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Everything posted by Rich192

  1. Due to the heatwave, we’re now going to kick off even closer to noon, when it’ll be at its hottest.
  2. They should’ve made it more obvious that each subscription was per season, rather than exactly one year from point of payment.
  3. Also worth noting that we now have 5 subs, as we mention a lot. Inter always replace the wing backs in game due to how much running they do, and with us planning on using Digne a lot for our attacks, Augustinsson will get more minutes than you imagine. Nothing but positive about this, and saves the bulk of the budget for a top class centre midfielder.
  4. Would be a wise signing. Few million for wage and fee for the year, and gives Chrisene the chance for first team football for a season. Maybe the plans changed once they had a good look at him this week, and decided splashing loads on a younger backup wasn’t required.
  5. It’s this, but swap Guilbert for Seb Revan. Wonder if Guilbert has a deal lined up then.
  6. Same. I went for the Aus friendlies for £27 and one off game today. Imagine buying those and the Rennes friendly separate will work out cheaper.
  7. My guess for the second half team: Sinisalo Guilbert - Chambers - Feeney - Young Douglas Luiz O’Reilly - Sanson Buendia Watkins - Ings
  8. Does anyone know if the friendlies can be watched back at any time? I’m really keen to watch them all, but the Leeds and Rennes games aren’t at a good time for me, so being able to watch them the next day is a deal breaker for me.
  9. If we want to stick with tradition, it should be called Witton End, then.
  10. Joe Gomez has signed a 5 year contract with Liverpool, so we can finally put that one officially to bed.
  11. Has Doyle passed to an England player yet? Look much better with the Villa three on though.
  12. Vale and Devine are absolute toilet.
  13. The performance is awful. They can’t string two passes together.
  14. I wouldn’t be surprised if the figure was nearer to £60/70k per week. Hudson-Odoi got £120k per week at 18, and Brandon Williams got £65k per week at 19.
  15. FFP profit is more important to us than just recouping some of the fee, so it’ll either be a £10m sale (highly unlikely) or a loan. A loan to Gala would not be ideal as they finished 13th last season and aren’t in Europe. We’ll see. Gut says it’s just speculation at this point.
  16. Excellent commitment and dedication from Ollie, and makes me content if we don’t sign another striker this summer. He’s acknowledged the poor season he’s had, and is doing everything he can to improve. Love the attitude. If the sessions go well, I’d like to see us appoint the guy full time. He’d be able to add something to all of our attackers games.
  17. People forget that traders need access to DDDIIIXXXOOONNSSS.
  18. I’m also interested in the pedestrianisation of Witton Lane (I’ll be honest, I’m dead against it). It says from Traffic Island down to the stand, does that include the length of the stand, or just up to the stand? If it’s including the length of the stand, where will the traffic go? I guess it gives an indication of whether they’re able to rebuild the Witton Lane Stand, too, as if there’s no road then there’s much more space to expand than before.
  19. Very excited by this. @OutByEaster? I’m sure you’ll get inundated with questions, but have they given an indication of when the stand will actually be complete? They say it’s a 2023-25 project, so I’m assuming it’ll be ready for the 2025-6 season? Will the Villa Live (agree it’s not a great name) be completed sooner, as I imagine it’s a much simpler project?
  20. Juventus are probably going to sign Zaniolo for €50m or so, and with Veretout also not in Mourinho’s plans, I can see the move for Dougie happening, now that they’ll have the funds for it.
  21. Soucek is bang average. He looks good if you look at his goals column, but he’s not a good technician, isn’t quick and isn’t agile. It’d be a really poor signing. I don’t for one second believe we’re interested, luckily.
  22. I’ve never really liked any of our badges to be honest. I don’t mind the current one, but also happy for them to change it, I’m confident they’ll come up with something top quality.
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