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Everything posted by andyjsg

  1. Took the kids to Spies In Disguise and it was quite fun. Also watched the Hellboy Reboot on Netflix - turgid shite!
  2. It only went in because he smashed it so hard against the keeper
  3. I have a feeling if the team play well and he has the players around him, Doug will be excellent but while we are doing what we are currently doing he will do his best impersonation of a headless chicken
  4. I agree it’s excellent, really enjoyed it. Although I enjoyed TROS too but it’s certainly the weakest of the new trilogy.
  5. Disagree, certainly something showing up in my Social media feeds all the time. Next you are going to tell me this place isn’t one of the echo chambers
  6. As soon as you start talking about nationalising stuff like water and power you have gone full Marxism. You may have me on board for rail (excuse the pun) but the rest seem ridiculous to me. They see Corbyn and his pals and they see 1970s Russia but without the military, they see us becoming the next Greece. Maybe if they looked outside their echo chamber they may see what people want, centrist politics and to be able to define it rather than calling anyone who doesn’t agree with them a nazi or evil etc.
  7. I’m not sure that’s true, you underestimate how anti-Corbyn and his policies people are. Give me a Tom Watson type and I would of probably shifted my vote for the first time in 20 years.
  8. I had a plane movie session this weekend too: Parasite - Yes liked that a lot - can see why it has won awards Ready or Not - Plenty of fun, worth a watch Angel Has Fallen - Well its not as bad a X-men: Dark Phoenix....
  9. I enjoyed both episodes of Mandalorian and can’t wait for next week.
  10. Only movie that’s made me cry with laughter this year.
  11. Yeah I’m impressed with the catalogue of films. I went the VPN route
  12. I enjoyed it, looking forward to next one on Friday
  13. Not the case, it was released nightly last week. I quite enjoyed it.
  14. You are right I may have assumed your bias against him because you are so wrong on this point.
  15. Again watch it back the ball was sent short he had to stretch for it. I think some people watch a different game, just caught up in their hatred of players. I’m no fan of Taylor, but he was one of the reasons he came back into the game today.
  16. Nope, short ball from McGinn and then Luiz can take most of the fault for the remaining. Luiz and McGinn were easily our worse players today.
  17. andyjsg


    Both. Do easy long and intervals and you will see an improvement. i managed a 2 for 2 on world records. I was at Berlin when Eliud smashed it last year and in Chicago this year. Shame I didn’t turn up To perform at either but it is what it is. Been a bad year for injuries for me, got another marathon in a few weeks but my injuries seem to be getting worse not better.
  18. I took my boys to the Villa v Wolves the season before last, one was 4 the other 6 and the 4 year old loved it and the 6 year old was bored and even now the younger one is more likely to sit and watch it with me on tv. I may drag them along with me in the next few weeks. My Dad kept dragging me along when I was their age and I liked Liverpool like my friends at the time (I come from Basingstoke so neither is local) but he soon showed me that not watching a successful team is far more fun
  19. I agree on the sizing, the main kit medium is maybe a little smaller than normal, but I’m in good nick at the moment from lots of running and the medium training top is pretty tight.
  20. Difficult one this as is it direct athleticism, so people like Indurain or Kipchoge or how successful in their sport like Brady?
  21. Haters gonna hate (especially if they are old and white) I liked the Mulan trailer.
  22. Its the original stories that they have a limited license on I think. Either way all quite cynical. Saying that I enjoyed Aladdin and I'm all up for the Lion King tech demo.
  23. As far as I understand this is also something to do with licensing (or at least Dumbo, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast is) and having to make the movies to renew it.
  24. Im not surprised really, until Monday we had one centre back and he is going to struggle to play multiple times a week so having at least 4 CBs seems smart to me. Still need more bodies in....
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