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Everything posted by Chine

  1. That’s some pic !, the poetry of Don Unai football
  2. Chine


    We were here in the summer and tbh it was great fun although definitely not wall to wall sunshine !!, this weather has been extreme though so I won’t hold it against the place . Looking around the island I should imagine not a lot has changed since you were here cruising in the Granada !
  3. Chine


    We are still in the Isle of Wight , we had a few dry hours this morning and we are now getting battered by heavy rain again . We went down to the seafront at Shanklin today the sea level is very high and coming over the wall even before high tide ,we could see a lot of cargo / freight ships all stationary out at sea no doubt waiting for a few days until this next storm passes by , quite a few unfortunate people with flooded properties already , gonna be a rough few days
  4. Chine

    Formula One - 2023

    We have , although always interested in the results just cannot keep watching the procession, hopefully nest season it will become competitive again
  5. Chine


    Bravo sir , plenty of Chine’s to visit here although we haven’t been to Blackgang yet , I think we are due a better couple of days weather before the next storm comes in on Wednesday/ Thursday
  6. Chine


    I’m currently in the Isle of Wight, the weather has been pap , lots of heavy rain , hailstorm today very windy and quite a few flooded roads
  7. Bosh !! That would do nicely UTV !!
  8. Just checking you’re ok ? That sounds like a serious challenge
  9. Superb tonight, I’ll admit I’ve had my doubts but hopefully being in a squad that is performing like it is and Unai’s coaching lighting his touch paper hel really push on
  10. Jobe just said on sky sports news “ yes they need a win , don’t know how long the owners will give him , it’s not a long term project they want it now “ ….. hilarious stuff
  11. Chine

    Getting older

    It’s just 2 small screws on the bottom and then unhooks from the backplate , only a 1 minute job
  12. I hope we go strong and get the tie finished early ,then start changing a few
  13. What a bellend , keeps on slipping in and out of accents , typical granny shagger ,thick as shit . Fk off back to your dog bowl of a ground. mate
  14. Chine

    Getting older

    Getting old or going round the twist ? I took our ring doorbell into the kitchen to charge it up yesterday , I charge it camera side down so it doesn’t keep alerting me with its little jingle that someone has been detected, it had been charging for a few hours so I turned it over to check on its progress. My phone was on the dining room table and started its person detection jingle , I proceeded to put down the doorbell and go and open the front door ,I looked up and down the road and no one in sight , I came back into the kitchen puzzled as to why it went off , then I realised
  15. Chine


    Quite partial to traditional style baseball caps not the flat peak ears tucked in ones, I have quite a few in dark colours not bright flash ones
  16. It’s been open a while now , full calendar of local school fixtures and district football for inner city schools along with our u7s development groups . There are a few Academy fixtures now held there also
  17. Chine

    Ezri Konsa

    Time to move on from England for Ezri , cocknose is going nowhere yet. Hopefully the wheels are in motion for Portugal
  18. I fkn love it , dirty bastards on the slide … mate
  19. Got home today just in time for KO , the noise today sounded amazing on TV, must have been a fantastic atmosphere!! UTV!
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