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Everything posted by MNVillan

  1. I’d throw us firmly in the mix with West Ham and Everton. We’re also only 1 point below Chelsea with a game in hand. Their recent form has improved with Tuchel but as we all know that can change in an instant. I could see us anywhere 5th through 9th. Anything above that would be a masterclass, and anything below would mean a dip in form at some point has cost us.
  2. What’s with the Coventry hate? I don’t particularly hate any club in the Prem because I don’t interact with other fans too often. Leeds and Man U win the award for most annoying twitter warriors. I do get annoyed with the Sky 6 in the Prem, and the likes of Bayern/Real Madrid/Barcelona/Juve only because American sports media seem to think no clubs outside of the behemoths matter. The one club I really don’t care for is PSG. The new money, the gaudy apparel, the Jordan brand, it all seems very plastic to me. SHA is a given, but they’re irrelevant.
  3. Might be the American in me, but I appreciated the VAR reviews yesterday. Neither of them contained a “clear and obvious error” so the on-pitch decision was upheld.
  4. Without reading a single post in this thread: they’re horrible.
  5. It’s interesting. The refs are so interested in keeping the “big clubs” at the top, that they are ruining their own product.
  6. Good shout on the penalties vs West Brom. That was special too
  7. 1. Beating Arsenal 3-1 at the Emirates in 2013. The match that got me hooked. 2. Playoff final at Wembley 2019. 3a. The FA Cup semifinal win in 2015 against Liverpool 3b. 7-2 smashing of Liverpool a couple months ago. Happy New Years everybody and UTV
  8. This is my first foray into FM and hell, I’m having a tough time.
  9. They’ve conceded more than anyone in the top half of the league (23), while we have conceded second fewest (14 to Man City’s 12). They’ve scored a lot (31 in 15) but so have we (28 in 14). I can see us battering them by a few goals, especially if we get off to a fast start. Man United is good, but they seem fragile and prone to panic at any evidence of trouble. If we lose I think it will be because of mental lapses like against West Ham. With Emi and our current back 4, I think the chances we get our doors blown off by anyone are slim.
  10. We have games in hand on Spurs and Chelsea, so if anything the table flatters them currently. Man City was too scared to play us in September, so we’re better by default.
  11. Arsenal/Brighton starting off as a pretty tight and conservative affair so far. Pretty much what you’d expect between two relegation rivals
  12. I absolutely love AEG. I’ll never forget that he broke his Ramadan fast for our Championship Final. That’s a big deal.
  13. Starts from the top. Deano is a top quality man. We have a great squad and it makes it all the more fun to watch.
  14. I want a f****** trophy and don’t ever want to see us throw in the towel on one any given year.
  15. I’m not well versed enough to state specific names, but I’d go find a winger for 40 million who can play both sides, spend 20 on LB competition for Targett, and keep the 25 million for myself. Not to get greedy.
  16. I think Europe should absolutely be on our radar. Doesn’t mean we’ll finish in a European spot, but if we can keep up a similar pace to this then there’s no reason our last few matches of the season can’t be meaningful - in a good way.
  17. My university’s football team played a couple weeks ago with 33 players out. Gotta play with what you have or forfeit.
  18. Oh I think we win. Most interesting to me will be if/how Dean fits Barkley back in the starting XI with AEG on such a hot streak. I’d personally try AEG on the right (although I’ve heard Anwar is weak on the right), Jack on the left, and Barkley slots back in to the middle. Traore has been serviceable but nothing I’ve seen suggests he’s cemented himself in the XI. Mings starts on the bench for me. If for nothing else to show him that he needs to keep focus. Makes too many mistakes for my liking by trying to do too much.
  19. Well she’s gone through chemo recently so I’ll probably keep those private. All good though
  20. We haven’t beat Man United in the premier league since 1995??? Holy f***, that’s pathetic. My wife was born in 1995.
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