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Everything posted by turvontour

  1. Is it being shown on anything else other than ITV?
  2. Why are the TV interviewing the Maidstone manager at half time? Shouldn't he be in the dressing room?
  3. We should be fresh though. Its their 5th game in Jan and our 3rd.
  4. That Brentford game derailed us as losing Pau and Kamara has been huge. One win in 4 in the league since against generally weak teams.
  5. I think we've found our Dendonker replacement. One out, one in.
  6. Fingers crossed he is. I suppose that we are trying to do this the season before he becomes the one goal in every two games championship player. As per the 5 to 10 mil value right now and not the 25 to 30mil of Bowen or Watkins.
  7. He's played in about half our games so far. He's not great but a bit of a concern if nobody is coming in.
  8. They also have more freedom financially, because they haven't averaged a premier league position of about 17th for the last ten years. They've generally been in the top 4 or 6 and had champions league as a result.
  9. Palace are lucky they have so many points in the board already. They look done.
  10. I don't really associate Angels time at Villa with Gregory for some reason, which is odd because presumably he signed him? Maybe because I only picture the Dublin, Merson, Collymore, Hendrie etc team under Gregory and not what came after.
  11. Possibly but if we win a first leg heavily then we can rest and rotate. We haven't had that luxury so far in the groups as you don't know your standing until after the last game.
  12. Exactly. Also if we are to go all the way and win the Conference league we will play fewer games than we have so far. We didn't seem to deal with the 8 european games in the first half of the season too badly.
  13. Two players I've never heard of, KKH, and Morgan Sanson are the top threads on VT. It's def prime transfer window time.
  14. Why would you employ Troy Deeney to manage 20 adults?
  15. It would be handy to have someone like Josh Onomah in our playing squad for these sort of situations.
  16. No way was there 7000 in that ground. Looks like about 3500 tops. Theres about 30 in the stand where the guy filming is. 400 behind the right goal. 1k behind the left and about 2k opposite.
  17. The domestic prices should go back to where they were pre energy crisis but that won't be until October earliest, as we feel the benefit six to nine months behind. To be fair, we were shielded at the old rates domestically for the first nine months of the price spikes. The live market has completely given back all of the Ukraine Russia premium now. It could be that we break down below historic averages this year as demand remains much lower than historic norms and won't pick back up as usage behaviours have changed.
  18. It pretty much already is. S24 is priced at about 65 live at the mo. The old historic norm was 51 with a high of 70 and low of 28. What you're being priced off at home right now is the six month average from Dec backwards, which is about 122. Come October, the bills should halve if prices remain where they are.
  19. Energy prices will be back down to their old price levels by next winter.
  20. I'm not ruling them out but it would be pretty disastrous to finish below Newcastle, Chelsea or Man U from this point. We would effectively have to turn into a Fulham or Brentford for the rest of the season. We are an average of about 12 to 13 points above those three teams, if we include goal difference too right now with 55% of the season gone. So the expected finish to the season would be to end about 20 points above them as a minimum, as per the data/trend of the season to date. To finish below them, they have to be the 2nd best team in the league for the remainder of the season, and we have to turn into them from the first half of the season.
  21. Man united Newcastle and Chelsea are a touch above mid table as an average. 69 points is a pretty disappointing outcome from here
  22. Yes I think so. But only because of fixture time, price etc.
  23. When any of the top 7 play eachother we are best to have draws.
  24. Teams like Newcastle will continue to grind out results? We've lost one game since November. They've lost most of their matches since November.
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