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Everything posted by andyjsg

  1. andyjsg


    Either that if just get older and try and run the same speed, sadly I'm only a year off the next GFA time :-) As for VLM well I think I've got the arse with the long runs, so taper came at a good time. My speed sessions say I'm in the best condition I've ever been in, so hopefully my body is ready, I've run like 1200 miles since mid-December so it had better be. I guess even if it does go belly up at least I have new PBs at half marathon and 5K in this training cycle.
  2. andyjsg


    Some great running from the guys, within a couple of mins of each other at half way and on for some great times.
  3. andyjsg


    God I hate the day after a long run, I found today's 4 miles harder than yesterday's 22. good luck guys for sunday, I'm sure you will smash it.
  4. andyjsg


    Going to do my last over 20 tomorrow morning up a canal toe path again to try and save the destruction to my poor glutes and back. Racing and lots of speed work has made things uncomfortable and niggly, so unlikely I will do more racing before VLM.
  5. andyjsg


    A week out from Manchester, how are we all doing? I have a week left before my final 22m run and then taper, feeling strong at the moment so really starting to look forward to VLM.
  6. andyjsg


    Well done Steve, great time - looking strong for Manchester. 5 weeks?
  7. andyjsg


    Yup, pretty horrid yesterday morning - the rain hurt!!
  8. andyjsg


    Dont we all use metrics now? :-) Strava has converted me.
  9. andyjsg


    39km up a canal path.
  10. andyjsg


    I had quite a bad strain this time last year after of all things pushing a full trolley at Costco. Once it got to a manageable point where it felt more tight than painful I was able to do easy runs fine but no speed work. i hate swimming but going to go at lunchtime for some active recovery after my longest ever training run yesterday.
  11. andyjsg


    I actually have levels for this depending on my condition. Legs mullered from racing/training - see cheaper sports masseuse Legs, Back, everything a bit of a mess but not injured - see experienced masseuse Broken - see the physio.
  12. andyjsg


    I like to do static stretching after a couple of mile warm-up as otherwise I tend to have issues and basically all my current injury woes have basically come from not doing enough stretching generally. I suffer mostly with either hip or back issues. Finally got my years race plans in place as got accepted to the New York Marathon in November (actually got in on my half marathon time from last year) so a nice Marathon Major Double for the season.
  13. andyjsg


    Dont have time, too much running :-) Ive actually dropped it down a peg as was falling apart last week, but lots of stretching and Ive stopped actively trying to cut calories (because thinking about its ridiculous to do so when you are running 70 miles a week) and I feel like Ive got game again. We have a 20 mile race down this way at the weekend and most with spring marathons use it as prep, Im doing 14 at marathon pace with 3 warm up and 3 warm down. How is everyone else getting on, good sign on the half Paul, I actually saw a bit of that race on facebook as Sussex Photography were live streaming in places.
  14. andyjsg


    My stomach issues really do depend on the type of food and how hydrated I am and Ive found recently when doing XC racing that an early morning 5k to get err cleared out before racing at 11 seems to help. So this week Ive definately been cracking under the mileage, ended up with 86.5 miles but I wont be going ths high again, I decided to try and keep the long run distances from the plan, but knock 8 miles a week off the junk stuff so I can have an easy day at least once a week.
  15. andyjsg


    Hows everyone getting on this week? Some serious mileage from @SteveMac, are you on the P&F training as well? Ive been bouncing my mileage around a bit to suit racing and also doing longer runs just to be socialble, certainly been feeling the mileage....
  16. andyjsg


    I watched a tv show on that on Eurosport or Bike and thought it looked like a fantastic race (it had Mario Mola racing it). Ive done the half Ironman (the one where they shut down Alcudia main street for the transition) in Mallorca and thought it was fantastic. Im actually over there at the same time as the half Ironman this year on a cycling holiday, I would of signed up for the giggles if there had been normal spaces available. Im having that joyous feeling today where the 5 miles Ive just done felt like a huge effort and Im running 20 tomorrow morning....
  17. andyjsg


    I do one specifc Strength Session a week with an instructor (mainly for form and to stop me from hurting myself) and additional strength and stretching and also a sports massage usually once every two weeks, although one a week the last couple of weeks as the racing has caused a few issues. Wether I do lots of mileage or little, its usually the fast stuff that causes the most issues.
  18. andyjsg


    Mine are chained to the floor in my garage for this reason!! Gonna be 70 miles running for the week by the time Im done tomorrow - thats the longest Ive done I think (certainly for a training week, rather than 7 days) and its still got plenty more to go up over next couple of months. At least I seem to be "on it" at the moment and finally did a post-xmas weigh in and turns out Ive lost 5 pounds since my last weigh in at beginning of december, another 9 pounds to go for "racing weight" (170lb = approx 11-12% Body Fat). As for wetsuits, yes please get a proper racing wet suit otherwise you will struggle quite badly and get some serious chafing for good measure. Plenty going cheap recently too, look at 2XU, Orca, Huub, BlueSeventy etc. I know sportpursuit had Huub on offer recently so could be an option or maybe Wiggle or Chainreaction.
  19. andyjsg


    Ta for the heads up on the Salomon stuff, I got one of the ultra vests to assist with marathon training.
  20. andyjsg


    Seems I can't out run my sweet tooth :-) Gutted, nearly ran my first sub 18 5K for the first time since the spring, but slid over on the last corner (they ended up moving the course after another 3 fell) and did 18:07. But generally quite pleased after 60 miles in my legs from this week. Anyway, merry Xmas peeps, who else is out for an early morning guilt run first thing tomorrow?
  21. andyjsg


    Very true. Today I found out it isn't fun running longish distances when it's blowing a gale, I'm seriously knackered now, I need a sleep.
  22. andyjsg


    Also I couldn't think of anything worse than running on a treadmill. I'm aiming to try and do as much XC running as possible. It's harder work (or slower as case maybe) but better on the bones and long term makes you quite strong. Just have to be careful and not pick technical paths.
  23. andyjsg


    My PB is still off of 3 long runs, this time I'm going the opposite route and again I'm interested to see what happens. I have some rules like if I want to cycle I have to replace a run etc.
  24. andyjsg


    Specific plan, although unsure of its exact origin as one that has come from people at my club, I did a lower mile version last time although started it at about 12 weeks as came into the group late. Its kind of a case of do one long run, one medium run, at least one speed session of sorts and make the rest of the miles up with recovery runs etc. So this week it has 65 miles with a 17 and a 12 and then 16mins + 4 rec + 12mins at Lactate threshold pace - tough session 2 days into marathon training and especially if you are like me and did your long run the day before. Im especially looking forward to week beginning 27th Feb, 87 miles with 24 and 15 and 7 miles at lactate threshold pace.
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