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Everything posted by A'Villan

  1. Plotting the next cookie raid. I like it. Much more important business than recruiting players. Cookie monster for the Aston Villa boardroom!
  2. Yeah, I've got to put my hand up and own that one. Thanks for pulling me up on it too. She's told me not to stress and asked if she can contact me over the weekend, as the funeral is on Monday and her family is priority currently. Understandable to say the least. Full credit to her for being forgiving and willing to put it to the side to see if something worthwhile comes.
  3. He's got you walking around with a permanent pitched tent, hasn't he? If a bloke can't get loose a few times a year to wind down from the demands and routine of any profession without being judged for it.. Well, some people need to buy a bag of cement and harden the f*** up, cause it'll happen anyway and your negativity isn't exactly insightful. Next, buy a bag of feathers and lighten the f*** up, if a headline has you outraged over someone of age having a night out, the night out is the lesser of the two evils..
  4. Just confirming this old bearded guy was on a bridge and not under it?
  5. I don't watch the MLS so I'm not in any position to have an opinion. I understand they have an import system. Yes, money talks, and they all were at the tail end of their career, but we are talking about greats of the game here. Anyone of them would of walked into any championship team at the time they joined the MLS. But as I said I understand the import system and that money talks. I'll take your word for it that the championship is better.
  6. Beckham, Thierry Henry, Ibrahimovic, Rooney, Kaka, Drogba, Pirlo, David Villa, Schweinsteigger, Lampard, Ashley Cole all have graced the MLS. The championship saw a 37 year old John Terry and that was a massive coup.
  7. MLS #19 in the world Championship #20 in the world A-League #61 in the world (so you see why McCormack slotted in nicely)
  8. I've never really known the ocean of motion that is life to be smooth going.. I've not met a leader or captain who's never been conflicted in the decision making process. I've certainly never met someone who is exempt from being involved in conflict at some level. Friendship is the most valuable experience a person can have, it might be the only thing you'll never forget. My Grandma has dementia and is in a ward. She doesn't remember that she owns a house. She has no belongings she remembers as her own. But every time I walk in to greet her, she starts reciting a poem in Greek about my beard. I speak a few words of Greek, she knows little English. But our bond endures despite her having dementia and forgetting that I can't speak Greek literally every minute or so. I have to try and come up with a response that won't offend her or confuse her or make her try harder to convey her message, every minute.. It's not like it used to be when she would call me Levendi, and knew enough English to tell me that's what I was and it meant strong, honest boy. It was either that, or, "you hungry?" and she would serve up some of the tastiest Greek cuisine. She took care of the family, and now it's our turn to take care of her at times, that's what friends are for. It's challenging at times, and I don't even have to help her with the toilet or change her nappy. Sorry massive digression and on a tangent about my own stuff, but I want to reiterate don't listen to the naysayers. Trust yourself. If there's only one thing and one thing only that every successful person has in common, it's that they trust in their ability. They aren't afraid to trust their intuition and they aren't afraid to fail and make mistakes, not because they don't experience fear or discomfort, because they don't live in it. Same goes for relationships. If you can't swim and learn to navigate around pitfalls then you're only going to tread water so long before you drown in your relationship problems. Don't really know where I'm going with this anymore, but it's good to hear that some of the aggression has gone from the dynamic. Might be a golden opportunity to work through some stuff. I nearly lost the use of my good hand because I punched through a window out of frustration during a heated argument. They're not the most productive exchanges.
  9. I think we have a proper football coach in Dean Smith. He has mentioned in more than one interview his desire to work with the ball wherever possible. That statement, accompanied by another one he made in regards to players being developed to execute an array of technique as well as tactics. You can tell he is really setting the standards to 'anything's possible' for what teams that play under him can achieve and aspire to. As long as the vision is there and the work done. If what you have described is a fair reflection of the match, which as far as I could see it is, then it's apparent that Smith has an emphasis on teamwork and tactics within a strategy.
  10. Commentary on quality has it's place. MLS is now ranked as a better league than the championship, and I read our opponents aren't doing too badly over there. Whilst I'm unaware of the ins and outs of the match, aside from 5 minutes of highlights, the caliber of opponent does give us some understanding for our position. For example if the quality was to a high standard, and our team was still able to execute with technical and tactical skill combined, we can be assured preparation is coming along. If the quality of game was poor, and our players were unable to execute their technique and tactics as we had strategised, then the degree of improvement will need to be greater. Seems like it was a good day out.
  11. Snippet of text from my highlights reel video from last Saturday's game. I edited out my real name. We are the highest scoring team in the division and are sitting second on the ladder. Great start to the season as a team, I started slowly but scored double digits in the last two. Organised serious workouts with some established Aussie athletes next week and beyond. The truth is I should be scoring 40 points a game. I score 10 in the first quarter frequently, only for my fitness levels to let me down from there. Hence the serious upcoming workouts. They say I'm very tactical, which is a compliment but only reminds me that it is my reading of the game that allows me to stay competitive over 40 minutes. Fitness is painfully poor. If my fitness levels were anywhere near where I want them to be, they'd be seeing a lot more of my technical game. I shot at over 70% last game, didn't misplace a pass, including one around the back dime through traffic to an open shooter, another a weighted lob over the D to a baseline cut. I brought the ball up roughly a quarter of the time, wasn't stripped of possession once. I put that down to a combination of decent handles and making reads. Had a drive through three defenders, when I met the third I threw a dummy pass to throw a 6'10 dude and he went for it, was fouled as I scored the lay in by a trail defender. I might not be a flair player, and you will rarely see me drive at the rim with multiple defenders protecting it, that's probably why they call me tactical. Probably the biggest compliment I got was just today from a veteran, he said I have a very deliberate and decisive game, always under control. Honestly if I get my fitness to where it needs to be for the top tier, I can smell it. I've played on the same team as dudes who had trials with NBA teams. The difference between me and them is, they can hold it down for 40 minutes reliably. I can't. I don't have the stamina for it, final energy reserves are for not being a defensive liability.
  12. That's quite a beautiful analogy. I'm glad when the going got tough, the tough got going and you are still a couple. It could be the cynic in me but I'm pretty confident some of if not most of the feedback you received on here was to move on? I'm not saying there doesn't come a time when that decision is for the best. I just feel like it's so easy an option to choose, to give up if it's not working. There's always the option to keep the dialogue open and try something different, as opposed to being headstrong and stubborn about how we think and feel. I think it's admirable when partners can push through and work through the difficult times and remain amicable and good-willed, despite the issues and obstacles they face.
  13. I'd of thought that the people employed to embody the concept of justice and give it meaning through their deeds, would need that education and tutelage as a prerequisite. Otherwise the whole exercise is redundant as it can't serve the intended purpose and becomes meaningless. It really is depressing. All over some cigarettes? The Ramsey Orta story is equally concerning. When you have a criminal like Orta responsible for exposing the misconduct of police it raises some questions about how it all works and why it is that way. The facade of there being a trustworthy and accountable institution in protecting the people withers away when you inspect the culture, protocol and policy of the authorities. At least Orta can discuss his criminal background and upbringing which creates understanding that can lead to learning. The denial and unequivocal stance about responsibility in any wrong-doing from the government and the institutions that belong to it is farcical. It's meant to prevent and detect crime, full stop. Not be a perpetrator that uses power and authority to overlook malignant behaviour depending on who's responsible.
  14. Justice. I thought it meant honourable and fair in one's dealings.
  15. Keep It Simple Stupid It's pretty straightforward. We're talking about two nutters (myself and anyone willing to date me) trying to organise a date with each other. What could go wrong? I always enjoy the company of good women when I go out to a pub or bar (or back when it was a club) as things move along pretty naturally as you're sharing the moment together. This might be an unwelcome comment, but I feel like you have shared the part of your relationship which was smooth sailing and didn't require much mental energy. However you have mentioned earlier in another discussion the difficulties that have also had to be endured in your relationship. Dad says I demand a lot of people and have always taken my relationships with women seriously. I'm quite conscious of that. That doesn't mean I can't embrace light-hearted fun. Castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually.
  16. Leadership roles should be heavily scrutinised and not a power privilege. I'm sure Dean Smith relished the opportunity to prove himself worthy.
  17. Well, this one is hard to deny. You have got me good here pal. Those eyes of yours staring me down have got me figured. In fairness to me, I am full time at uni, playing basketball professionally and also working as well as volunteering. I think I'm entitled to allow myself some down time, even if it's posting thesis length posts on a football forum. And not to mention that I have never pretended to be too busy to meet her, unless it directly conflicted with other arrangements. I know @lapal_fan your humour game is strong, so forgive me for the defensive reply. But that's what you get for picking on me. Ha!
  18. If Federer is notable for doing it at the age he's at, then step forward.. Michael Jordan averaged 20ppg at the age of 40. That's more than the majority do in their prime. You don't even know how good this guy was. A university lecturer of mine said that MJ was underrated, and I agree. What he did for Chicago has created the greatest dynasty known to basketball. Possibly to all ball or team sport. He defied and conquered so many ensembles who were bound for the NBA title, a legacy of greatness and a dynasty of their own, only to fall short as Jordan rose above and beyond. Simply the greatest athlete of all time in my view. He was art. To compare him with LeBron James, or any other basketballer, is like comparing say Andre Agassi to Federer. Both greats. One is just at another level of greatness. I think in terms of difficulty of achievement and influence on any given match, Jordan is better than both Messi and Ronaldo. 6 Finals MVP's and 5 NBA MVP's for Jordan is the equivalent of 5 ballon d'or successes for Messi. Jordan took what started with a poor Bulls side and won six NBA championships, Messi won four Champions Leagues victories with a club who have a monopoly on the game. Not to mention NBA seasons are 82 games long for the regular season. I could go on but I won't
  19. I do find the anticipation that leads to premature conclusions being made about the scenario slightly confusing. What can you expect to know with concrete certainty before it is made that way itself? Regardless of how frequently you check for updates. I'm reliant on whatever I can source on the net and VT for my Villa related information, which goes without saying is never first hand. I have never found conjecture to be insightful or accurate unless remarkably intuitive and formed solely on the little evidence available. And believe me, sifting through Villa related content during the transfer window can make one very familiar with conjecture. I'm hoping this one goes through, but I'm not in a position to say when it should go through.
  20. I can be a bit direct and as a result seemingly tactless because I say what I think before I've taken the time to process how that may come across. If she knew what I meant, she'd know that my message was simply to with her the best genuinely, but that I wouldn't be contacting her again. Life is often harsh and unfair, and that is why I try to be kind and forgiving whenever I can. It's interesting though, how people rise to the occasion when challenged. I didn't want to walk on eggshells because she was dealing with something unfortunate. I thought it better to let her know my position than give any false impressions. I got more honest dialogue out of her just today than I have from the weeks of conversation we've had leading up to now. And the thing is I feel for her loss. That's tragic and I wouldn't be apathetic towards anyone dealing with that. However there is always time for expressing oneself honestly. I'm glad we've established both of us made assumptions rather than making certain through an open dialogue. She has said that she really likes my vibe and can tell that I'm 'spiritual', which was a nice compliment as I am interested in spirituality, whether I'm wholesome or not. She also stated that she understands the assumptions I made were elicited by her behaviour, which says she has character to own that, and that my words weren't unwarranted. I'd be open to seeing her, but without anything concrete on the horizon, I feel it best to leave her to it for now.
  21. So this girl has gone off at me with an obvious chip on her shoulder about my antics prior to my last message. She says it is me who is clearly too busy to meet and that I was passive aggressive in my reply to her in regards to her having a death in the family. It's hard to know if she's self aware and telling it as it is, or someone who is just defending themselves to save face, or whatever. I have to trust that she is as I would be and trying to make something happen whilst doing the best to ensure not to lead others astray. I've obviously offended her in any case. I can see how too.
  22. This is the deal I wait in anticipation for most. The reason being I think we would have bought ourselves a talent to rival Grealish's. This is a player who will compliment McGinn and Grealish, allowing both to play the role they became familiar with and excelled in. I believe (and it's obvious) DL has the potential, he only has one final hurdle to make Brazil's senior team, he wants to be on the field. A midfield of McGinn and Grealish will solidify his ability as well, and everyone at Villa will help shape him as a man who will achieve. It's not like we are paying 30million for a championship proven player, we are paying for a Brazilian captain, proven in Serie A in Brazil and La Liga, meant to be understudy to one of the PL's best holding midfielders in Fernandinho. The only issue with that being that this kid is too good for promises that might not eventuate and won't be sidelined at City as he comes of age.
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