, pretty vital goals eh?
  14. "They're right.........you SHOULD have gone down!!"
  15. I hate Holloway after what he said about Villa, anyway he won't be on the radar. The early rumblings about Lambert won't have come out of nothing, he's my favourite for the time being. FWIW I would love another Houllier type, as in a big European name who could get some foreign talent in, Ranieri would be good but whoever it is I hope he gets to gut the whole team out. **** me it needs it.
  16. Of all the high profile strikers we've had over the years, he must be one of the worst finishers of them all.
  17. Gabby for player/manager. And Captain And Fitness Coach
  18. Well, if that's the kinda stuff he's preaching on the training ground then no thanks. Also, he's racist so he would sell Bent at the earliest opportunity.
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