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Everything posted by troon_villan

  1. Just in from work and heard the terrible news, absolutely gutted for Stan, hopes he makes a full recovery. A worthy Captain for our great club.
  2. Heskey earns in 1 week what I earn in 3 years, how can this type of thing be allowed?
  3. I can't remember VP ever being a fortress tbh, we were usually decent on the road under MON IIRC.
  4. Who is that in the photo? It's not Gareth, I envisaged him with black hair and a clean shave.
  5. I really don't get this view Take it you weren't at the game The lads bust a gut to neutralise any fulham threat and make them look very ordinary We fully deserved the win, credit to the players and the manager who got everything right on the day Fulham are very ordinary. We did deserve to win though, we may have gotten a bit of luck to get the winning goal but we were due a bit.
  6. I know what you mean mate, I haven't played since xmas and the last time I did that I was rusty as feck for about 3 hours! Can't bring myself to play it again.
  7. Were you hoping money would fire out the USB slot of your console? .................I was :oops:
  8. March 2012,Holman stated that he had signed for Aston Villa after speaking at length with one Matt Damon who had told Brett what a great state the club has found themselfs in,Matt went on to say "at least where not Everton" This was on his wiki, very bizarre!!
  9. Really, first listen had me hooked which is rare for me! I'm going to go back and listen to the other albums and give them a chance.
  10. I agree. If he was putting the effort in he could be playing for Spain, Argentina or even Brazil. This site is absolutely laughable at times. He is Australian. That means he plays for Australia. If Lionel Messi was Australian, would that make him shit? Fucksake, Cristiano Ronaldo is Portuguese, and Portugal are not far off Australia's level. Does this mean Ronaldo is shit? Get a grip man. All day long!
  11. I won Div 1 last week with France(absolute unit by the way) and trust me, it's the biggest anti-climax in gaming history. You basically just start DIv 1 again....on 0 points.
  12. Looks like he has bags of energy, a nose for goals and he loves the club. Can't really go wrong, hopefully he builds up the same rapport as Gabby!
  13. The Maccabees - Given To The Wild Never really been a big fan until this album, absolutely immense.
  14. Agree with most of the comments on here, he's been really good since xmas and he's deserved a place but he's just such a luxury player it's unreal. I would be wiling to keep him as a squad player but I don't think his personality would allow that.
  15. Good game again today, unlucky not to get an assist when Marc hit the post. Keep it up!
  16. Quite enjoyed his comments, he's got a set of balls about him. He's obviously a fiercely proud man and he's been hurt by all the negativity(deserved, to be fair).
  17. Petrovs shooting is laughable for a pro footballer with his experience.
  18. Ridiculous opening post, he's not ready.................................................................whoever he is. :notsure:
  19. Isn't Keane 31? We would love him back at the club! I had a problem with a 32yr old Heskey but not if it's a decent player we're getting.
  20. It's all very meh at the moment for me. I've always gone into the weekend with football on my mind and especially looking forward to the Villa playing. The past few months I don't even know who's playing until 3pm on a Saturday and to be honest i'm bitter about how badly our club has declined over the past couple seasons. I know i'm probably being a little over dramatic but hey-ho. It's not really the fault of McLeish either, at the end of the day - he was offered a great oppurtunity to make a massive step up from a horrible little club to one with fabulous tradition, international players, a global reputation and a reasonably wealthy owner. All he did was accept and sign on the dotted line.
  21. We've got to go to 4-5-1 surely? Gabby has experience in this formation so that won't be a problem, Ireland can slot in just behind him and hopefully being dropped for no reason hasn't dented his confidence too much. I like Czechlads' team with the exception of Warnock at LB instead of Lichaj, Hutton has been getting better so I would stick with him.
  22. I always thought Bruce was impressive in the transfer market but surley not another ex-blues manager. RL must have learned his lesson?
  23. I imagine Heskey and Ireland will take the places of Bent and Keane, McLeish's petty dropping of Ireland will have **** his confidence and blunted the momentum he had going. We need to rely on Gabby finding the net again!!
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