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Everything posted by Jonesy7211

  1. If he doesn't recognize he needs to improve to stay or get into the team then I wouldn't want him, regardless of the level or amount of football on offer. To quote Dirty Harry, "A man's got to know his limitations". If he can improve and get back to the levels of last season, but in the new system, that'd be mightily impressive. That's something I'd expect of anyone in the squad too.
  2. He's probably been the biggest victim of Jack leaving. Where teams would double up, or triple, it would leave space for Targett, both offensively and defensively. He's also got more work to do in Gerrard's system than he did previously. He was very consistent last year, and did very well. He's not become a bad player overnight. However, like Digne doesn't fit Rafa's system, Targett sadly doesn't seem to fit in our new setup. I'd keep him around as a squad player though.
  3. The criticism is of the inconsistent application of VAR, which this season especially seems to far more frequently benefit the so called big teams. It's about more than the VAR decision making process on the field. At this point there is no way I could be convinced that the FA and the PGMOL are not comfy bed fellows assisting each other and the "big 6" to ensure that the football cash keeps rolling into the big teams, and keeping the Premier League cash cow more sacred than every other league. Nobody else has a chance. It's a fix.
  4. Well who didn't see that coming. Corruption. Game is gone.
  5. A lot of that sob on the Tyne stuff was revenge for when they booed Martin Laursen on the day he came out to say goodbye to us due to injury. I've never forgotten or forgiven.
  6. Congratulations, that's fantastic. If you get any good advice please let me know! I'm so out of my depth.
  7. Over the next few years every agent in world football will desperately be using Newcastle's name to get their players better deals or more money elsewhere. All they'll need to do is tell any club offering a player a contract that Newcastle are interested, and are prepared to offer more than they are. There will be eye watering deals for very average players.
  8. Couldn't find a topic relating to this, so hope this is the right place. My wife turns 40 next month, and I know she wants a pair of studded diamond earrings for "fancy". She's been dropping hints for a long time. However.... when it comes to Jewellery I'd normally head into Brum's famous Jewellery quarter, but due to Covid I don't really fancy going in. Does anyone know of and have used any quality and ethical online diamond retailers? I've never previously purchased something like this online. I don't mean to come across as a snob but I don't really like some of the high street retailers such as H Samuel etc, unless it's for something you'd wear day to day. I also think Tiffany's is overpriced for what it is, you're paying for a name. Got a budget of around £2k, so they're not going to be anything like a footballer might wear
  9. Tilda Swinton. Would so much. Especially with the platinum hair in Okja and The Limits of Control.
  10. Just 14. I get the reference but Prince Andrew is going to be all over this.
  11. I've not asked the question. Just assumed I suppose. I'll ask his family.
  12. One of my best and oldest friends, tested positive on boxing day. Since the 28th he's been in ICU and on a ventilator being helped to breathe as his lungs aren't doing their job. He's 40, no underlying conditions. Double jabbed. This new variant is still dangerous.
  13. Half time rocket from Stevie for anyone not named Emi or Danny please.
  14. Ings looks sharp af today. His movement has been terrific.
  15. Great finish by Ings but what quality from Emi beforehand. Great goal.
  16. But the same logic wasn't applied to Arsenal's penalty shout, nor has the same logic been applied with the bookings, or lack thereof, for either team. It's not the decision, it's the inconsistency that usually favours certain teams.
  17. With Rugby it's not just the process that's right, but the referee will actively ask the TMO if he agrees with his decision. It's usually beyond reproach (unless you're playing against a SH team )
  18. When a ref's performance is this "inconsistent", they should be put in front of the media to justify the decisions they've made. There's zero accountability. If I was an Arsenal fan I'd be furious today, the ref has been appalling.
  19. Never a penalty. Disgraceful decision, Silva was going down regardless of what Xhaka was doing.
  20. Fair play to Arteta, he's turned them around. So much better than earlier in the year.
  21. Michael J Fox James Earl Jones Dennis Skinner Bobby Charlton Angela Lansbury
  22. I think he does it to appeal to the fanbase more than anything. Whilst I don't like the tag, there's a well established stereotype that Liverpool fans think there's an agenda against their club.
  23. I didn't know it'd already been announced either. Thanks for letting me know.
  24. Isn't the timing of this a little odd? With all the Tory back stabbing and leaks to the media I guess it's only a matter of time before something is released showing just how "impartial" she really was.
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