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Everything posted by A'Villan

  1. Sometimes the worst people give the best advice. Agree with this sentiment for the most part though. They are full of s***. It's scary to think that Trump is being condemned by men who, as you say, are essentially war criminals. Trump's attitude on the press perhaps the greatest threat to democracy in his lifetime according to McRaven? Trump a reminder of corrupt authoritarian leaders before they were deposed according to Brennan? These guys might as well be talking to a mirror. It's just rocks being thrown in glass houses. How about we trade some patriotism in for humanity and acknowledge that the like of Brennan and McRaven are not synonymous with integrity or decency and are leaders of some of the most underhanded organisations and activity that belong to this world. The press would have you believe McRaven is a hero because he took out UBL. That Brennan is respectable and benevolent because he was director of the CIA and heavily involved in counter-terrorism. All that generality about fighting for freedom and fighting terror has people distracted from reality. I agree with the notion that, as it is, the press is more of an enemy of the people than it is a friend. Doesn't mean Trump should be given a platform to air his attempts to manipulate perspectives to suit himself. He has a personal vendetta with the media and an agenda, he is less concerned with impartial reporting and access to relevant information. Likewise, I think Brennan's scathing comments about Trump are true and have merit for the most part. How does that help anything though? Why should Brennan, of all people, be given the platform to air his views. As if they are even slightly unbiased or impartial. Another personal vendetta. I agree with villakram, these people are not worth the attention they get.
  2. Boxing crocodiles and burp contests. The epitome of culture.
  3. Excited to see how we cope with the challenge of playing another promotion hopeful and if we can go level with them by taking the 3 points. Between now and January we have a tough fixture list and there's no way around the fact we need points on the board if we want the top 2 within our reach. A solid showing will bolster our momentum and belief so it's a huge game in that respect as well as being an opportunity to gain ground on a rival.
  4. We've given ourselves a difficult task in playing catch up. Even a place in the playoffs will require little room for error and results being favourable. I agree though, I see potential to challenge for automatic promotion. Our next 8 games are all against promotion hopefuls and that will take us into January, I wonder if the guys have it in them to close the gap and take points from teams who are going to be there or thereabouts at the seasons end? If we acquire players who make the team better then I'm all for it, though I'm pretty confident in the players we have currently. I guess this run of 8 fixtures to come will certainly show us a lot about the team under Smith and how we match up against the better opposition the competition has to offer.
  5. We showed that we can mix it with those at the top against Derby and we handled the pressure that came with our most recent encounter against Birmingham. Next challenge is Nottingham Forest and taking valuable points from a team in a position we want to overtake. Our run of fixtures coming up is a big hurdle and it starts with Forest. The coming games won't be easy and I don't know what to expect but it's a great opportunity to announce ourselves as candidates for promotion.
  6. I don't see player limitation as a concern. I think we have an abundance of talent. Every player is adequate in ability at the very least. Previously this wasn't on display because we weren't setup in a way that allowed us an edge in the contest. Players became a liability when the flaws in our game were exposed. Smith has changed the approach and as a result a situation that got the better of our players previously, no longer troubles them as much, as the team game is better equipped to cope. There will obviously be moments of disappointment to come, how significant and prolonged they are will determine results and our standing at the end of this season. I think we can go all the way with the players we have now and am hopeful that we will continue to grow, solidify the team game and gain momentum.
  7. You and I have already had a discussion on this topic. Without wanting to sound rude I haven't taken the time to read over the above post, as I have to go to training. I'm sure you've been thorough in your assessment of Grealish in comparison to those mentioned though. I am open to the idea that my excitement over his potential and the skills he is already displaying may be biased and that my recollection of accounts are not as fresh and accurate as they could be.
  8. I reckon you could solve homelessness for $22bn. Maybe even add in a healthcare system that takes care of your nations people for a few years. Unfortunately we're fighting a war on terror and a single seated fighter plane is paramount in finding a solution to the worlds problems. The world already has 320 F35's. I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say that they are not evenly spread among the 195 countries.
  9. A'Villan

    Do you read?

    Manhood - Steve Biddulph I've read and heard all sorts of s*** about what a man should be from all sorts of people. This book was definitely worth the read and unless you are hopelessly inured to your chains I think you will find the same.
  10. My bad. It's your post mate and I wouldn't have you put it anywhere other than the thread you thought apt. I got the vibe that you thought the calamity at the Browns was made more ridiculous by this news piece. My post was probably an unnecessary tangent and equally open to misinterpretation.
  11. When the name Condoleeza Rice comes up my mind always goes to Immortal Technique's statement that whilst working for the Bush administration she was just a new age Sally Hemings. That may be harsh but I think there's truth to it, in a metaphorical way. Being the first African American women to hold a position is just a title, it's what you do with it and what you stand for that gives it meaning. Again, harsh, considering that I believe Rice's heart was in the right place and that she was genuine in her desire make the world a better place. But titles mean nothing to the people who actually pull the strings and make the decisions. The First African American woman to this or that, sounds great on paper but you take a step back and racism is still a part of everyday reality and the Bush administration only gave it a safe haven. With the exception of some gay men, as far as I'm aware, no one with a penis actively participates in nail art at the beauty parlor or activities that women would prefer remain exclusive to their gender, not due to being sexist or any prejudice, because it's their time to themselves and they enjoy it that way. Without wanting to limit the world to stereotypes I don't see a woman coming in to the testosterone filled environment that is the NFL and taking the world by storm unless she truly is one of the best football minds going around. I'm sure Rice is an amazing woman, and I mean that. But I don't see her having much success in the NFL and it would just be another meaningless title added to her name. What good is that from anyway you look at it? She gave it a try? I could give pregnancy a try but I wouldn't be any good at it because I'm not equipped for it. The reality is that men are more proficient at sport as a general rule. I'm not saying there's no place for women in sport. I'm saying positions should be obtained on merits and not for the sake of having the first title and acting like it's some liberating movement. I have no issues being coached by women, I'm the first born of a single mother myself and my Mum is one of my heroes but the only useful advice she's ever offered me in sport has been to quit smoking cigarettes if I am serious about continuing at a professional level. This doesn't cheer me up at all. Even if Lerner is still at the helm of the Browns.
  12. Another stellar free kick goal from him. Not as clutch as the last but equally impressive nonetheless. Free kick just outside the box? Need someone who can deliver a shot? Step up Hourihane.. Gives us another dimension in our ability to threaten the goal with quality. Puts the onus on teammates to improve their set pieces if they want to be considered for them. Keep it up CH!
  13. You could argue that his talent would have been recognised and he would have been bedded in more gently at a Chelsea or City. It is no coincidence that Grealish and Loftus-Cheek were the only two players to forge a name for themselves from the two teams that played in the final of the NextGen Series back in 2013. Loftus Cheek is still with Chelsea and s an English international. Who would you prefer in your team out of him and Grealish? So you could also argue that Grealish was thrown in to a baptism of fire compared to Silva and Loftus Cheek. You point out that Silva had been selected for Spain at the age of 20 and I will add that Coutinho had been called up for Brazil. There is no denying both were special talents. However both had the privilege of being signed by clubs which were top of the pile for picking the next young stars. When was the last time Villa had an academy graduate called up as an international? You have to go back around 7 years to find an England side with multiple Villa players in it, and they were well established by the time of their call up. The only player since Bent, Downing and Young were all selected has been Delph, again, well established by the time of his call up. Yet we see teens from the top clubs afforded opportunity frequently. Man United, Liverpool, Chelsea, City, Arsenal have all had players given a call up. The likes of Wilshere got more call ups when he was at Arsenal and playing infrequently than when he went to Bournemouth and was omitted from the English squad. I just want to point out that I am not necessarily arguing that Grealish is equal to what Silva or Coutinho were at his age. Just that I believe the sky is the limit for him based on what I see him do with the football at the age that he is at now. I also want to add that I respect your stance and I'm not looking to pick a fight, or convince you of something other than the way you see things for yourself. I'm just sharing how I see it. Like I said before, he is walking a different path to those who I have said he might be as good as and as it is he is yet to establish himself as a household name or on the world stage.
  14. Jack played over half a Premier League season for us at age 19. Which do you think is easier when you are a budding young prospect? To establish yourself surrounded by teammates that are superior to the competition with Valencia. Or, to establish yourself in the best league in the world for a team that is struggling with Aston Villa? It's a trick question because I don't have an answer for you. They are walking different paths. I admit I have been guilty of thinking that Jack can reach the heights attained by the likes of Silva and Coutinho. But that's not really a road I want to revisit, I made my arguments very clear as to why I think he holds that potential. I guess I'll leave it with this, it was great to see him against Derby. You see exactly why Spurs, who have a world class midfield, were bidding to have Jack as part of it.
  15. Yeah, I've seen an interview where he is clear United is his 'home' club. Can't blame him. He's only 21 and is signed by one of the worlds biggest football clubs. Just like Onomah wants a career opportunity with Spurs and not Sheffield Wednesday, actually making a big enough statement to crack in to the team is another thing entirely. Who knows, if say we get promoted this season and Tuanzebe is an integral part of that, we offer him football and United won't, then I'm sure he'll at least have something to think about.
  16. It's great, don't you think? What DS has managed thus far I mean. Whilst I agree that neither are getting younger, for me both are sufficient at this level for another season. They do most things adequately and can contribute at both ends. This is important, even though they will never be standout assets. We will need to do better soon enough, but I would not be scorning anyone for them seeing out the season.
  17. There's only excitement and eager anticipation right now regarding Villa, it's great. We were an absolute delight to watch against Derby. Thoroughly looking forward to watching this one too.
  18. That's the kind of love and commitment she's always dreamed of, Rob. Though she might've envisioned it for herself and not so much your football club
  19. Made a great stop first half against Derby. Everyone got around him for high fives after it. As I said earlier, hopefully the poor start was more of a mental barrier and inability to impose himself rather than lacking ability.
  20. Popped in to the thread to share similar sentiments. Looked very good against Derby. I wouldn't have many qualms about this one becoming permanent.
  21. You don't think we're going to get promoted with Elmo or Hutton? Whilst I'm not a huge fan of either I would disagree. I think we can get promoted as is. For sure.
  22. Yeah, it does happen. I hadn't heard of Bedeau before this conversation so I'm obviously not qualified to comment on his suitability.
  23. I'm guessing Bedeau is of modest ability then? Some kids are ready to make the step at age 16 and want to. Obviously that doesn't come about too frequently but Ryan Sessegnon is a case in point. Grealish made his Premier League debut aged 18.
  24. @OutByEaster? Standards is a word that Edens uses a lot in interviews as well. Is there any evidence of these standards being implemented effectively? Yes. The Milwaukee Bucks. I'm sure Purslow, with his experience, is used to working with them in his roles as well. But Edens took an entire sporting franchise that was failing miserably and brought it success. So it's Edens record that impresses me. Exciting times. Thanks for the write-up.
  25. I would say they are about as significant as your imagination. Some guy named Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge, as knowledge is limited, where imagination embraces the entire world. I dream vividly most nights. I don't pretend to know why but I can tell you they are often a mix of past and present mental states and settings. Represented in some far-fetched way but still familiar to my psyche. There was a time when there was some heavy stuff and trauma in my life. I will never forget some of the nightmares I was having back then. I would wake up sweating and in shock. I actually feared going to sleep more than I did the reality I was living.
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