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Everything posted by A'Villan

  1. He is very limited with the ball at his feet but he has bought into what Smith is building and is doing enough to be an effective player in that at times. My biggest concern is that Smith's approach demands that players have a bit of cutting edge to their play on the ball, something Taylor lacks. Taylor looks at his best when the game is pedestrian and there is little pressure. At least what Hutton lacks in finesse he makes up for in ambition. Taylor probably won't ever have the audacity or confidence to score a goal like Hutton did against Birminham. Taylor was afforded a lot of space in one play against Forest where he was invited to take the ball up the pitch as far as the box because Forest were more concerned with who he might pass to than the man on the ball. He did the right thing by continuing as far as they let him but you could see he was hesitant and was never going to punish them for allowing him that space. To cut him some slack though and elaborate on what I meant when I said that he can be effective at times, he is playing a role for us, however limited. His movement and positioning takes into account his limitation to create under pressure and so he plays within his means fairly well. He'll play the safe pass or be the safe option and as long as he is just that and doesn't turn it over then we have other players who can penetrate the defense as we move the ball up the pitch as a team.
  2. lol You're clearly not (shy)! If I'm honest I had noticed you as a standout critic, possibly due to your call it as you see it posts which can be blunt in critiquing players. But I can only speak for myself, and in regards to Taylor I thought while obviously limited he was effective this morning.
  3. I missed their first two goals whilst trying to find a stream so can't comment on them. I can comment on the 3rd, 4th and 5th though. First I'd like to point out that both teams knocked it around the pitch with skill and neither side were fearful of playing that killer pass despite the risk of a turnover of possession and with that the threat of a transition going the other way. The tempo was high and both side on the front foot, neither team relented from that throughout. That's exactly how we came to see 10 goals, which brings me to their 3rd goal. A perfectly weighted and placed pass from Lolley is met by a well timed run and composure to finish. Their 4th goal was a result of a player high on confidence with the skill to execute enjoying a bit too much space to run in and have a ping. I don't think anyone was expecting that effort let alone for it to come off in the way it did. While I consider it preventable I think Lolley earned himself plaudits for a number of moments in this game and this was certainly one of them. Credit to him. Their 5th was the straw that broke the camels back for me in regards to any patience I was willing to afford Nyland. I was nervous for us as soon as Grabban took possession and Nyland must've been too because I don't understand how he let that ball in between him and the near post. Aside from that, I thought our defense was actually pretty good. Tuanzebe in particular. The way we played on the ball meant that at times some last-ditch defending was required to prevent a transition from turning deadly and I thought we did a good job of that. I love how everyone is trying to take the game on and be a threat on the ball under Smith. We should of walked away with 3 points here. Abraham's header should have gone in either side of Pantillimon and McGinn's spectacular two-touch pirouette and effort from outside of the box was possibly the highlight of the night for me, if you thought Lolley's goal was good imagine if McGinn's had gone in. Even Taylor was running into space if Forest allowed him an opening, despite an obvious hesitation probably due to knowing his limits with the ball at his feet, even Taylor can be effective going forward by playing to the principles setup by Smith. Example of taking the game on under Smith's instruction was epitomised by Hutton's goal against Birmingham. I'm disappointed with the Forest result for a few reasons. I thought we deserved to win, despite Forest being a quality side who turned up on the day, I thought we were better over 90 minutes. We miss out on valuable points and allow a rival to maintain their points lead. I don't know and am reluctant to try and predict where the points will come from between now and the first week of January, so everything we can get will be a big boost. Overall though very pleased with what I'm seeing under Smith. We play it out from the back with confidence against the best of them and back ourselves to win the 50/50's and play with a bit of zeal which forces a contest and everyone on the pitch to be sharp. I'm just about done talking about our approach under Bruce, but the white flag of surrender and lack of ingenuity that characterised his tenure really has been removed by Smith already. I can only wonder how far Smith may take us at this point.
  4. I thought we had it in the bag when El Ghazi puts us up 5-4. Then Nyland fails to cover his angles and it's 5-5. Because I'm headstrong and stubborn I will say that it's partially down to the setup as much as the players. Under Bruce we never would have scored 5, but we can't afford to concede 5 either no matter who our manager is. This is my way of saying we could use some additions. I've always thought LB and GK could be improved but that Smith might make do because of the quality elsewhere.
  5. Abraham headed an absolute sitter right at the keeper for an easy save. We should be up. That move from McGinn where he chopped it between his feet twice with a pirouette to take a long shot on target was top class. I feel like Bolasie has the right ideas but isn't on the same wave length with a lot of his deliveries, making them more hit and hope balls. Both teams are playing well on the ball. What a first half hey! It would've been game over under Bruce. No doubt about it. But it's not enough to be better off without Bruce, we need to go on to win this. Come on Villa!
  6. Okay, we've managed to pull one back and look good going forward. This will be an interesting test.
  7. I can't seem to find any little rivers available. It's probably about time I invested in an AVTV subscription anyway.
  8. Are we necessarily deploying someone specific to sit in front of the back 4?
  9. That is a very capable team we are fielding. Midfield and attacking players would walk into nearly any side in this division. Let's see what Bolasie can do from the get-go. O'Hare makes another match day squad which I am pleased with.
  10. A'Villan

    Do you read?

    Not my forte but have a look at Good-bye to All That by Robert Graves.
  11. A'Villan

    Do you read?

    Just got hold of Republic by Plato and will give that a read.
  12. I'd say it was pretty impressive considering I was unaware that I had attempted one.
  13. The first time I ever met a person with a pronounced English accent I was about 7 years old and they scared the crap out of me because I knew they expected me to understand the language being spoken but I could not put together a single one of the sentences for the life of me! I often get asked what my background is because I have an 'accent'. My favourite is probably Aussie ocker performed by the finest of scallywags. "that's great" comes out as "ohhh beauty farken ripper moite" "get bent" as "giiit farked" "I'll have a look" as "I'll take a squidgee didge" Some folk over here say have a different pronunciation for the same word too. Like take the word dance. Some will say 'darnce' others will say 'dahnce' and so on.
  14. That Hutton goal was just amazing. Kodjia's wasn't half bad either. Grealish gets one too to complete the treat. Wish I was there.
  15. He's on course to score 25 this season if he maintains his current goal to game ratio. Has 6 in 12. I would also like to remind that we have a certain Jonathan Kodjia fit and while he is not en route to a 20 goal season so far, is looking dangerous.
  16. I'm glad you clarified because I do think I overlooked the focal point of your post perhaps. I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of the printing technology but from the article you posted there is no mention of it being equipped to feed people en masse or go toward ending world hunger. I would say it insinuates that the purpose of the technology is so that astronauts will enjoy a more favourable cuisine selection in future. If there is scope to achieve what you suggest, whether fanciful or not, then I wholeheartedly agree with you it is a marvelous achievement.
  17. The printing of food is a luxury so astronauts don't have to eat freeze dried food (which can last years and decades) and apparently isn't even that bad for taste. I don't foresee it as a means to feed the hungry en masse. Many are so destitute they can't afford a meal, forget about the latest technology in comfort developed for space exploration. We may benefit from a technological standpoint as a result of NASA's endeavours. From a humanitarian perspective the priority and investments should be with looking after ourselves and one another as well as the planet we live on first and foremost. Many don't have access to a lifestyle that reaps the rewards of the technological advancements made as a result of space exploration. Don't get me wrong, I see the benefits that have come as a result. I think people advocating for using the money elsewhere for things like feeding the hungry are increasingly aware of the gap between rich and poor combined with the cost of living and that many are struggling to make ends meet. Democracy means power of the people. Rule by law. Government based on the consent of the governed. This trip to Mars (while it may be significant) represents more taxpayer dollars going toward another government mission which doesn't immediately go toward solving the glaring problems we are facing right here at home on earth.
  18. A'Villan

    Elon Musk

    That may be the case.
  19. A'Villan

    Elon Musk

    Interesting guy who holds some views which have made me stop and consider things. He preferred Edison to Tesla, because Edison was able to market ideas and bring them to people where Tesla didn't. Holding that view says something about Musk for me. Initially it didn't sit right with me as I saw it as a quantity over quality type mentality, like the concept of fashion over function was something to be esteemed for him. I see it differently now and can appreciate the value in being able to convey and deliver a product. I guess it shows his entrepreneurial traits and quality. It still surprises me that he holds this view on these two men though, Tesla didn't have the financial clout to fund his projects or defend himself over the legalities of patents. He also believes we are more than likely living in a matrix-style simulation. I don't really want to dive into this one just at this point. But it made me think. I know pathologising people can be considered rude and uncalled for especially when coming from someone unqualified like myself, but there is definitely a bit of madness about Musk. Probably accompanied by genius. Who isn't going to make mistakes when talking about possibilities and ideas that haven't yet been extensively explored and assessed.
  20. I have seen the handball and while they were robbed, the build up play and chance created by Leeds was there for the taking. Forest had the luxury of going up against Leeds after 11minutes and then gave up 70% possession to Leeds for the remainder of the game. Leeds finished with 18 shots and Forest with 3. I didn't watch the game but it would seem like Forest rode their luck a bit. Hopefully we don't afford them an early lead. I think we will be taking points from this one if Forest afford us the same kind of possession and shots they did Leeds. Would of been nice to have Adomah fit for this but hopefully Bolasie can step up. The fact that someone like Bolasie is coming off the bench for us in this division goes to show the fire power available to us. Kodjia is in good form. Abraham is a smart and capable player. Grealish is arguably the best player in the division. Add to that we now have a way of playing that creates chances and encourages us to take it to the opposition. I don't want to underestimate Forest but I'm hopeful we make a good showing.
  21. I think Tormund Giantsbane is equally as impressive. Not too many with a story of the time they f***** a bear. His conversation with The Hound on their venture up North was hilarious. I had no issue with the Night's King taking out the dragon with his spear. It's not as if it's a small target and you'd hope that someone who can conjure storms and an army of dead is also fit and coordinated enough to throw a pass like a quarterback. What I didn't understand was how a bunch of dead who couldn't swim managed to secure chains to and hoist the dragon from the water. I am also unsure as to whether the dragon that is now under the control of the Night's King is breathing fire or ice or what. Say what you like about Cersei but the plot will find a way for her to impress with some unexpected display of wickedness. Don't know what to expect. Maybe there's scope for both Targaryen and Lannister to put aside their differences and unite under a common cause. Perhaps "Let's Unite In Our Fight Against The King of The Night And Then For Our Right To Incestuous Delights" can be their motto. I wonder if Arya is the warrior to take out The Mountain on behalf of The Hound? Thoroughly enjoying it all and look forward to the next season.
  22. A'Villan


    Mine don't pong anymore, haven't for years. If I ever wanted to use them for the sake of chemical warfare I'd be useless. I suppose I could free up a seat or two on public transport with a rip-snorter because people will still associate the sound with a bad smell but it will be placebo effect at best as mine won't make your nostrils twinge or make you want to gag. I enjoy a good amount of control over the acoustics though. Can play 'em like the trumpet to be heard from across the street or ease them out in stealth mode if I so choose.
  23. Wish him a speedy recovery. Scored 14 goals last season and the Birmingham match shows that he is capable of emulating that again this season with a run in the side.
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